Title: Tennessee Workers Compensation Data
1Tennessee Workers Compensation Data
2Types of Conclusions
3Conclusion Types by Grand Division
4Conclusion Types by Judicial District Population
5Conclusion Types
6Percent of Joint Petition Settlements Concluded
in a County Other Than Residence of the Injured
7Number of Weeks from Injury to MMI
8Number of Weeks from MMI to Conclusion
9Number of Weeks from Injury to Conclusion
10Average Weekly Compensation Rates
11Temporary Total Disability Amounts
12Average Monetary Amount of Medical
13BAW PPD Multipliers
14Arm PPD Multipliers
15Leg PPD Multipliers
16Body as a Whole PPD Monetary Benefits
17Arm PPD Monetary Benefits
18Leg PPD Monetary Benefits
- The utilization of the Tennessee Department of
Labor and Workforce Development to conclude
cases continues to increase. For 2008, 60
of cases were settlements approved by the
Department. - Trials are occurring in less than 1 of Tennessee
workers compensation cases. - It takes an average of 37 weeks for a case to
conclude once MMI is reached. - The average age, level of education and
compensation rate of injured workers are all
- Average medical costs for permanent disability
cases appear to have leveled off. - Body as a whole, arm and leg injury cases where
the injured worker was returned to pre-injury
employment all show decreases in PPD percentage
amounts and PPD multipliers. - The percentage of permanent total and death cases
continues to be diminishing. - The percent of trial verdicts appealed as
compared to the number of trials is increasing.