Title: SpaceCap
- BR Software for
- Electronic Notification of
- Alphanumerical Data
Veronica Román, BR/IAP/STS
2Electronic Notification
3SNS Database Structure
4SpaceCap Components
- Electronic Form Templates
- Export
- Clone
- Validation
- Online Validation
- Validation Correction mode
5SpaceCap Components
- Other tools you might find useful
- Cost Recovery Analysis
- Date2C Wizard
- Group Common Data Wizard
- Group Correction
- RS49 Wizard
6SpaceCap Form Templates
Data Saved to current Capture database
7SpaceCap Components
- SpaceCap has Form Templates for
- AP4/II Satellite Network
- AP4/III Earth Station
- AP4/IV RadioAstronomy
- AP4/V Advance Publication
- AP4/VI Advance Publication
- Due Diligence (Resolution 49)
- AP30/30A/30B Space Plans
8Electronic Forms of Notice
- Based on Paper Forms of Notice
- CR 65 (AP4 Space/Earth Stations)
- CR 86 (AP4 Advance Publication)
- CR 107 (AP4 RadioAstronomy)
- CR 96 (Resolution 49)
- CR 158 (Appendices 30/30A)
9SpaceCap Components
- Export
- Existing electronic filing from any srs version 5
database to another - Export from the SRS.mdb to a capture.mdb
- Clone
- Clone an electronic filing
- Clone a filing as a mod
- Sets up target ntc_id and target grp_ids
- Clone any part of an electronic filing
- A beam, a group, e_as_stn
10Export Utility
Select Notice(s)
If target database does not exist it will be
11Clone Utility
Select Notice
Drag it to the Clone Control
- Clone as a mod
- Sets target ntc_id and grp_ids
12SpaceCap Components
- Validation Modes
- Online Validation
- Validate as you capture
- Applies basic validation rules
- Is data mandatory
- Is value in the range of valid values
- Validation Correction mode
- View SpaceVal Validation Error report
- Correct Validation Errors
131. Validation OnlineOnline Validation
- Validates data on the current form
- is mandatory data present
- is data in range of valid values
14Online Validation
- When validation finds no errors in the data on
the current form you will receive this message
152. Validation Correction
161. Validation Error Report
See Validation Rule
Print Validation Report
17 18Validation Correction
See Validation Rule
2. Correct errors
1. View Validation Errors
19SpaceCap Components
- Cost Recovery Analysis
- Examines each group within the notice calculates
number of cost recovery units and determines the
Cost Recovery Category of the notice.
20Cost Recovery Analysis
21SpaceCap Tools
- Group Common Data Wizard
- Tool designed to simplify the task of notifying
information such as coordination, special
sections which are often the same for each group
in a notification.
22SpaceCap Tools
- Group Correction
- Allows you to make changes to almost any data on
the group level and apply it to some or all the
groups in the filing - Changes only the specified data
- Can specify a new value or set it to null
23Group Correction
- Example set the period of validity to null
- Use Confirm to select the groups
- Use Change All Groups to set the period of
validity to null for all groups in the filing
24SpaceCap Components
- Date2C Wizard
- Tool designed to create a notification to modify
the Date2C (Date bringing into use) of existing
ADVP, Coordination requests in the system - Must use the original ADVP notification
- Marks the new ADVP modification as a Date2C change
251. Export Original API (ADVP) from SRS_ALL.mdb
Start Date2c Wizard
26Select a new Date of Bringing into Use
Select Groups for DBIU change
27DATE2C Process
28Resolution 49 (Due Diligence)
- New RS49 Electronic Filing procedure
- Effective January 2005
- RS49 Filing generated automatically from
- Coordination request
- Notification
- Appendices 30/30A filing
29New Resolution 49 Electronic Notification
- SpaceQry RS49 Quick Query
- Queries the SPS or SRS mdb
- Writes RS49 Summary data to RS49 Filing mdb
- SNS-ONLINE RS49 Query http//www.itu/sns/diligsum.
html - Queries the BR Master Register
- Download RS49 Summary data
SpaceCap RS49 Wizard requires RS49 Summary data
SpaceCap RS49 Wizard generates RS49 Filing From
RS49 Summary data
30SpaceCap Software
- We welcome your suggestions
- barbara.warren_at_itu.int
31SpaceCapture Software
- Where can I get the software?
- http//www.itu.int/brsoft/space/spacecap/index.htm
l - Installation
- Insert SRS on CD-ROM into CD Reader
- Run BR-SOFT Global setup
- Run setup.exe in E\BR_SOFT
- See Readme.txt in E\BR_SOFT\SPACECAP
- Pentium PC with at least 32 megabytes of memory
- Windows NT4.0, Windows 95/98, Millenium, Windows
2000, XP - Screen Resolution
- 800 X 600 with small fonts
- 1024 X 768 with small fonts
- 1024 X 768 with large fonts
- ODBC32
- Select MDAC 2.5 from the BR-SOFT Global setup
- Windows 2000
- MDAC 2.5 already integrated into Windows 2000 as
system-level components - MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components)
34BR-SOFT Global Setup