Title: CASLIN Uniform Information Gateway
1CASLIN Uniform Information Gateway
SMUG meeting in Paris, October 3rd 2002
- Martin Ledínský
- Jan Pokorný
- Jirí Pavlík
- Charles University
- Prague, Czech Republic
2CASLIN Uniform Information Gateway
About the project
- Martin Ledínský
- Charles University
- Prague, Czech Republic
- Goals of UIG
- Project history
- Present situation
- Resources
- Tools
- Traffic
- Promotion
- Staff
- HW
- Plans for future
- Integration of heterogeneous information
resources and offering new, uniform and
user-friendly access to them - Creating a comprehensive and easy-to-understand
map of collections available in Czech libraries
closer coordination in the development and
utilization of collections by Conspectus
5Project History
- Uniform Information Gateway for hybrid libraries
(pilot project of the National Library of the
Czech Republic and Charles University in Prague
2001) - STM Portal joining of the project State
technical library 11 other institutions - UIG VISK 8 other institutions and resources
will be connected becoming national/international
- 15 Czech major searchable catalogues connected
via Z39.50 and HTTP - EBSCO, Proquest, SilverPlatter, OCLC databases
- Together more than 50
- of searchable dbs
- More than 100 non-searchable, linked resources
8UIG traffic
- Approximately 3000 sessions/month
- June 2002 the highest traffic
- July-August decrease caused by summer holidays
and floods in August - Now increasing again...
9Monthly traffic
20th September 2002
10UIG promotion
- Presentations on Czech librarian conferences
- Trainings for users librarians
- Brochures
- Information pages
- Help
- documentation
- photos...
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- 3 full-time jobs divided among 9 people
- 2 managers
- 2 librarians
- 2 technicians for Metalib
- 1 technician for SFX
- 2 server administrators
- 1 external consultant
13HW for UIG
- Present server
- Compaq DL380
- CPU 2 x Pentium III 930 MHz
- 4 GB RAM
- HDD 9 GB 2 x mirrored 18 GB
- OS Red Hat Linux 7.1
- New server change is not necessary now but for
future development of the project will be more
suitable - IBM xSeries 440
- CPU 4x Intel Xeon MP 1.4 GHz
- HDD 2 x mirrored 36,4 GB
- OS the latest version of Red Hat Linux
14Plans for future
- Most of Czech and Slovak main libraries will be
connected - - it is planned that by the end of 2002 most of
the "major" Czech libraries (regional libraries,
central specialized libraries, Library of the
Academy of Sciences, Library of the National
Museum plus union catalogues of universities), a
number of Slovak libraries, and a number of other
foreign libraries and resources will be actively
participating in the project. - Full English version of UIG
- The "copy cataloguing" functionality will be made
operational not only for ALEPH, but also for
other library systems used by Czech libraries
(this function will be explained in next part of
15The Prize from Inforum conference
- Granted on Inforum conference held in Prague in
May 2002
17CASLIN Uniform Information Gateway
Jan Pokorný Charles University Prague, Czech
18Czech localisation / changes in interface
? What had been translated in ML ? Problems with
Czech special characters ? Changes in the
interface ? Problems with layout limitations in
19What had been translated in ML
? all text strings in HTML and JS codes ? related
strings in configuration files ? graphic objects
(buttons etc.) ? helps we have translated the
END USER part only (/V)
20 problems
? some parts of MetaLib does not work with
Unicode correctly gtgtgt wrongly displayed Czech
characters Example Records sent by e-mail
contain wrongly displayed characters in tag
names Zdroj ANL_ALEPH500 NA?zev
Farmár Raaín lije v maringotce/
Frasntiaek Raaín/ Autor
Raaín Frantiaek DalL?A autoLi Frantálová
Dana PLedmÄt Raaín
Frantiaek PLedmÄt Jiretín pod
Jedlovou PLedmÄt rozhovory PLedmÄt
21Changes in the interface
? changed log in page ? IG categories ? colours,
graphics ? links to JIB information pages
22 problems
? MetaLib uses frames gtgtgt subpages cannot be
linked directly gtgtgt page layout cannot be
changed ? Limitations in IG categories gtgtgt
subcategories cannot be embedded gtgtgt a category
can include only 40 IR
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25Navigation in JIB- special needs
? JIB is national-wide with hundreds of IR
navigation must be easy and precise ? IR should
be devided into categories by more than one
aspects (by subjects of IR, by type of IR
26Navigation in JIB- problems
? 1 IG category can include only 40 IR gtgtgt
category cannot hold all IR of a subject ? IG
categories cannot be devided into
subcategories gtgtgt categories are too general and
match too many IR ? IG categories are divided by
subject, another aspects of dividing are
available with another function (Locate
esources) gtgtgt users are confused
27Using as a virtualunion catalogue
? MetaLib with parallel search and
merge/deduplication functions is ideal for
building a VUC ? JIB will connect catalogues of
all important Czech libraries (national,
county and special libraries)
28 problems
? A number of parallel searches is limited gtgtgt
impossible to search all libraries at once gtgtgt
users are confused when too many result tabs are
returned ? JIB doesnt solve away problems with
different ways of justification /
substitution gtgtgt many DBs dont support L/R
justification gtgtgt they use various wild
characters We need to define minimal
requirements ? Many DBs do not support searches
by all fields
29Browser problems
? MetaLib does not work correctly in all common
web browsers gtgtgt problems with JavaScript gtgtgt
problems with Unicode Users are confused and
think JIB is badly prepared to serve on internet
30Copy Cataloguing
? MetaLib as Z39.50 server can be used for
copy cataloguing ? can be used with any Z39.50
client supporting search and retrieve ?
sequential search by a profile a sequential
list of resources which defines order of
resource searching on the server ? each user
can have a different profile
31Copy Cataloguing- future
? also for other library systems used by Czech
libraries ? functionality will be extended to
include the format selection option for
records copied (UNIMARC, MARC 21)
32Example of use
Request from client
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39CASLIN Uniform Information Gateway
Jirí Pavlík Charles University Prague, Czech
- Services
- Customizations, specialties
- Actual problems
- A look to future
41Services _at_ UIG
- getHoldings - nation wide
- getDocDel nation wide
- getFulltext - international
- getSubject - international
- getReview international
- getSubject - international
- getAuthor international
- getAuthorEmail international
- getWebService - international
- Metalib UIG
- Tinlib/TinWeb (Charles university, Palacky
University,) - Aleph (coming soon hopefully)
- DocDel service - State technical library
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- Tinlib/TinWeb (Charles university, Palacky
University,) - Aleph
- DocDel service - State technical library
- Proquest, EBSCO, Elsevier SD (using CrossRef),
Springer - Britannica, Amazon, Google ,
- 24 targets in total in the moment
46Customizations, specialities _at_ UIG
- Target configuration using generic parser for
Tinlib OPAC, State technical library DocDel - Nation-wide services/licences
- UIG design
- International / Latin1 not only environment
- Cooperation with STM project SFX
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- Character set encoding
- Implementing services for other institutions
- Menu optimalization, tuning for users from
different institutions - English version
49A look to future
- Employing national services for
- getFulltext
- getBookReview
- More national options for
- getDocDel
- getHoldings
- Solving technical problems
- Character set encoding
- Enhance DL accurate getHoldings utilizing
Z39.50 query, employing ip ranges rules - Interlinking Czech SFXs
- Detailed statistics
- using log data in SFX MySQL tables
- Public OpenURL generator
50You are welcomed to
51Starringin alphabetical order
Martin Ledínský, martin.ledinsky_at_ruk.cuni.cz Jirí
Pavlík, jiri.pavlik_at_ruk.cuni.cz Jan Pokorný,
- http//jib-info.cuni.cz
- jib-support_at_cuni.cz