- A Training for WARP by
- Deb Stephens, SBCTC
- Carmen Stewart, SBCTC
3Why was DLOA Created?
- Established Partnership
- Employment Security
- K-12
- Linked participant data to external data
- Unemployment Insurance (UI) data (Washington and
neighboring states) - National Clearinghouse data
- Washington public University data
- Calculated placement and earnings rates in
systematic and consistent manner
4Whats in DLOA?
- Exiting student data
- Demographic, training, transfer and employment
data - Quick files for kind of student cohorts
- 3 databases
- Job Preparatory (includes quick files for 2
cohortsjob prep and apprenticeship) - Transfer
- Worker Retraining
- 4 cohorts
5Who are the Cohorts?
- Exiting Job Preparatory students (F intent,
vocational completers) - Exiting Transfer students (kind of student T,
academic degree completers) - Exiting Apprenticeship students (H intent,
completers and leavers from LI files) - Exiting Worker Retraining students (regardless of
kind of student or intent)
6How Are the Tables Organized?
- Post College tables allow assessment of
employment, wages and continuing education after
leaving college (for all cohorts). - Pre-Post College tables allow comparisons of
employment information before and after college
(all cohorts except apprenticeship). - During-Post College tables allow comparisons of
employment information during and after college
(transfer and job preparatory only).
7What Kind of Data is in the Quick Files?
- All the usual demographic data
- Employment data (3rd or 5th quarter before,
during and 3rd quarter after college) - Industry of employment
- Wages
- Earnings
- County of employment
- Employer
- Continuing education information
- Students are unduplicated by college
8Dont Forget About the Documentation!
- Documentation is organized around the Quick Files
- Contains a description of all the data elements,
including those from other databases (such as
demographic information) - Everything talked about today is in there
- Provides estimated employment tables (will
discuss later)
9The Confidentiality Agreement
10Why Does DLOA Use Require a Confidentiality
- Uses data from the Unemployment Insurance
database - SBCTC signs a confidentiality agreement with ESD
that we will abide by strict reporting so that
individuals and firms cannot be identified in our
data - We are subject to audit by ESD
11New Language
- Addresses concerns raised at the last WARP
Elluminate training - In (i).take out the words use or
- Change statistical reporting to for aggregated
reporting - Okay to USE the data for internal purposes, just
cannot report it publicly so that individuals or
firms can be identified
12Does This Alleviate Your Concerns?
- I will not reveal any individually identifiable
information furnished, acquired, retrieved or
assembled by me or others for any purposes other
than for aggregated reporting.
13QUESTIONS and ANSWERS (we hope)
1410-Minute Break
16What Kinds of Reporting Does SBCTC Use DLOA For?
- Worker Retraining Report
- Job Training Results
- EMSI Study
- Carl Perkins reporting
- Performance Measures
- Academic Year ReportMedian Wages and Earnings by
Field of Study (will discuss later)
17What Are Some of the Commonly Used Data Elements?
- When using Post College Files
- Educational attainment of exiting students based
on Exit Codes EXIT_STATUS - Summary of Exit Status GRADDROP
- Inflation adjusted wages in the 3rd Quarter after
leaving INFLATION_ADJ_WAGE - Inflation adjusted annual earnings
18A Few More
- More Post College Data Elements
- Whether or not in UI File 3 quarters after
leaving college PLACEMENT_STATUS - Industry code NAICS
- CIP Code at Completion (or last reported)
19Still More Data Elements
- When using Pre-Post files.
- Wages 3rd or 5th quarter before entering college
B_INFLATION_ADJ_WAGE - Wages 3rd quarter after leaving college
A_INFLATION_ADJ_WAGE - Other elements have B and A denoting before
and after (earnings, NAICS, etc) - Only those students with either earnings or wages
before AND after are included
20And More Data Elements
- When using During-Post files.
- Wages 1 quarter before leaving college
D_INFLATION_ADJ_WAGE - Wages 3 quarters after leaving college
A_INFLATION_ADJ_WAGE - Other elements have D and A denoting during
and after (earnings, NAICS, etc) - Only those students with either earnings or wages
during AND after are included
21What the Heck are CIP_GRP_WAGE and LMH?
- Too many CIPs to talk about in a meaningful way
- CIP_GRP_WAGE clumps CIPs into fields of study
- LMH further clumps the CIP_GRP_WAGE fields into
lower, medium and higher wage categories based on
median wages
22Example Academic Year Report TablesNew This
23What are some easy queries?
- To calculate Number of Completers DW_KEY,
GRADDROP gt 0 - To calculate Number of Leavers DW_KEY, GRADDROP
0 - To calculate number of completers employed 3
quarters after leaving college DW_KEY, GRADDROP
24Example Query Calculating an Employment Rate
Step 1 (the numerator)
Calculates the number of exiting WR students who
were employed 3 quarters after leaving college
25Step 2 Calculating the Denominator
Calculates the total number of exiting WR students
26Speaking of Employment Rates..What Are the
Employment Rate Tables For?
- Placement Status1 is a count of ONLY those in
the UI database - Excludes self-employed and those working out of
state - Tables allow adjustments to the rates to
accommodate those not accounted for in UI - Adjustments based on survey results by WTECB
- Completer and Leaver Tables in the Documentation
27Comparing Pre-Training Industries with
Post-Training Industries Step 1
28Here is What You Get
Can do the same thing with the after NAICS
codes and compare the pre and post numbers to see
what industries WR students are shifting out of
and into
29Get Creative!
I built a table assigning each college to one of
8 regions around the state so I could look at
where WR students worked before and after
training.did they stay in the same region?
30Can Use the New Table to Determine if Students
Remain in their County of Training When They
Return to Work
31Here are the Results
32What Are the Pitfalls of DLOA?
- MUST use the appropriate tables for each cohort
- Example WR students in Job Prep tables are not
comprehensive, must use WR table to look at WR
students - Only includes exiting cohorts students not
enrolled in the CTC system the following year
33More Questions?
3420 Minute Break