Title: Processing and Analysis of NMR Spectra
1Processing and Analysis of NMR Spectra
- Advanced Computing in NMR Spectroscopy
- Florence, September 9-14, 2001
Dr. Christian Fischer
- Processing
- Fourier Transformation (FT), Data acquisition
- Window multiplications, Zerofilling
- Phasing, Baseline correction
- Postprocessing
- Mean row calculations
- Symmetrization
- Analysis
- Multiplett analysis
- Volume - distance calculation
- Backcalculation
- J pattern search
- Match Transfer
- Tripple Resonance 3D
3Fourier transform
4Fourier pairs of important functions
Rectangle functions
5Fourier pairs of important functions
Gauss function
Gauss function
6Fourier pairs of important functions
7Data acquisition sampling
Data are sampled at discrete time intervals and
for a finite duration
Sampling interval
Folding will occur, if frequencies above
8Data acquisition sampling
9Data acquisition sampling
10Data acqu. quadrature detection
Discrimination of /- frequencies
12Convolution theorem
13Window multiplications
- Aims
- Improving S/N
- Resolution enhancements
- lineshape transformation
- (apodization) suppressing of ripple in spectrum
- deconvoluting instrument response
14Improving S/N
Filter function
- Exponential multiplication will reduce noise
- due to broadening signal intensity will be lost
- but noise decreases more
matched filter
15Improving S/N
16Resolution enhancement
Improvement in S/N at the cost of resolution
Decreases S/N but improves resolution (linewidth)
17Lineshape transformation
Product function
resolution enhancement
lorentz - gauss transformation
Lorentz-Gauss transformation small peak basis
gt signal separation - artifacts at peak base -
small lines can disappear - integration not
18Lineshape transformation
19Deconvolution of instrument response
e(t) instrument s(t) signal
measure E(?) separately
20Zero substitution
dominated by signal
dominated by noise
Window multiplications will do better !
21Zero filling
Nk N
k N k1 adds information to the spectrum!
(it takes imaginary data into accont) kgt1
improvement of digital resolution
22Zero filling
23Signal phases
Detector phase is generally uncalibrated gt
mixture of absorption and dispersion
Time or filter delays on time signal gt frequency
depended phase corr. needed
freq. independend
freq. dependend
25Phasing time shift theorem
Each response (?) needs to be corrected with its
own phase correction
applies therefore only at ?
considerable changes over the linewidth of the
resonance gt lineshape distotions will result
(baseline roll)
26Baseline corrections
Bad baselines are caused by distortions in the
initial points of S(t)
Bad points are caused by filter artifacts,
distortion or clipping of strong signals, etc.
27Baseline corrections
uncorrupted FID
1st point corrupt
First three points corrupt
First two points corrupt