Title: GOES-13%20Sounder%20Striping
1GOES-13 Sounder Striping
- Don Hillger
- CIRA/Colorado State University
- Tim Schmit
- CIMSS/University of Wisconsin
2Note the largest striping for Sounder band-7
Hourly GOES-13 Sounder striping from 24-h of limb
(earth and space) measurements, East limb of
earth, Julian Day 343-344
3Note the largest striping for Sounder band-7
Hourly GOES-13 Sounder striping from 24-h of limb
(earth and space) measurements, East limb of
earth, Julian Day 344-345
4Note the larger striping for Sounder bands 6 and 7
Hourly GOES-13 Sounder striping from 24-h of limb
(earth and space) measurements, West limb of
earth, Julian Day 343-344
5Note the larger striping for Sounder bands 6 and 7
Hourly GOES-13 Sounder striping from 24-h of limb
(earth and space) measurements, West limb of
earth, Julian Day 344-345
6Sounder Band Central Wavelength (µm) Both Earth and Space Measurements Both Earth and Space Measurements Both Earth and Space Measurements
Sounder Band Central Wavelength (µm) East Limb West Limb West to East ratio
Sounder Band Central Wavelength (µm) 13-bit GVAR counts (0-8191) 13-bit GVAR counts (0-8191) West to East ratio
1 14.71 31.0 48.2 1.55
2 14.37 26.9 45.7 1.70
3 14.06 31.9 52.6 1.65
4 13.64 30.6 56.5 1.85
5 13.37 32.1 59.0 1.84
6 12.66 35.2 71.6 2.03
7 12.02 42.8 72.6 1.70
8 11.03 35.3 63.2 1.79
9 9.71 20.4 27.7 1.36
10 7.43 19.1 40.2 2.10
11 7.02 15.0 38.3 2.55
12 6.51 11.6 17.6 1.52
13 4.57 18.3 28.7 1.57
14 4.52 10.4 17.1 1.64
15 4.46 9.3 11.5 1.24
16 4.13 6.6 12.9 1.95
17 3.98 8.8 16.2 1.84
18 3.74 8.8 16.7 1.90
GOES-13 Sounder striping (From 48 hours of limb
(earth and space) measurements on Julian days
Note that the striping is greater on the West
limb than on the East limb by about a factor of 2
for most bands.
7East Limb, Space
East Limb, Earth
West Limb, Space
West Limb, Earth
8Sounder Band Central Wavelength (µm) Space-Only Measurements Space-Only Measurements Space-Only Measurements Earth-Only Measurements Earth-Only Measurements Earth-Only Measurements
Sounder Band Central Wavelength (µm) East Limb West Limb West to East ratio East Limb West Limb West to East ratio
Sounder Band Central Wavelength (µm) East Limb West Limb West to East ratio 13-bit GVAR counts (0-8191) 13-bit GVAR counts (0-8191) West to East ratio
Sounder Band Central Wavelength (µm) 13-bit GVAR counts (0-8191) 13-bit GVAR counts (0-8191) West to East ratio 13-bit GVAR counts (0-8191) 13-bit GVAR counts (0-8191) West to East ratio
1 14.71 5.77 5.85 1.01 8.70 12.46 1.43
2 14.37 4.81 4.60 0.96 6.33 6.67 1.05
3 14.06 3.71 3.43 0.92 9.21 13.51 1.47
4 13.64 2.24 1.95 0.87 12.72 30.25 2.38
5 13.37 2.04 1.95 0.96 14.64 35.56 2.43
6 12.66 1.97 2.33 1.18 22.92 51.34 2.24
7 12.02 3.56 4.78 1.34 49.21 64.22 1.31
8 11.03 2.92 3.45 1.18 31.00 37.08 1.20
9 9.71 3.12 3.91 1.25 17.69 24.11 1.36
10 7.43 2.89 3.16 1.09 14.20 30.81 2.17
11 7.02 3.20 3.75 1.17 14.46 39.30 2.72
12 6.51 4.43 4.68 1.06 10.06 11.10 1.10
13 4.57 4.30 4.59 1.07 27.21 38.30 1.41
14 4.52 5.25 6.66 1.27 12.55 20.13 1.60
15 4.46 8.48 10.29 1.21 10.09 11.67 1.16
16 4.13 2.46 2.61 1.06 8.09 14.56 1.80
17 3.98 1.90 2.32 1.22 10.75 17.67 1.64
18 3.74 1.51 2.32 1.53 9.82 15.73 1.60
9Over water, Original
Over water, De-striped
Example of striping correction applied to Sounder
band-7. Reduced striping (left to right) is seen
for both water (top) and land (bottom) areas in
enhanced images from. Striping however appears
to have increased over the coldest cloud tops
(top left to right).
Over land, Original
Over land, De-striped