Title: S1 Science Living Things and The Processes of Life'
1S1 Science Living Things and The Processes of
Food Pyramids
I. McPhail - 2003
2Energy Loss from a food Chain
From each link of a food chain to the next, about
90 of the energy from the previous link is lost.
Thus only 10 is passed on. By the time a food
chain is four links long, there is rarely enough
energy left to support another link!
3Food Pyramids
We saw earlier how Energy is lost between each
link in a food chain. This can also be
represented as a Food Pyramid, which shows the
relative amount of energy in each link of a food
chain, and the relative population of each
4Some More on Food Pyramids
Depending on where the animals are in the food
chain, they will be predators, prey, or both.
Predator Prey
The green plants are called producers, because
they make food for all the animals
5Some Definitions....
- Producers - Green plants that turn light energy
into food (chemical) energy. - Consumers - Any living thing that eats other
living things for energy. - Predator - An animal that hunts and eats other
animals for food. - Prey - An animal hunted and eaten by a predator.
- Community - All the living things within a
particular habitat.
6What you should know so far..
- At each link along any Food Chain, 90 of the
Energy is lost to the next link. - So...There are rarely more than four links in any
Food Chain. - A Food Pyramid is a diagram showing how Energy
and the number of organisms changes along a Food
Chain. - The Energy in each level decreases as we go up a
Food Pyramid. - The number of organisms in each level decreases
as we go up a Food Pyramid.