PORTO DI TRIESTE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RFID tagging of trailers for automatic identification through EPC global ... Sharing of vehicle, cargo and driver information with customs and public ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Monitoring Intermodal Flows at thePort of
Trieste an UHF RFID ApplicationGiovanni Grieco,
CAEN RFIDPaolo Paganelli, Insiel5th PROMIT
Workshop on Intermodal Transport Across
BordersBologna, 20-21 November 2007
Monitoring the flow of goods in real timewho is
(should be) interested and why
  • Logistic Operators
  • Resources optimization
  • Exceptions management
  • Customer service
  • Industry
  • Supply chain visibility
  • Product tracking
  • Customer service

Goodson the move
  • Infrastructures
  • Traffic planning
  • Accidents and congestionprevention
  • Users service
  • Authorities
  • Security and public safety
  • Customs control
  • Simplified procedures

Main obstacles to technical feasibility appear
as removed (or close to)
  • Technologies for identification (RFID),
    positioning (GNSS) and ubiquitous wireless
  • Service Oriented Architectures and
    interoperability platforms, supporting data
    interchange and collaboration processes between
    actors in the supply chain.
  • Standards such as GS1 EPC Global, providing the
    necessary reference and support for RFID-based
    goods identification, as well as a reference
    architecture (the EPC Global Network) for
    tracking and managing information on RFID-tagged
    items on a global scale.

Monitoring goods on the move still a patchwork
Area not covered by current solutions
Detail level
Track Trace
Fleet mgmt,Traffic control
Single-stakeholder perspective
  • Industry
  • Focus on a specific supply-chain nodes (company
    plants, warehouses).
  • Limited visibility on transport and logistic
  • Very limited contribution of information from
  • Logistic service providers
  • Focus on an individual route.
  • Lack of integrated information across operators
    for multimodal door-to-door transport.
  • Lack of item details.
  • Infrastructures and authorities
  • Focus on a specific area or infrastructure, for
    traffic management and security purposes.
  • Transit monitoring and certification seen as yet
    another e-Government platform (why not sharing
    fine-grained data with industry and logistic
    service providers?)

The main obstacles are not technical
  • Data protection concerns
  • Shared platforms have failed in the past for lack
    of data committed by the commercial parties
    involved (e.g., web based centralized reservation
  • Unclear cost and benefit allocation
  • RFID and wireless technology investments are easy
    to evaluate locally, much less in distributed
  • Standard adoption is not an attractive investment
    per se
  • RFID tagging responsibility tends to be up to
    no-one (typically transferred upwards in the
    supply chain).
  • ? Result Localized systems that work, Shared
    platforms that fail to achieve critical mass.

An example of multi-stakeholder approachThe SEC
project in Friuli Venezia Giulia
  • Tracking of trailers at a Regional level
  • RFID tagging of trailers for automatic
    identification through EPC global information
  • Sharing of vehicle IDs, driver and cargo
    information through integration with relevant
    players in the transport chain (shippers,
    terminals, motorways, ..).
  • Monitoring of relevant events (transit, load,
    unload, ..) through RFID readers positioned at
    gates and in the terminal areas.
  • Real-time integration with shippers and carriers
    systems to synchronize vehicle movements with
    terminal and ship operations.
  • Sharing of vehicle, cargo and driver information
    with customs and public authorities for security
  • Benefits
  • Real-time monitoring of flows and terminal
  • Security management.
  • Speed-up of administrative, security and
    healthcare controls.
  • (potential) tracking support for end users.

Operation of the SEC regional platform
Security control data
Data on carrier, shipper, container, goods
Real-time data (transit, entrance, exit, load,
Port entrance
Motorway gates (Lisert)
Embark or park instructions
Port terminals(Samer ROROl)
Land Terminal (Fernetti)
Pre-booking, priority reservation
Movements in real time
Availability for pre-booking
The RFID application in SEC
  • An RFID tag will be applied on the trailers and
    road-tractors that need to be tracked. The tag
    includes a microchip holding various data,
    including a code (ID) that univocally identifies
    the trailer, tractor or container.

The Tag or Transponder
  • RFID tags can be passive, active or semi-active.
    Passive tags are the less expensive and easy to
    install. Since they have no battery, they do not
    need to be replaced over time.

What is RFID?
  • RFID means Radio Frequency IDentification
  • RFID is an Analog to Digital Converter technology
    that uses Radio-Frequency waves to transfer data
    between a reader and a movable item to identify,
    categorize, track...
  • RFID is fast, reliable, and does not require
    physical sight or contact between reader/scanner
    and the tagged item

A little bit of history
  • RFID technology was used for the first time from
    RAF during the Second World War with IFF
    (Identification Friend or Foe) purposes
  • Late 60s Personnel identification in nuclear
  • 1977 Los Alamos laboratories disclose the
    technology to the public
  • 80s First passive Tags and commercial
  • 2000 First Standards and interests from the
    big corporations

Components of an RFID system
  • The TAG or TRANSPONDERlocated on the object to
    be identified
  • The READER or INTERROGATOR which can read/write
    the transponder
  • The physical environment
  • The IT infrastructure
  • An RFID system includes at least four components

Server/ Enterprise Resource Planner
IT Infrastructure
What is a Reader?
  • A reader is a device that is used to communicate
    with a RFID Tag
  • The reader has two basic components
  • A scanning antenna
  • A transceiver with a decoder to interpret the
  • Can implement anti-collision algorithms

What is a Tag?
  • A Tag is a transponder which receives a radio
    signal and in response to it sends out another
    radio signal
  • Tag contains an antenna and a chip that can store

Active Tag transmits radio signal Internally
powered memory, radio circuitry High Read Range
(up to 100 meters) Passive Tag reflects radio
signal from reader Reader powered Medium Read
Range (up to 10 meters) Semi Passive Power
Source used to keep alive some circuitry RF
circuit is not powered by this source
Active Tag
Metal-Mount Tag
Temperature Logger
Why so much interest in RFID?
  • After September 11th the Security/Access control
    sector of the RFID has been growing in an
    exponential way
  • UHF solves distance issues previously unsolved
    with LF/HF RFID
  • Wal-Mart, DoD, Metro have been pushing their top
    100 suppliers to adopt RFID at the pallet/case
  • The RFID market belongs to the fastest growing
    sector in radio technology industry
  • Analysts believe that RFID will be the 3rd IT
    Revolution after the Personal Computer and the
    Mobile Phones

What are the most important benefits of RFID?
  • Cost Reduction
  • Flow Process Efficiency
  • Shipping Accuracy
  • Improved inventory management
  • Freight Traceability (Government Regulations)
  • Quality Assurance
  • Data Sharing between players

Shifting the focus from the platform to the
cargo itselfThe EURIDICE project
European Inter-Disciplinary Research on
Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and
Environment-friendly Logistics
  • Large scale integrated project (IP) approved in
    the 1st call of the 7th EU Framework Program FP,
    ICT for Transport area.
  • 22 partners from 9 countries, coordinated by
  • EURIDICE aims at providing information services
    centered on the individual cargo item and on its
    current interaction with the surrounding
    environment and the user.
  • The project is planned for start on January 2008,
    has a duration of three years and a budget of 14
    millions euro.

The EURIDICE consortium
EURIDICE objectives
  • Supporting the interaction of individual cargo
    items with the surrounding environment and users
    on the field, through on the fly combination of
    services from multiple stakeholders (shippers,
    carriers, infrastructures).
  • Improving logistic performances through the
    application of intelligent cargo concepts and
    technologies in the working practices of
    operators and industrial users.
  • Developing collaborative business models for an
    intelligent cargo infrastructure to be
    established, sustained and fed with appropriate
  • Realizing more secure and environment friendly
    transport chains through the adoption of
    intelligent cargo to support modal shift and
    door-to-door intermodal services.

The intelligent cargo concept
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