Title: Target Injection Update
1 Target Injection Update
- Presented by Ron Petzoldt
- Neil Alexander, Landon Carlson, Lane Carlson, Dan
Frey, Dan Goodin, Phan Huynh, Robert Kratz,
Robert Stemke and Emanuil Valmianski - San Diego HAPL meeting
- August 8-9, 2006
2Overview of injection progress
Magnetic slingshot design calculations were done
and support the concepts feasibility
In-flight target steering has been achieved Can
improve overall target injection accuracy (goal
1 mm to ease beam steering)
Magnetic coils accelerate target upward
1.5 m target fall
Field contour
3In-flight target steering achieved with dropped
Key parameters Target charge (-0.1 nC), Target
mass (300 mg), 4 mm diameter Peak velocity (5
m/s), Steering field range (150 kV/m) Steering
range (2 mm)
4We integrated in-flight steering with tracking
system for real-time trajectory correction
Labview screen shot - details next slide
5We integrated in-flight steering with tracking
system for real-time trajectory correction
XY position trace
Poisson spot
X vs time (mm)
Steering voltage
0.4 -
Steering voltage based on X position (Poisson
spots centroid) and velocity updates each 10 ms
0.2 -
0.0 -
-0.4 -
Control signal ?Vi
Steering duration
6Standard deviation of target placement accuracy
(1D) decreased from 254 to 107 µm
0.1 mrad accuracy is similar to that needed for
IFE Additional goal is 20 µm at 0.5 m for FTF
0 V
Active Feedback
-1500 V
Much of remaining error is believed due to curve
ball effect in air
7GAs EMS Group calculations support Robsons
magnetic slingshot concept feasibility
Conducting tube
- Magnetic slingshot concept advantages
- Non-contacting ferromagnetic shuttle
- No friction wear
- Centering force provided by conducting enclosure
- No sabot or gas turbulence
- Potentially very accurate
- No mechanical feedthroughs required into
cryostat - Powered via simple DC magnetic field
S/C Coil
Trigger coil
Conducting tube provides centering force but
induces drag on shuttle
8Vector Fields calculations show centering force
in conducting tube leads to 1 oscillation period
Shuttle length 40 mm Shuttle radius 4
mm Carrier saturation 2.4 T Tube inner radius
8 mm
4000 N/m gt T 12.5 ms
Berties analytical estimate 8.6 ms for same
Tune for integer number of half oscillation
periods during acceleration 12 ms for minimum
radial velocity
This shows centering force is adequate
9Coil drag and power dissipated are significant
but acceptable with sufficient tube conductivity
Eddy currents in tube wall induce drag P/v
- Energy dissipated per target 15 mJ in high
conductivity case (0.075 W) - Acceleration force 81 N gtgt drag force
- 2.5?1011(?m)-1 corresponds to very high-purity
cryogenic aluminum
10A 40 coil design results in a very smooth
acceleration profile
SC Nb3Sn vf 60 m/s
Magnetic Field Bz (T)
0 200 400 Z (mm)
dB/dz (T/m)
Acceleration (Gs)
0 150 300
Z (mm)
11Summary of injection progress
- In-flight target steering has been achieved
- Real-time trajectory corrections based on
position measurement - (v5 m/s)
- 1-D placement accuracy improved to 107 ?m (1?
at 0.8 m standoff). - Calculations support the magnetic slingshot
concept - Can achieve constant acceleration with a 40 coil
design. - Adequate centering force is provided by a
conducting tube. - Drag is acceptable with a sufficiently
high-conductivity tube material (very high-purity