Title: NotforProfit
1Fitness Counts!
A Program of YMCA Community Services Funded by
Carol M White PEP Grant
April 13th, 2006 Obesity Symposium, Cal State
University Fullerton
2Program Goals
Capacity of teachers to deliver PE activities
of time students participate in physical
activities of students meeting standards
3Program Elements
- Targets high risk areas
- Santa Ana Fullerton
- Trains and supports elementary and after-school
teachers - Evidence-based PE programs (CATCH)
- Collaborative
- Provides equipment 32 schools
- Community outreach and awareness
4Implementation Challenges
Teachers are overwhelmed Creating initial
buy-in Learning the individual school
environment Learning to be flexible Equipment
5Fitness Counts! 18 Month Progress Report
- Over 300 Teachers and After School Staff Trained.
- 8 Santa Ana Schools
- 7 Fullerton Schools (includes 4 after-school)
- Equipment at all 15 school sites
- Teachers reporting behavior, attention and
positive social interaction. - Demand for training
6Before I was trained I was struggling to
provide an effective PE program for my
students I am grateful to the YMCA for providing
a training that drastically improved my PE
program. All my students now enjoy our PE time
and they are all active during our daily 30
minutes - Davis Elementary School Teacher
7Fitness Counts!
- A Program of
- YMCA Community Services
- Funded by
- Carol M White PEP Grant