Title: Recess Time
1Recess Time !
- A fictional story
- By Lauren Murphy
2It was the beginning of our fifth grade year. We
were all excited about our last year together
before going to middle school. For the last two
years we had been in the same class together
which made the school year lots of fun.
3Kelsey, Mary, Paige and I met at school to find
out what homeroom we were in. We were so excited
to start the new school year together. Much to
our surprise, we found out we were all in
different homerooms. This meant that recess time
would be the only time we would get to see each
4During the first few months of school, we looked
so forward to recess time each day. We would
share about our day, talk about our favorite
classes and the boys we liked.
5As the weather got colder, we didnt get to see
each other at recess because we didnt get to go
outside. This made us feel like our friendship
was drifting apart. We knew that there was a
problem and we had to put are heads together to
find a solution. We had been friends too long
and we were not going to stop now.
6We brainstormed ways to help our friendship stay
strong. We thought about talking to each other
on phone, eating breakfast together or starting a
friendship journal.
7We tried talking to each other on the phone, but
it just wasnt the same. we could not get all
four of us on the phone at the same time.
8Since we could not all talk on the phone
together, we decided that eating breakfast
together was a good idea. This would give us
some time each day to get caught up with each
other. The next morning when we arrived at
school, we met in the cafeteria.
9We got our tray and started to sit at a table
together. The cafeteria monitor told us that we
had to sit at a table that had an empty seat.
This meant that we would not be able to sit
together and talk. Our plan was not working out
as we thought it would. We had to find another
way to stay in touch.
10We decided that our last idea was our best idea
after all. A friendship journal was our only way
to share with each other. We bought a spiral
notebook from the school store and decorated the
front. We decided that we would take turns
taking it home to write all that we wanted to
share with each other.
11We made a schedule so we would know whose turn it
was to take it home. We could look back through
the journal and read what each of us had said. We
found out its always best if we can work together
to find a solution to our problems. The
friendship journal helped make sure we would be
best friends forever!
12 Thats my story!