Title: Survey%20and%20Recent%20Results:%20Robust%20Geometric%20Computation
1Survey and Recent Results Robust Geometric
- Chee Yap
- Department of Computer Science
- Courant Institute
- New York University
- Part I NonRobustness Survey
- Part II Exact Geometric Computation
- Core Library
- Constructive Root Bounds
- Part III New Directions
- Moores Law and NonRobustness
- Certification Paradigm
- Conclusion
3Numerical Nonrobustness Phenomenon
- The Phenomenon
- What is Geometric?
- Taxonomy of Approaches
- EGC and relatives
5Numerical Non-robustness
- Non-robustness phenomenon
- crash, inconsistent state, intermittent
- Round-off errors
- benign vs. catastrophic
- quantitative vs. qualitative
- Intersection of 2 lines
- check if intersection point is on line
- Mesh Generation
- point classification error (dirty meshes)
- Trimmed algebraic patches in CAD
- bounding curves are approximated leading to
topological inconsistencies - Front Tracking Physics Simulation
- front surface becomes self-intersecting
7Responses to Non-robustness
- It is a rare event
- Use more stable algorithms
- Avoid ill-conditioned inputs
- Epsilon-tweaking
- There is no solution
- Our competitors couldnt do it, so we dont have
to bother
8Impact of Non-robustness
- Acknowledged, seldom demanded
- Economic/productivity Impact
- barrier to full automation
- scientist/programmer productivity
- mission critical computation fail
- Patriot missile, Ariadne Rocket
- E.g. Mesh generation
- a preliminary step for simulations
- 1 failure/5 million cells Aftosmis
- tweak data if failure
9What is Special about Geometry?
10Geometry is Harder
- Geometry CombinatoricsNumerics
- E.g. Voronoi Diagram
11Example Convex Hulls
Convex Hull
- Geometric Object
- Consistency Relation (P)
- E.g. D is convex hull or Voronoi diagram
- Qualitative error ? inconsistency
D (G, L,P) Ggraph, Llabeling of G
- Consistency is critical
- matrix multiplication
- shortest paths in graphs (e.g. Djikstras
algorithm) - sorting and geometric sorting
- Euclidean shortest paths
14Taxonomy of Approaches
15Gold Standard
- Must understand the dominant mode of numerical
computing - F.P. Mode
- machine floating point
- fixed precision (single/double/quad)
- IEEE 754 Standard
- What does the IEEE standard do for nonrobustness?
Reduces but not eliminate it. Main contribution
is cross-platform predictability. - Historical Note
16Type I Approaches
- Basic Philosophy to make the fast but
imprecise (IEEE) arithmetic robust - Taxonomy
- arithmetic (FMA, scalar vector, sli, etc)
- finite resolution predicates (?-tweaking,
?-predicates Guibas-Salesin-Stolfi89) - finite resolution geometry (e.g., grids)
- topology oriented approach Sugihara-Iri88
- Grid Geometry Greene-Yao86
- Finite Resolution Geometries
- What is a Finite Resolution Line?
- A suitable set of pixels graphics
- A fat line generalized intervals
- A polyline Yao-Greene, Milenkovic, etc
- A rounded line Sugihara
- Topology Oriented Approach of Sugihara-Iri
Voronoi diagram of 1 million points - Priority of topological part over numerical part
- Identify relevant and maintainable properties
e.g. planarity - Issue which properties to choose?
20Exact Approach
- Idea avoid all errors
- Big number packages (big integers, big rationals,
big floats, etc) - Only rational problems are exact
- Even this is a problem Yu92, Karasick-Lieber-Nac
21Algebraic Computation
- Algebraic number
- ? ? ?? ?????????
- P(x) x2 2 0
- Representation ? ? ?P(x), 1, 2)
- Exact manipulation
- comparison
- arithmetic operations, roots, etc.
- Most problems in Computational Geometry textbooks
requires only
, , ?, ?, ?
22Type II Approach
- Basic Philosophy to make slow but error-free
computation more efficient - Taxonomy
- Exact Arithmetic (naïve approach)
- Expression packages
- Compiler techniques
- Consistency approach
- Exact Geometric Computation (EGC)
23Consistency Approach
- Goal ensure that no decisions are contradictory
- Parsimonious Algorithms Fortune89 only make
tests that are independent of previous results - NP-hard but in PSPACE
24Consistency is Hard
- Hoffmann, Hopcroft, Karasick88
- Geometric Object D (G, L)
- G is realizable if there exists L such that (G,
L) is consistent - Algorithm AL I ?G(I), L(I))
- AL is geometrically exact if G(I) is the exact
structure for input I - AL is consistent if G(I) is realizable
- Intersecting 3 convex polygons is hard (geometry
theorem proving)
25Exact Geometric Computation
- Exact Geometric Computing (EGC)
- The Core Library
- Constructive Root Bounds
27How to Compute Exactly in the Geometric Sense
- Algorithm sequence of steps
- construction steps
- conditional or branching steps
- Branching based on sign ???? ?? ????of predicate
evaluation - Output combinatorial structure G in D(G,L) is
determined by path - Ensure all branches are correct
- this guarantees that G is exact!
28Exact Geometric Computation (EGC)
- Exactness in the Geometry, NOT the arithmetic
(cf.geometric exactness) - Simple but profound implications
- We can now use approximate arithmetic
Dube-Yap94 - EGC tells us exactly how much precision is needed
- No unusual geometries
- No need to invent new algorithms -- standard
algorithms apply - no unusual geometries
- General solution (algebraic case)
- Not algorithm-specific solutions!
29Constant Expressions
- ? set of real algebraic operators.
- ???? set of expressions over ?.
- E.g., if ?? ???, ?????????x1?? x2? then ????? is
the integer polynomials over x1?? x2. - Assume ? are constant operators (no variables
like x1?? x2). - An expression E? ???? is a DAG
- E ?????????????? with ?? and ?? shared
- Value function, Val ???? ?? R where Val(E)
may be undefined
30Fundamental Problem of EGC
- Constant Zero Problem
- CZP??? given E? ????, is Val(E)0?
- Constant Sign Problem
- CSP??? given E? ????, compute the sign of
Val(E). - CSP is reducible to CZP
- Potential exponential gap
- sum of square roots
- CZP is polynomial time Bloemer-Yap
31Complexity of CSP
- Hierarchy
- ?0 ? ??, ????? ? ??????????????
- ?1 ? ?0 ? ? ? ?
- ?2 ? ?1 ? ?? ?
- ?3 ? ?2 ? ?Root(P,i) P(x)?Zx ?
- ?4 ? ?0 ? ?Sin(x), ? ?
- Theorem CSP(?3) is decidable.
- Theorem CSP(?1 ) is alternating polynomial time.
- Is CSP(?4) is decidable?
32Root Bound
- A root bound for an expression E is a
value such that - E.g., the Cauchys bound says that
because is a root of the
polynomial x4 ???0 x2 ? 1. - Root bit-bound is defined as ? log(b)
b gt 0
E ¹ 0 Þ E ? b
33How to use root bounds
- Let b be a root bound for
- Compute a numerical approximation for .
- If then
- sign sign( )
- Else sign (E) 0.
- N.B. root bound is not reached unless sign is
really zero!
( )
34Nominally Exact Inputs
- EGC Inputs are exact and consistent
- Why care about exactness if the input is inexact?
Because EGC is the easiest method to ensure
35Core Library
36EGC Libraries
- GOAL any programmer may routinely construct
robust programs - Current Libraries
- Real/Expr Yap-Dube94
- LEDA real Burnikel et al99
- Core Library Karamcheti et al99
37Core Library
- An EGC Library
- C, compact (200 KB)
- Focus on Numerical Core of EGC
- precision sensitive mechanism
- automatically incorporates state of art
techniques - Key Design Goal ease of use
- Regular C Program with preamble
include CORE.h - easy to convert existing programs
38Core Accuracy API
- Four Levels
- (I) Machine Accuracy (IEEE standard)
- (II) Arbitrary Accuracy (e.g. Maple)
- (III) Guaranteed Accuracy (e.g. Real/Expr)
- (IV) Mixed Accuracy (for fine control)
39Delivery System
- No change of programmer behavior
- At the flip of a switch!
- Benefits code logic verification, fast debugging
define Level N // N1,2,3,4 include
CORE.h /
any C/C Program Here
40What is in CORE levels?
- Numerical types
- int, long, float, double
- BigInt, BigFloat, Expr
- Promotions (Demotions)
- Level II long ??BigInt, double ??BigFloat
- Level III long, double ?? Expr
41What is in Level III?
- Fundamental gap between Levels II and III
- Need for iteration consider
- a b c
- Precision sensitive evaluation
42Relative and Absolute Precision
- Let real X be an approximation of X.
- Composite precision bound r, a
- If r ???, then get absolute precision a.
- If a ???, then get relative precision r.
- Interesting case r, a 1, ? means we obtain
the correct sign of X.
43Precision-Driven Eval of Expressions
- Exprs are DAGs
- Each node stores an approximate BigFloat value
a precision a root bound - Down-Up Algorithm
- precision p is propagated down
- error e propagated upwards
- At each node, check e ?? p
- Check passes automatically at leaves
- Iterate if check fails use root bounds to
- Line intersection (2-D)
- generate 2500 pairs of lines
- compute their intersections
- check if intersection lies on one line
- 40 failure rate at Level I
- In 3-D
- classify pairs of lines as skew, parallel,
intersecting, or identical. - At Level I, some pairs are parallel and
intersecting, etc.
45Example Theorem Proving Application
- Kahans example (4/26/00)
- To show that you need theorem proving, or why
significance arithmetic is doomed - F(z) if (z0) return 1 else (exp(z)-1)/z
- Q(y) y-sqrt(y2 1) - 1/(y-sqrt(y21))
- G(x) F(Q(x)2).
- Compute G(x) for x15 to 9999.
- Theorem proving with Core Library
Tulone-Yap-Li00 - Generalized Schwartz Lemma for radical expressions
46Constructive Root Bounds
47Problem of Constructive Root Bounds
- Classical root bounds (e.g. Cauchys) are not
constructive - Wanted recursive rules for a family of
expressions to maintain parameters p1, p2, etc,
for any expression E so that B(p1, p2, ...) is a
root bound for E. - We will survey various bounds
- ? is root of A(X) ?i0 ai Xi of degree n
- Height of A(X) is A ?
- Degree-height Yap-Dube 95
- Cauchys bound
- maintain bound on heights
- but this requires the maintenance of bounds on
degrees - Degree-length Yap-Dube 95
- Landaus bound
49Degree-Measure Bounds
- Mignotte 82, Burnikel et al 00
- where m(?? is the measure of ?.
- It turns out that we also need to maintain the
degree bound
50BFMS Bound
- Burnikel-Fleischer-Mehlhorn-Schirra99
- For radical expressions
- Tight for division-free expressions
- For those with divisions
- where E is transformed to U(E)/L(E)
- Improvement 01
51New Constructive Bound
- Applies to general - expressions.
- The bounding function is
- an upper bound on the absolute value
of conjugates of - an upper bound on the leading
coefficient of - an upper bound on the degree of
52Inductive Rules
53Comparative Study
- Major open question is there a root bit-bound
that depends linearly on degree? - No single constructive root bound is always
better than the others. - BFMS, degree-measure and our bound
- Compare their behavior on interesting classes of
expressions - sum of square roots,
- continued fraction, etc.
- In Core Library, we compute all three bounds and
choose the best one.
54Experimental Results
- A critical predicate in Fortunes sweepline
algorithm for Voronoi diagrams is
. - Input coordinates are L-bit long, as, bs and
ds are3L-, 6L- and 2L-bit integers,
respectively. - The BFMS bound (79 L 30) bits
- The degree-measure bound (64 L 12) bits
- Our new bound (19 L 9) bits
- Best possible Sellen-Yap (15 L O(1)) bits
55Timing on Synthetic Input
- Timings for Fortunes predicate on degenerate
inputs (in seconds) - Tested on a Sun UltraSparc (440MHz, 512 MB)
56Timing for Degenerate input
- Timings on Fortunes algorithm on degenerate
inputs on a uniform (32 x 32) grid with L-bit
coordinates - (in seconds)
57Moores Law and Non-robustness Trends
- New Directions
- Robustness as Resource
- (or, how to exploit Moores Law)
- Certification Paradigm
- (or, how to use incorrect algorithms)
59Moores Law and Robustness
- Computers are becoming faster (Moores Law, 1965)
- Software are becoming less robust
- crashes more often
- must solves larger/harder problems (e.g. Meshes,
CAD) - expectation is increasing
- Inverse correlation
- is this inevitable?
60Reversing the Trend
- Robustness all-or-nothing ?
- Computational Paradigm
- robustness as computational resource
- exchange some speed for robustness
- Goal a positive correlation between Moores Law
and robustness
61Robustness Trade-off Curves
- Each program P, for given input, defines a family
of speed-robustness trade-off curves, one curve
for each CPU speed
62Computing on the Curve
- P only needs to be recompiled to operate at any
chosen point on a curve. - With each new hardware upgrade, we can
automatically recompile program to achieve the
sweetspot on the new curve
- Automatically generated Makefiles
- a registry of programs that wants to join
- sample inputs (various sizes) for each program
- robustness targets/parameters
- optimization function (e.g., min acceptable speed)
64Hardware Change/Upgrade
- For given hardware configuration, for each
program - compile different robust versions of the program
- run each on the test inputs to determine
trade-off curve - optimize the parameters
- Layer above the usual compiler
- Application libraries, CPU upgrades
- Can be automatic and transparent (like the
effects of Moores law)
65Certification Paradigm
66Another Paradigm Shift
- Motivation programs based on machine arithmetic
are fast, but not always correct. - Floating point filter phenomenon
- Need new framework for working with useful but
incorrect algorithms
67Verification vs. Checking
- Program verification movement (1970s)
- Another reason why it failed
- Algorithm always correct
- H-algorithm always fast, often correct
- Checking paradigm Blum,Kannan
- use H-algorithms
- only check specific input/output pairs, not
68Checking vs. Certifying
- Checker given an input-output pair, always
accept or reject correctly - Certifier (or Filter) given an input-output
pair, either accept or unsure - Why certify?
- Certifiers are easier to design
- Nontrivial checkers may not be known (e.g. sign
of determinant)
69Filtered Algorithms
- How to use Certifiers? Ingredients
- Algorithm A
- H-algorithm H
- Filter or Certifier F
- Basic Architecture
- run H, filter with F, run A if necessary
70Some Floating Point Filters
- FvW Filter, BFS Filter
- Static, Semi-static and dynamic filters
- Lemma
- given expression E with k operations and floating
point inputs, can compute an upper bound on E
with 3k flops - Static case FwW about 10 flops per arithmetic
71Model for Filtering
- Case 2D Delaunay Triangulation
- Base line
- Top line
- sigma top line/base line 60
- phi filtering performance 20
- efficacy sigma/phi 3
- Synthetic vs. Realistic algorithms
- beta factor
- filterable fraction of work at top line
- estimating beta Mehlhorn et al
- Different levels of granularity
- Checking Geometric structures Mehlhorn, et al
- Determinant filter Pan
- Filter compiler Schirra
- Cascaded bank of filter Funke et al
- skip A if necessary
- Part I NonRobustness Survey
- Part II Exact Geometric Computation
- Core Library
- Constructive Root Bounds
- Part III New Directions
- NonRobustness as Resource (or, how to exploit
Moores Law) - Certification Paradigm (or, how to use incorrect
- Non-robustness has major economic/productivity
impact - Scientifically sound and systematic solution
based on EGC is feasible - Main open problem
- Is EGC for possible for non-algebraic problems?
(CSP) - Program filtering goes beyond program checking
- Robustness as resource paradigm can be exploited
(with Moores Law)
76Download Software
- Core Library Version 1.4
- small and easy-to-use
- Project Homepage
- http//cs.nyu.edu/exact/
77Last Slide
79Algebraic Degree Bound
- The expression where
is the radical or root node in the expression. - The degree bound , where
is either the index of radical nodes or the
degree in polynomial root nodes.
80Leading Coefficients and Conjugates Bound
- Basic tool resultant calculus
- Case given two algebraic numbers and
with minimal polynomials and
and a defining polynomial for is
- Represented in the Sylvester matrix form
- Leading coefficient
- Constant term
- Degree
- Due to the admission of divisions, we also need
to bound - Tail coefficients
- Lower bounds on conjugates
- Measures are involved in bounding tail
82End of Extra Slides