Title: Crackling Noise: From Magnets to Earthquakes
1Crackling Noise From Magnets to Earthquakes
- PIs
- Karin Dahmen, Nigel Goldenfeld, Alfred Hubler
(Physics, UIUC) - Current key collaborators
- Jonathan Dantzig, Armand Beaudoin (Mech. S.E.,
UIUC), - Linda Petzold grad student Hong Li (Computer
Science, UCSB) -
- Graduate students
- Matthew Delgado (poster), Yang Liu (talk and
poster), Andrew Missel (poster), Georgios
Tsekenis (joint new project), Glenn Foster (talk)
2Magnets and Barkhausen Noise- or Martensites and
acc. emission
Crackling noise
3Crackling Noise / Avalanches
Barkhausen Noise (magnets) Acoustic
emission (Martensites) (Ortin, Vives,...
) Superconductors (P.Adams Field,Witt,Nori,...) L
iquid He invading Nuclepore (Hallock,
Lilly,Wooters...) Rupture of fibrous
Materials Earthquakes
4Zero Temperature (Equilibration time scale) gtgt
(Experimental time scale)
Jumps Avalanches Barkhausen noise
5The Disorder Induced Critical Point
????2.03?0.03, 1/?4.2??0.3, ...
Typical equilibrium systems Scaling 2
max Avalanche size distribution Scaling 50
HUGE critical region!!!
6Self-similarity at critical disorder Rc2.16J
(Cross-sections of avalanches during
CRITICAL POINT system is at a fixed point under
coarse graining transformation (Renormalization
Group) good agreement of theory with experiments
on magnetic Barkhausen noise Nature 410, p. 242
7Huge Universality Class!!! (Details dont matter!)
Magnets (Sethna,KD,Myers, Nature 2001), plastic
charge density wave depinning (Marchetti, KD PRB
2002), earthquakes (Mehta, BenZion, KD 2006),
maybe superconductors (Carlson, KD, Fradkin,
Kivelson, PRL 2006), others?
Other Universality classes ?
long range forces
2 Dynamics
Single domain wall Nattermann, Robbins, Ji,
Zapperi, Ciseau, Durin, Stanley, Urbach et al.,
Narayan, Sethna, ...
With nucleation of new domains
8New Projects A. Temperature Effects ?
- Talkposter by graduate student Yang Liu
- connection to the equilibrium phase
transition of disordered
magnets same universality class ? - 2. Poster by grad student Matthew Delgado
- connection to experiments on relaxor
ferroelectrics done at UIUC by Michael Weissmans
group - 3. Benefit to the MCC
- New scientific results (theory connected to
experiments at UIUC) - Training of graduate students,
collaboration with other groups (theorists,
experimentalists, and Hitachi Global Storage
Technologies (formerly IBM Almaden) ). - New codes (to be posted in the MCC software
9B. Scaling Effects and Crackling Noise in Plastic
1. New collaboration with Nigel Goldenfeld (UIUC)
and joint graduate student Georgios
Tsekenis Developing scaling theory for observed
scaling phenomena in plastic flow (from acoustic
emission, and direct observation of space time
clustering of dislocations), comparison with
simulations. 2. Benefit to the MCC New
interdisciplinary science in collaboration with
Nigel Goldenfeld (Physics, UIUC), Jonathan
Dantzig (Mechanical Science and Engineering,
UIUC) and Armand Beaudoin (Mechanical Science and
Engineering, UIUC) Training of joint graduate
student Multiscale Modeling code to be posted on
MCC software archive
10C. Connection to Population Biology
- Poster by graduate student Andrew Missel
- Spreading of bacterial colonies in disordered
environments - 2. Benefit to the MCC
- New interdisciplinary scientific results relevant
to Physics, Population Biology, Chemistry
(reaction diffusion systems), Ecology (population
fronts) etc. - Training of graduate student
- Collaboration with Linda Petzolds group in
Computer Science at UCSB, developing efficient
large scale kinetic Monte Carlo simulation code
to be run in parallel - New codes to be posted on the MCC software
11Crackling Noise From Magnets to Earthquakes
UIUC Group John Carpenter (now Sandia), Amit
Mehta (left to MIT LL), Robert White (now UC San
Diego and NSF postdoc fellowship), Matthew
Delgado, Yang Liu, Andrew Missel, Georgios
Tsekenis, Geoffrey Poore, Tim Wotherspoon, Alex
Travesset (postdoc here, now Assis. Prof.
Iowa/Ames Lab) REUs Maayan Bresler
(Princeton), Sharon Loverde (now Northwestern),
Riva Vanderveld (now Cornell)
E. Carlson (Perdue), E. Fradkin (UIUC), S.
Kivelson (Stanford), D. VanHarlingen (UIUC), M.
Weissman (UIUC), C.Panagopoulos (Cambridge) --
superconductors C. Marchetti (Syr.)-- plastic CDW
D. Nelson (Harvard), N. Shnerb (Israel) and
Linda Petzold (UCSB) - spreading Bacteria Colonies
Nigel Goldenfeld, Alfred Hubler (MCC) Jonathan
Dantzig, Armand Beaudoin (UIUC) Jim Sethna, M.
Kuntz, O. Perkovic (Cornell University) --
theory Yehuda Ben Zion (USC, Earth and
Planetary Sciences), (D.S. Fisher (Harvard))
earthquakes A. Berger, O. Hellwig (IBM/Hitachi)
-- exp. Gianfranco Durin (Turino, Italy) --
exp. Andrea Mills, Mike Weissman (UIUC)
-- exp.