Title: Retention at CNU
1Retention at CNU
Dr. Dave Doughty for the Faculty Senate Committee
on Retention 1/21/2005
2US News Methodology
3How Much Does Retention Count?
- For Doctoral/National Liberal Arts
- Avg Graduation Rate 16
- Freshman Retention 4
- Graduation Rate Performance - 5
- For Masters/Comprehensive
- Avg Graduation Rate 20
- Freshman Retention 5
- Graduation Rate Performance - 0
4How Do We Stack Up?
- Category Weight CNU Tier 4 Tier 3 Tier 1-2
- Avg Grad Rate () 16.00 36 21 70 41 88 60
96 - Grad Rate Perf 5.00 1 -33 to 20 -25 to 24 -18
to 16 - Freshman Retention 4.00 81 (35)
56-83 68-86 75-99
5Graduation Rate/Freshman Retention
6Freshman Retention Latest Data
- Freshman Retention Fall 2003
- Cohort was 1219
- 288 did not return in fall 2004 76.4 retention
rate - 140 had GPA lt 2.0
- 19 had GPA of 0.0
- SAT average of 18 -gt 1187
- GPA average of 18 -gt 3.06
- 148 had GPA gt 2.0
7Freshman Retention
- Completely Consistent with Data from last year
- High School SAT, High School GPA, not good
predictors - Also found that Residency and Location were not
good predictors
8Freshman Retention vs. GPA
9Freshman Retention vs. HS GPA
10Freshman Retention vs. SAT
11Freshman Retention vs. Residence
12Retention at CNU A Threefold Problem
- Weak Performance as a Freshman
- Those who leave with less than 2.0 GPA
- Freshman who do not return for other reasons
- Freshman who leave with GPA at or above 2.0
- Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors who leave
13Why do Students Leave?
- University of Wisconsin , College of Engineering
and Applied Science did a study - the major factors they cited in Freshman
retention were - Working too many hours
- Financial problems
- Too much work
- Poor time management skills
- Not what I wanted
- Socialized too much
- Lack of faculty support
- Poor grades
- Poor study habits
14Why do Students Leave II ?
- Other studies suggest other possibilities/risk
factors - First generation college attenders
- Nationally 40 of freshman are first generation
college - Half will not return their sophomore year
- Students who never connect with the university
- Within six weeks
- Students who didnt want to be here in the first
place (i.e. we were their second choice or lower) - Students who arent committed to obtaining a
degree - Best predictor of whether a student will go on
to complete a bachelors degree is the intensity
and quality of that students secondary school
curriculum (Adelman 1999)
15Why do Students Leave III ?
- The university fails to deliver on expected
Goods and Services - Should point out that different studies at
different schools find different causes!
16Why do Students Leave CNU?
- We dont really know.
- Lots of surveys
- 2001 National Survey of Student Engagement
- 2002 CIRP Institutional Survey
- 2004 Greenley-Archer
- 2004 Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey
- 2004 CIRP
- None targeted specifically at retention
17Problem 1 Non-Performing Freshman
- Possible causes
- Workload adjustment
- Too much work
- Poor time management skills
- Socialized too much
- Lack of faculty support
- Poor study habits
- Financial
- Working too many hours
- Financial problems
- Dont want to be in college/ not committed to
18Problem 1 Non-Performing Freshman
- Which of these are our biggest problems?
- We dont know!
- (at least we dont know much but we have some
hints) - Need to get more data
19Workload Adjustment
- The 2002 CIRP Institutional Summary asked During
your last year in high school, how many hours did
you spend during a typical week doing homework? - Over seventy percent of our students said five
hours or less PER WEEK! - Same in 2004 CIRP survey (70.3)
- (Our students have not changed that much!)
- Confirmed by Critical Point Assessments
- 162/380 freshman at six weeks Not prepared for
how hard work would be (tests, quizzes, overload
of reading, etc.). - 97/195 freshman at twelve weeks
- By far the largest difficulty cited
20Problem 1 Non-Performing Freshman
- Can we reduce this problem with a pre-emptive
strike? - i.e. address these issues early
- Faculty-led discussions during summer
orientation(?) - Need more data
21Problem 2 Performing Freshman
- Possible Causes
- Students who never connect with the
university/dont like the environment - Students who didnt want to be here in the first
place (i.e. we were their second choice or lower) - Students who arent committed to obtaining a
degree - First generation college students
- Lack of parental support
- Financial issues
22Problem 2 Performing Freshman
- Which of these are our biggest problems?
- We know a bit more here, but we dont track
- The 2002 (2004) CIRP Institutional Summary
- 1.9 of our students did not intend a bachelors
- 4.9 did not intend a bachelors at our school
- 27.7 (24.7) of fathers did not attend college
- 31.6 (24.8) of mothers did not attend college
- 8.2 (7.3) have major worries about ability to
finance education - 32 (39.9) said parents wanted them to go (but
it was multiple select) - For 31.9 (34..1) of our students CNU was NOT
1st choice school - Do we close the deal with these students?
- Or do they always harbor the desire to get into
the school where they belong?
23Understanding Freshman Retention - A Survey
- Administer a two-part survey
- First part during orientation or first week
- Second near end of first semester
- Track students by Student ID (research only)
- According to the 2002 CIRP 75 of freshman dont
mind this - See who leaves
- Look for exit profile
- Solves the problem of scattered, uncorrelated,
and untracked data
24Questions on Intention and Attitude
- How confident are you that you will obtain a
bachelors degree? - Very confident
- Moderately confident
- Somewhat confident
- Unsure
- Very unsure
- How confident are you that you will obtain a
bachelors degree from CNU? - Very confident
- Moderately confident
- Somewhat confident
- Unsure
- Very unsure
- How confident are you that you made the right
decision by choosing CNU? - Very confident
- Moderately confident
- Somewhat confident
- Unsure
- Very unsure
25More Attitudes
- How confident are you that you have been
academically prepared for college? - Very confident
- Moderately confident
- Somewhat confident
- Unsure
- Very unsure
- Was CNU your first choice, second choice, third
choice, or lower than third choice school
(meaning of places you wanted to go, as opposed
to places you were accepted)? - CNU was my first choice
- CNU was my second choice
- CNU was my third choice
- CNU was lower than my third choice
- How confident are you that you will return to CNU
next year? - Very confident
- Moderately confident
- Somewhat confident
- Unsure
- Very unsure
26More Attitudes (my favorites)
- How many hours do you anticipate working on
academic subjects outside of class each week? - 25 or more
- 20 - 24
- 15-19
- 10-15
- Less than 10
- Which of these questions BEST describes why you
came to CNU (please choose only one) - It was my first choice school
- It was not my first choice school, but I didnt
get in my higher choices - I was accepted at a school I preferred but it was
too expensive - I was accepted at a school I preferred but my
parents wanted me to come here (for reasons other
than financial) - I was accepted at a school I preferred but my
friends came here - Other
27Joiner or Loner?
- Are you planning on joining a sports team
(varsity or intramural)? - Definitely
- Possibly
- No
- Are you planning on joining a club or
organization? - Definitely
- Possibly
- No
- Are you planning on joining a fraternity or
sorority? - Definitely
- Possibly
- No
- Do you have an intended major?
- Yes
- No
28Financial Questions
- Are you planning to work (either work/study or
outside employment) during the academic year? - Definitely
- Possibly
- No
- How confident are you that you will be able to
afford four years of college at CNU? - Very confident
- Moderately confident
- Somewhat confident
- Unsure
- Very unsure
29Parental Questions
- Did your parents attend college full time?
- Yes, both attended and finished with a bachelors
degree. - Yes, both attended and one has a bachelors
degree. - Yes both attended and neither has a bachelors
degree. - One attended and has a bachelors degree
- One attended.
- Neither attended
- How supportive are your parents of your decision
to come to CNU - Very supportive
- Moderately supportive
- Somewhat supportive
- Not very supportive
- Completely unsupportive
30Statistical Questions
- Are you a male or female?
- Male
- Female
- What is your race?
- Caucasian
- African-American
- Hispanic
- Asian-American
- Other
31Academic Background
- What was your GPA in high school?
- gt 4.0
- 3.5 4.0
- 3.0 3.49
- 2.5 2.99
- lt 2.5
- What was your cumulative SAT score (combining
your best sub-scores)? - gt1400
- 1250 - 1390
- 1100 - 1240
- 950 - 1090
- lt 950
- Did not take SAT
- What was your ACT score?
- gt31
- 29-31
- 26-28
- 23-25
- lt22
32More questions
- How many of your friends came to CNU?
- More than 10
- 5 - 9
- 3-4
- 1-2
- 0
- Are you in a learning community?
- Yes
- No
33Follow-up survey
- How academically difficult have you found
college? - How confident are you that you will return to CNU
next semester? - How confident are you that you will return to CNU
next year? - How confident are you that you will receive your
bachelors degree from CNU? - Have you joined a sports team?
- Have you joined a club or organization?
- Have you joined a fraternity or sorority?
34Follow-up survey
- How many hours did you spend on academic subjects
OUTSIDE of class? - Did you have a job (either work/study or outside
employment) and how many hours per week? - Have you visited any of your professors in their
offices? - How many friends do you have at CNU?
- Academically, how satisfied are you with CNU
- Considering the social aspects of CNU, how
satisfied are you with CNU - If you had it to do over again, would you come to
CNU? - Have you declared a major ?
35Problem 3 Upperclassmen
- Possible Causes
- Students who never connect with the
university/dont like the environment - Students who didnt want to be here in the first
place (i.e. we were their second choice or lower) - Students who are dissatisfied with delivery of
goods and services - Finances
36Problem 3 Upperclassmen
- Which of these are our biggest problems?
- We dont know much but we now have some good
data - Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory
- Administered Fall 2004
- (Accidentally) weighted toward Juniors and
Seniors - Measures importance of factors and rates them
- Look for performance gap
- i.e. students think it is important and we rate
37Noel-Levitz - The Good News
- The content of courses within my major is
valuable 6.64 5.38 1.26 - My academic advisor is knowledgeable about
requirements in my major 6.64 5.48 1.16 - The instruction in my major field is excellent
6.63 5.58 1.05 - Nearly all the faculty are knowledgeable in their
field 6.63 5.71 0.92 - The quality of instruction I receive in most of
my classes is excellent 6.59 5.38 1.21 - The campus is safe and secure for all students
6.58 5.63 0.95 - Faculty are usually available after class and
during office hours 6.53 5.69 0.84 - My academic advisor is approachable 6.49 5.56
0.93 - I am able to experience intellectual growth here
6.46 5.34 1.12
38Noel-Levitz - The Good News
- Faculty are doing a fabulous job! Really!
- In every area of evaluation involving faculty
teaching, advising, etc. faculty are doing a
great job.
39Noel Levitz the Bad News
- I am able to register for classes I need with few
conflicts 6.70 4.04 2.66 - The amount of student parking space on campus is
adequate 6.54 2.18 4.36 - Tuition paid is a worthwhile investment 6.54 4.62
1.92 - There is a good variety of courses provided on
this campus 6.51 4.12 2.39 - This institution shows concern for students as
individuals 6.37 4.59 1.78 - Parking lots are well-lighted and secure 6.33
4.38 1.95 - Security staff respond quickly to emergencies
6.33 4.52 1.81 - I seldom get the run-around when seeking
information on this campus 6.33 3.74 2.59 - The personnel involved in registration are
helpful 6.32 4.57 1.75
40Noel Levitz the Bad News
- The major dissatisfaction with CNU appears to be
Course Availability. - This was the weakest area on the SSI
- Most important
- Second largest gap
- Also came up repeatedly in focus groups.
- Biology Lab is a big problem
- Problems with preferential registration
- (Should honors freshman bump seniors?)
- Suggest a change to within class preference?
41Noel Levitz more Bad News
- Another area of dissatisfaction was Tuition paid
is a worthwhile investment - My reaction how can this be if faculty are
doing a good job? - Student answer it is all about tuition
increases! - Flat rate tuition?
42Noel Levitz other points
- Trying to do more with less doesnt work as
well with service personnel as with faculty. - Do people leave because of parking or speed of
emergency response? - No but it could push them toward the tipping
point. - Did not think much of Students First slogan.
43Retention Recommendations
- 1. Begin administering a freshman survey during
orientation, and a companion near the end of the
first semester. Track students over four years. - Tracking these students will help us determine
(over time) which factors play the heaviest roles
in the (non)-retention process at CNU.
44Retention Recommendations
- 2. Have an adjustment to college special
session during orientation or first week - Small group discussion format with faculty
- Topics
- the difference in level of effort between high
school and college - The fact that most students who dont perform
academically are no different in H.S. GPA and SAT
than those who do - (i.e. no reason in principle that anyone cant
make it) - the importance of connecting with the campus
through a club, group, activity, etc. - the importance of parental support, and what to
do if there is a perceived lack of it
45Retention Recommendations
- 3. If the Learning Communities improve student
retention (as we believe they will), increase
participation as rapidly as possible. - Early data on this will be available after the
Spring 2005 session starts.
46Retention Recommendations
- 4. Solve the course availability problem as
quickly as possible. - This is a very serious matter.
- Not inexpensive to solve.
- More sections.
- More faculty.
- Consider changing preferential registration to
within class
47Retention Recommendations
- 5. Review service sector of the university for
efficiency as perceived by students - Understaffed?
- Same staff, increased workload?
- Inefficient processes
- Manual vs automated
- Run-around and streamlined information flow
48Retention Recommendations
- 6. Consider a flat-rate tuition plan.
- A one time increase of about 10 would allow us
to offer flat-rate tuition, barring
catastrophic occurrences - Do it now, while our tuition is still very low
- Marketing proposition Come to CNU and your
tuition wont change for 4 years! - Students pay the same as the would otherwise, but
perception is different - Tuition increase is what it always was, but only
for first year students - See spreadsheet.
49Flat-Rate Tuition
- Retention will need a concerted multi-year
effort to yield data for continual improvement. - Beyond scope of this committee
- Needs larger committee
- Needs full-time commitment
- Needs improved institutional research
- Nevertheless there are things we can do