Title: San Jose Residential Traffic Calming Policy Update
1San Jose Residential Traffic Calming Policy Update
Community Meeting 5/12/2008
2Traffic Calming Community MeetingAgenda
- Council Policy 5-6 adopted in June 2001
- 10 community meetings during Fall 2007
- Benchmarked programs in 27 cities
4Resident Perceptions
5Resident Priorities
- Permanent Traffic Calming Devices
- Enforcement of traffic parking regulations
- School Parking Traffic Compliance Officers
- Pedestrian Enhancements
- Increase traffic fines in neighborhoods
6March 2008 Council Direction
- Overview of Policy Revisions
- Use of 85th percentile speeds
- Cumulative traffic impacts
- Unique conditions
- Prioritization process
- Clarify Outreach requirements
- Neighborhood self-funding of measures
7Policy Update Threshold Criteria
8Policy Update Threshold Criteria
Using average speed as criteria may not account
for undesirable speed levels.
9Policy Update Threshold Criteria
10Policy Update Threshold Criteria
Speeding Example 25 mph posted
street If 15 of traffic exceeds speed limit by
over 7 mph, then criteria is met
11Policy Update Threshold Criteria
Cut-through Example 25 mph posted street
If 4 in 10 vehicles are from outside
neighborhood (cut-through), then criteria is met.
12Policy Update Prioritization
13Policy Update Funding Options
14Policy Update Exemptions
15Policy Update Challenges
- Renewed neighborhood interest in traffic calming
- Expectations for expanded installation of
physical roadway features and dynamic signs - Resource Limitations
- 40 less staff than FY02-03
- Limited funding
16Enforcement Update
- Neighborhood and School traffic enforcement
- Requests for enforcement
- www.sjpd.org/_forms/TEU_Request_Form.asp
- School Area Parking Compliance
- Requests for enforcement
- e-mail to parking.compliance_at_sanjoseca.gov
17Neighborhood EnforcementRequests
18Neighborhood EnforcementProject Area
19Next Steps
- Comment Period, 5/12 5/19
- Laura.Wells_at_sanjoseca.gov
- Subject CSJ TCP Update
- Transportation Environment Committee, June 2nd
- City Council, June 17th
20Report on San Jose Residential Traffic Calming