Title: Engineering Technology Senior Project
1Engineering TechnologySenior Project
Client Visit Review Discuss Proposal Drafts
Team Leaders Post Proposal Presentation
Critique Proposals Feedback to
Teams Complete Proposals Individual Teams
3Successful Orientation Visits
Teams were prepared - Evidence of meeting
prior to the visit - Lists of questions -
Some teams conducted research-company history -
In some cases, entire team took notes Attentive
and excited Teams were on-time Conveyed
professionalism - Exchanged handshakes/introduct
ions - Confident
4Not So Successful Aspects
Lack of preparation regarding the proposal
information content Ready..FIRE!
5Proposal Pit-falls
- Unclear statement of client needs/problem.
- Specifications are not specific.
- - You must clearly define all requirements and
constraints - - Poor examples include
- The fixture will be placed in the
environmentally controlled company lab - A variety of samples grippers
- Reasonable space requirement
6Proposal Parts
- Statement of Client Needs
- Project Specifications
- General Approach
- Time Schedule
- Team Needs and Facilities
- Project Deliverables
7Statement of Clients Needs
A summary statement that shows that you
understand their problem and presents the purpose
of the project.
8Project Specifications
- Clear statement of Project Solution
- Functions
- General terms
- Requirements
- Quantitative
- Project constraints
- Evaluation criteria
- - Desirable characteristics
9General Approach
- Procedure for plan and direction on the project
- Outline Form
- Phases
- Research
- Concept design
- Analysis
- Simulation
- Detailed design
- Prototype component
- Manufacture
- Prototype assembly
- Experimental verification
10Time Schedule
- Provide a Gantt chart including
- Tasks
- Periods of Time
- Schedule Progress
11Team Needs and Facilities
- Requirements from company and UD
- Equipment
- Space
- Laboratories
- Machine Shops
- Computer Facilities
- Amount of time needed for the work.
- Approximate dates of use.
12Project Deliverables
- List of items the team will deliver at conclusion
- Schematics
- Blueprints
- Prototype
- Simulation
- Engineering Manuals
13Path to Solution
"The process of creating a device or system to
satisfy a need. A Good Solution is safe
and high quality. designed at a minimum of
cost. has a short time to implement
makes the company money!!!!!
14Next Meeting
Effective Team Meeting Information Article So,
Youre Going to be a Member of a Team Post
Proposal Information Class Operation/Schedule Me
eting With All Team Leaders