Title: F15 Weapon System
1F-15 Weapon System
Mr. John Richards Deputy Director, 830th Aircraft
Sustainment Group 830 ACSG/DD DSN
468-2901 E-mail John.Richards_at_robins.af.mil
- Goals
- Integrated Team
- Sustainment Environment
- Program Challenges/Opportunities
- Program Budget
- F-15 Modernization Plan
- Sustainment Requirements
- Sustainment Strategies
- Summary
3F-15 Goals
- Best warfighter support possible
- Achieve and sustain high aircraft availability
- Faster response time
- Leverage initial acquisition investment and
provide best value sustainment cost - Avoid duplication
- Traditional approach provides duplicate test
equipment and data - Utilize best mix of capabilities of both public
and private sectors
4An Integrated Team
830th Aircraft Sustainment Group (ACSG) F-15
Single Manager responsible for Cradle-to-Grave
912th Aeronautical Systems Group
(AESG) Acquisition and Development
782d Combat Sustainment Group (CBSG) Supply Chain
402d Aircraft Maintenance Group (AMXG) Programmed
Depot Maintenance
830 ACSG integrates all Commodity Managers
5F-15 Sustainment Environment
- A large organic support structure exists for the
F-15 - It is necessary to maintain core organic
capabilities - Minimum facilities, equipment and skilled
personnel necessary to meet readiness and
sustainment requirements - Title 10 USC 2466 (50/50) limits outsourcing of
maintenance workload
6Program Challenges/Opportunities
- F-15A/B in inventory until 2010
- F-15C/D in inventory until 2025
- F-15E in inventory until 2035
- Currently undergoing the most complex and lethal
upgrades in its history - Weapon system modifications have the potential
to increase depot costs associated with
establishing repair capability - Partnering relationships with industry will
reduce overall cost for manpower and
7F-15 Program Budget
RD Acquisition Sustainment
FY07 122.3M 258.6M 355.0M FY08 108.6M
49.1M 350.5M FY09 183.9M 106.5M 389.0M FY10 1
63.1M 190.4M 362.3M FY11 118.4M 189.2M 397.6M
FY12 119.4M 170.6M 402.6M FY13 122.0M 167.9M
8F-15A-D Modernization Plan
VCC Central Computer
APG-63(V)3 Radar
Arc-Fault Circuit Breakers (AFCB)
Flight Line Test Set (FLTS)
Common Aircraft Portable Reprogramming Equipment
Avionics Control Unit
Very High Frequency (VHF) Radio
Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS)
Identification Friend/Foe (IFF)
Digital Video Recorder (DVR)
Operational Flight Program (OFP) Suite 6
IFF Mode 5
Night Vision Cockpit
Fighter Data Link
- OFP Suite 7
- Central Computer (CC)
- Front Panel Color Display (FPCD)
- Advanced Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)
Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS)
Embedded Global Positioning System Inertial
Navigation System (EGI) update with Selective
Availability Anti-Spoof Module (SAASM)
Note ( ) done thru PDM
Secondary Power System (SPS)
Near Term
Far Term
9F-15E Modernization Plan
Secondary Power System (SPS)
Common Aircraft Portable Reprogramming Equipment
Embedded Global Positioning System Inertial
Navigation System (EGI) update with Selective
Availability Anti-Spoof Module (SAASM)
Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS)
Engine Service Life Extension
Digital Video Recorder (DVR)
Night Vision Cockpit
Operational Flight Program (OFP) Suite 6
Suite 7
Helmet Mounted Cueing System
Programmable Armament Control Set (PACS)/1760
Very High Frequency (VHF) Radio
Advanced Targeting Pod
Advanced Display Core Processor (ADCP)
Identification Friend/Foe (IFF)
IFF Mode 5
Near Term
Arc-Fault Circuit Breaker (AFCB)
Far Term
Advanced Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)
Radar Modernization Program (RMP)
10Sustainment Requirement
- Program
- Arc Fault Circuit Breakers (AFCB)
- Scope
- FAA/Navy miniaturizing AFCBs for fighter aircraft
- F-15 plans to install on F-15C/D/E
- Funded
- FY07
- Schedule
- FY10 start
11Sustainment Requirement(Continued)
- Program
- Electrical System Replacement
- Scope
- Replace electrical system (wiring) in the F-15C/D
Long-term Fleet -
- Funded
- FY07
- Schedule
- FY10 start
12Acquisition/Sustainment Strategies
- Corporate Contract with Boeing
- Boeing sole source
- Awarded March 01expires Nov 08
- 336M ceiling
- Flexible, long-term contracts
- Grid-lock structural components
- 8-year contract
- 250M ceiling
- Canopy transparencies
- 9-year contract
- 25M ceiling
- Utilization of innovative contracting strategies
is key to best warfighter support - Performance Based Logistics
- Partnering
- Corporate Contracts
- F-15 Development contracts are managed by the 912
AESG at Wright Patterson AFB - F-15 Repair and Spares contracts are managed by
542d CSW (structures, avionics, EW, support
equipment) - F-15 Repair and Spares contracts for gear, SPS at
84th CSW, OO-ALC - F-15 Repair and Spares contracts for engines at
448th CSW, OC-ALC
The F-15 will continue to play a major role
in our national defense through 2035