Title: MVD configurations in runs 4,5
1MVD configurationsin runs 4,5
Analysis meeting 1 Feb 2006 Hubert van Hecke
2Run 4
For run 4, only the MVD endcaps were installed.
The enclosure was rebuilt to present the minimal
mass to the Central Arm spectrometers.
The MVD endcaps were successfully operated for
the run 4 AuAu run.
Cold air duct mylar, black tape
Enclosure 6 mm rohacell
60.7 cm clear space
Structural member 0.5 mm Al tube
4Run 5
Multi-event buffering meant modifying the FEE
FPGA code. Tested with pulsers in the fall 04,
but code failed under real trigger conditions -
no data written during CuCu run.
MVD cannot operate with pp - multiplicity too low.
MVD was removed after run 5
5MVD in Pisa
Full MVD configuration
Run 4, 5 configuration, In phnx.par, set