Title: Robert Lewis
1Robert Lewis
2History of the Master
- A) He was a middle citizen. His mother was the
one that inspired him in Acting. When he was a
kid he studied cello and piano. That led to
acting. - B) He first started to direct musicals and
operas. Then he was in a group called New York
Revolutionary Group. They explored the inner
processes of theater. He was in many group
theaters. - C) There was many plays that he was in the 1930s
Awake and Sing, Waiting for Lefty exc.
3History of the method
- A) Stanislavski system was created in the 1800s.
- B) Robert Lewis was the man that brought this
method to American acting. It was created so
actor can control human behavior.
4Overview of the method
- A) It is constructed into steps before going on
stage. - Step 1Relax and Energize
- Step 2Body Work
- Step 3Concentration
- Step 4Imagination
- Step 5Sensory Perception
- Step 6Intention
- Step 7Improvisation
5B) It is applied in plays. C) This method will
help one get in to character by them figuring out
how they are going to do this character not
what or why. D) An actor uses this method by
concentrating on only their character and on
nothing else. E) This method is usually taught in
class rooms.
A) One benefit this method has in that you do not
need any objects or a script with you. This
method will not take the whole day to perform. If
you are stressed out this method should be able
to calm you down. B) One disadvantage this
method has is that you are going to need a group
of people. Also it would be better to use this
method in a quiet setting.
My opinion about this method is it could be very
helpful for people to get into character. Or they
are trying to find out why their character is
doing a certain action. But I think that I would
not use this method because it is only
concentrating on one aspect of acting. Robert
Lewis I think that he was a brilliant man because
he found a way for a person to get into a
character without studying it for a long time.