Title: Brickfish Sales Presentation
1NoteVault PresentationJanuary 2009
NoteVault is a wireless web-based service that
enables construction superintendents to do their
daily reporting (using nothing but voice on a
mobile phone) and quickly receive transcribed
reports in return. Wouldnt talking be faster,
easier and more accurate than typing it all later?
- Can you say simple?
- Daily reports done faster, easier, better.
- Its also a process control tool.
- The pricing is easy, too.
3Can you say simple?
- Just pick up your phone, call our number, and
speak your report. - We transcribe your verbal reports into written
reports that you can view online. - We store your reports in a digital archive,
always accessible. - All this convenience and efficiency for a small
monthly fee.
4Daily reports done faster, easier, better.
- No more time-consuming written reports.
- No more after-the-fact inaccuracies.
- No more information gaps that leave you exposed
to claims. - Data can be sent into project management software.
5Its also a process control tool.
- Improves communication amongst all invited team
members Post messages. View the action. Keep
everyone on the same page. - Completely secured and private so no one but
invited members can participate. - NoteVault also keeps an independent record of
events including hosting and time stamping
making the data irrefutable.
6The pricing is easy, too.
- For a small service fee that will likely be less
than what it costsyou now, you have protection
against claims that can cost you millions.
7NoteVault. The one power tool you cant be
- With NoteVault, your Daily Construction Reports
will be - Easy to do
- Faster, more accurate than ever before
- Real-time documentation against damaging
8Sample Report
9Stakeholders Why they love NoteVault.
Ensure a profitable project. Manage stakeholders.
Transparency. Low Stress.
Delays. Problems. Hidden Costs.
Gets 1 hour/day more from all of his important
staff. Saves on IT infrastructure. Easier,
transparent view of every project is just a click
away. Great history, online anytime its needed.
Owner / CEO
Report to Owner / CEO. Solve Problems. Manage
Escalations. Ensure progress of project to
plan. Manage Supervisors.
Transparency. Ease of managing escalations. Maximu
m work output of staff. Low Stress.
Scope Creep. Delays. Lack of obvious
responsibility. Lazy staff.
He wont have to chase anyone for reports. Easily
handle escalations in writing. Easily sign off
work completed.
On the site building. Manage the construction
To get paid for what he does. To get on with the
job. Ease of knowing who does what.
Paper work. Scope creep (and not being
paid). Lack of decision making from
manager. Punishment for someone elses problems /
Save 1 hour/day on paper work. Clean handover
from previous shift. Transparent escalation
process and record. Proof of work completed.
10Contact Information NoteVault, Inc. 3525A Del
Mar Heights Rd, 109 San Diego CA 92130 Phone
1-858-755-9800 info_at_NoteVault.com