Periodic and Wave Motion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Periodic and Wave Motion


Pulse of compressed air Pressure higher in that space. Rarefaction ... A police car horn emits a 250-Hz tone when sitting still. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Periodic and Wave Motion

Periodic and Wave Motion
Periodic Motion
  • Any behavior which repeats itself
  • Oscillatory systems of any type
  • Requirements of such motion
  • Inertia--mass
  • Restoring force
  • Equilibrium or lowest potential energy state

Hookes Law
  • Periodic motion of a mass on a spring
  • Robert Hooke-who also developed an improved
    microscope-stated this law
  • The mass-spring system meets the requirements for
    periodic motion since the spring provides the
    restoring force
  • The formula-- F -kx where k is the spring
  • The restoring force is opposite direction of

Example 14.2
  • 14.2 A spring with constant of 9.48 N/m and a
    block of mass 0.350 kg are placed horizontally.
    The spring is compressed 6.0 cm and released from
  • (a) What is the initial acceleration of the
  • (b) What is the initial force on the block?
  • (a) Compressing the spring corresponds to x
    -6.0/cm. The acceleration is then
  • a - k x
  • m
  • a -9.48 N/m (-0.060m) 1.625 m/s2
  • 0.350 kg
  • (b) The initial force can be found directly from
    Newtons second law,
  • F ma (0.350 kg)(1.625 m/s2) 0.57 N

Simple Harmonic Motion
  • Any system whose acceleration is proportional to
    negative displacement is undergoing simple
    harmonic motion
  • In simple harmonic motion
  • xx0 cos q and a-a0 cos q where q 2pt / T
  • This becomes
  • xx0 cos 2pt / T and
  • ax-a0 cos 2pt / T which combines to
  • ax-a0(x / x0)

Simple Harmonic Motion
  • Velocity is also a function of time
  • vx -v0 sin 2pt / T
  • Maximum velocity, acceleration, and displacement
    are considered originals and are the amplitudes
    of their respective quantities

Simple Harmonic Oscillators
  • If the motion obeys the formulas noted previously
    the object is then a simple harmonic oscillator
  • To make displacement start at time t0 , an
    adjustment to the angle must be used
  • This makes the equation
  • x x0 cos(2pt/T f ) where f is the
    adjustment, called the phase angle

Example 14.3
  • A metal block is hung from a spring that obeys
    Hookes law. When the block is pulled down 12
    cm from the equilibrium position and released
    from rest, it oscillates with a period of 0.75 s
    passing through the equilibrium position with a
    speed of 1.0 m/s. Find displacement and velocity
    at t0.28 s
  • xx0 cos 2pt / T (12)cos 2p (0.28/0.75) 12
    cos 2.35rad
  • 12(-0.700) -8.4 cm
  • vx -v0 sin 2pt / T -(1.0)(sin 2.35rad)
  • -0.71 m/s

Homework 1
  • On The Website
  • 3, 5, 9, 11, 15

Energy of Harmonic Oscillators
  • From previous study, the potential energy of a
    spring is ½ kx02
  • When the oscillator is moving, it also develops
    linear kinetic energy so that ½ mv02 ½ kx02
  • In this, v0 x0 ?k/m
  • The total energy must be constant
  • E ½ mv2 ½ kx2 at any time

Example 14.4
  • A 3.0-kg ball is attached to a spring of
    negligible mass and with a spring constant k
    40N/m. The ball is displaced 0.10 m from
    equilibrium and released from rest. What is the
    maximum speed of the ball as it undergoes simple
    harmonic motion?
  • Compute the maximum speed from the energy of
    the system. The maximum speed occurs at x 0,
    when the kinetic energy is maximum and in equal
    to the initial potential energy. Then
  • ½ mv20
  • So
  • V0 x0vk/m (0.10m) v40 N/m/ 3.0 kg 0.37 m/s

Period of a Harmonic Oscillator
  • In periodic motion, v0T 2px0 so
  • T 2px0/v0
  • Since v0 x0 ?k/m , T 2p?m/k
  • This implies that period depends only on mass and
    spring constant, not on initial displacement
  • This period is the natural period of the system
    and its inverse is the natural frequency

Example 14.5
  • A block of 2.4 kg oscillates on a spring of
    constant k 26 N/m with an amplitude of 17 cm.
    (a) What is the period? (b) What is the natural
    frequency? (c) What is the maximum speed? (d)
    What is the speed of the block 0.21 s after it
    passes through its maximum position?
  • a) T 2p?m/k 2p?2.4/26 1.91 s
  • b) f 1/T 1/1.91 0.52 Hz
  • c) v0 2px0 /T 2p(0.17) / 1.91 0.56 m/s
  • d) vx -v0 sin 2pt / T -(0.56)(sin
    2p(0.21/1.91)) 0.36 m/s

Pendulums and SHM
  • Vibration
  • Vibration is a wiggle in time
  • Pendulum vibration is back and forth
  • Length of time for pendulum swing is its period
  • Pendulum vibration depends on length
  • Does not depend on mass of object swinging or
    original displacement
  • Depends on gravitational acceleration
  • Long pendulums have long periods
  • Short animals-more steps
  • Tall animals-less steps

Simple Pendulum
  • Simple harmonic motion has restoring force
    -mg sinq
  • Displacement is arc length s, where
  • s Lq
  • Instantaneous calculation makes
  • sin q q gives F -mgq (-mg/L) s
  • which is similar to F-kx
  • Period is likewise similar
  • T 2p?m/k gt 2p?m/ mg/L 2p?L/g
  • which means it is dependent only on length and
    the value of g for that place

Example 14.7
  • A grandfather clock has a pendulum
  • 1.0 m long. What is its period?
  • T 2p?L/g 2p?1.0/9.8 2.0 s

Homework 2
  • On The Website
  • 18,21,23,25,29,35,41

Waves from SH Motion
  • If simple harmonic motion is extended into space,
    it traces a sine curve
  • Wave is a wiggle in time and space
  • High points crest Low points trough
  • Height of either amplitude
  • Distance between corresponding pointswavelength
  • How often vibrations occur frequency f
  • Vibrations or waves per second
  • Units called Hertz (s-1)
  • Period inverse of frequency (1/f)

Wave Motion
  • Pulses in a rope can only be transverse,
    vibrating perpendicular to wave travel
  • Waves transfer energy from one place to another
    without moving their medium similarly
  • Harmonic waves are a series of continuing pulses
    which have consistent period and wavelength

Wave Type
  • Transverse waves vibrate across from direction of
  • Longitudinal waves vibrate along the direction of
    travel (as in a spring)

Wave Motion
  • Displacement in direction y y0 sin
  • With respect to time y y0 sin (2pt / T)
  • Combining gives y y0 sin 2p ( )
  • Wave speed v l / T l f

Example 15.1
  • The drawing represents two snapshots of a wave on
    a rope, taken
  • 1/10 s apart. The wave was traveling to the
    right and moved by less than one wavelength
    between pictures. Find its (a) wavelength, (b)
    wave speed, and (c) frequency. Maximum
    displacement is 3.0 cm.
  • Examining the figure, the distance between two
    successive crests, or the wavelength, is l 2.0m

(b) During the 1/10-s interval the wave moved to
the right a distance of half a wavelength, or 1
m. The wave speed is the distance traveled
divided by the time interval, or v 10 m/s to
the right. (c) Since we now know both wavelength
and speed, we can obtain the frequency from f
v/ l 10m/s / 2.0m 5.0 s-1 5.0 Hz.
  • OriginVibrations of a Material Object
  • Vibrating source sends disturbance through
    surrounding mediumDisturbance must be received
    to be soundPerceived frequency of sound is
    pitch Human perception Infrasonic
    frequencies lower than we can perceive, lt20
  • Ultrasonic frequencies higher than
  • we can perceive, gt20,000 Hz

Nature of Sound and Air
  • Compression -Pulse of compressed air Pressure
    higher in that space
  • Rarefaction Disturbance in air or matter,
    molecules spread outPressure is lower in the

Media That Transmits Sound
  • Sound waves require a medium to travel
    throughThe speed of sound depends upon the
    medium Higher density higher speed High
    elasticity higher speed
  • (elasticity ability to change shape and
  • return)
  • The speed of sound in air also varies as the
    temperature changes above 0oC vT 331.5
    0.6 TC
  • where TC is Celsius temperature

Sound Waves
  • Longitudinal rather than transversevibrate
    parallel to wave travel
  • Waves travel in all directions, spherically
    spreading in air, thus losing energy as they
  • Intensity is a measure of energy in sound waves
    and decreases inversely with the square of the
    distance from the source
  • I2 r12
  • I1 r22

  • Intenseness or amplitude of sound wave measured
    in decibels
  • Each 10 dB is twice as loud and 10 times the
    original sound intensity

Example 15.3
  • A loudspeaker on a tall pole standing in a
    field of tall grass generates a high-frequency
    sound at an intensity of 1.0 X 10-5 W/m2 at the
    position of the ears of a person standing 8.0 m
    directly below it. If the person walks away from
    the pole so that she is 24 m from the
    loudspeaker, what is the sound intensity at the
    new position of her ears?
  • Compare the intensities at the two positions
  • I2 (r12 /r22)I1 (82)/(242)(1.0 x 10-5)
  • 0.11 x 10-5 W/m2

Forced Vibrations
  • When one vibrating object is in contact with
    another, it sets the second vibrating
  • Tuning fork placed on a table or piano
  • Sounding board in piano works by forced

Natural Frequency
  • Sound perceived when an object is struck or
  • Vibration frequency which requires least forced
    vibration energy

  • Increase in amplitude when forced vibrations
    equal natural frequency
  • Basis of tuning radio to a station
  • Can cause so much forced vibration that object
    falls apart

The Doppler Effect
  • Change in frequency due to motion of source or
  • Greater the speed of source, greater Doppler
    effect Stationary bug
  • Bug swimming
  • Blue Shift-Increase in frequency Red Shift-
    Decrease in frequency

Doppler Effect Shifts
  • This effect causes a new wavelength and thus a
    new frequency depending on whether the source is
    approaching or receding
  • New frequency equation

where vs is the source speed and v is the speed
of wave This also works for light, as noted
Doppler Effect
  • The equation is different for an observer moving
    with respect to the source

where vo is observer speed This equation is used
in law enforcement of speed laws
Doppler Effect
  • What if both source and observer are moving? It
    takes a little logic to figure the signs, but the
    equation is just a combination

Examples 15.6 15.7
  • A police car horn emits a 250-Hz tone when
    sitting still. What frequency does a stationary
    observer hear if the police car sounds its horn
    while approaching at a speed of 27.0 m/s (60
    mi/h)? What frequency is heard if the horn is
    sounded as the car is leaving at 27.0 m/s?
  • f 272 Hz gives the
    apparent frequency for the

  • approaching car.
  • f 232 Hz gives the
    frequency as the car passes
  • If the police car mentioned above were sounding
    its horn while stationary, what frequency would
    be heard by an observer who was approaching it at
    a speed of 27.0 m/s (60 mi/h)?
  • In this case, the observer is moving toward a
    stationary source. Therefore
  • f
  • f 270 Hz

Bow waves
  • An additional Doppler effect when the source is
    moving at or above wave speed on surface of the
  • V-shaped pattern made by overlapping crests

Shock Waves
  • Produced when source is within the medium,
    three-dimensional cone shaped
  • Sonic boom sharp crack heard when conical
    shell of compressed air that sweeps behind a
    supersonic aircraft reaches listeners on the
    ground below.

Homework 3
  • p437 34,35
  • p476 ff 4, 6, 18

Reflection of Wave Pulses
  • When a wave reaches the end of its medium, it is
  • The way it is reflected depends on whether the
    end is fixed or free to move
  • Newtons 3rd law determines the direction of the
    reflected wave pulse
  • Fixedrope pulls up on wall, wall pulls down on
    string, creating reversed pulse
  • Freemotion simply continues in opposite
    direction, with no reversal

Standing Waves
  • Occurs when a wave reflects upon itself and
    interference causes the pattern
  • Nodes remain stationary Anti nodes-occur half
    way between nodes

Principle of Superposition
  • Standing waves get their shape due to the
    principle of superposition
  • At any instant, the resultant combination of the
    intersection of two waves is the algebraic sum of
    the components of both(or all) waves
  • The sum is then the basis for constructive and
    destructive interference

Standing Waves
Change the frequency in a standing wave and more
nodes/antinodes appear in the event
Standing Waves and Harmonics in Strings
  • The lowest resonant frequency of a string (one
    loop) is the fundamental frequency
  • Resonant frequencies which are whole number
    multiples of the fundamental are harmonic
    frequencies overtones are any multiple of the
  • Harmonics in a standing wave make more loops in
    the string

Standing Waves in Strings
  • In a string, the points which do not vibrate are
    called nodes . The ends are counted as well as
    nodes in between
  • The points of greatest amplitude are called
  • The fundamental frequency can be calculated
  • f v / l v / 2L where L is string length
  • and v is velocity of the wave
  • in the string
  • Other relationships resonant wavelengths ln
  • where n 1,2,3,4,.
  • fn v / ln n v / 2L
  • v where T is the tension and
  • m is the linear density
  • This makes fn n /2L ? T/m

Example 15.8
  • What is the fundamental frequency of a guitar
    string whose tension is adjusted to give a wave
    speed of 143 m/s if the length of string free to
    vibrate is 0.65 m?
  • The fundamental wavelength of a string fixed
    on both ends is twice the length of the string.
    The frequency is found from the ratio of sound
    speed to wavelength. We set n 1 for the
    fundamental frequency.
  • f
    110 Hz

Waves in a Vibrating Column of Air
  • In an open end pipe, waves vibrate in a similar
    fashion to a string, except that there is no node
    at the ends, only within the pipe
  • The equations for frequency and wavelength are
    the same as in a string
  • In a pipe closed at one end, a node is made there
    and no other node at the fundamental. The
    wavelength is therefore 4 times the length of the
    pipe. Closed pipes always have a lower frequency
    than open pipes. In addition, only odd-numbered
    harmonics are possible. Equations are similar,
    but with 4L rather than 2L.

Example 15.9
  • The second overtone of standing waves in a pipe
    closed at one end is 512 Hz. How long is
    the pipe?
  • The fundamental resonant wavelength of a pipe
    closed at one end is four times the length of the
    pipe. For such a pipe, only odd harmonics occur.
    The second overtone in such a series is the
    fifth harmonic, which has a wavelength
  • The frequency of the second overtone is
  • Solving for L, we have

Beats and Interference
  • Beats occur when two closely tuned but not
    identical notes are sounded together
  • These beats occur due to interference between the
  • The beat frequency can be calculated by the
    formula fB f1- f2
  • Beats of less than 10 Hz can be distinguished
    easily, above that with much difficulty

Homework 4
  • p477ff 19, 28, 29, 38, 39

Important Formulas
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