Title: One Stop Integration
1One Stop Integration Connectivity
- ICESA Annual Conference
- September 19 22, 2000
- Salt Lake City, UT
2Two Opposing Forces With Valid,but Different
- Federal Department
- of Labor
State Governments
3The Federal View
Goal A National, Coordinated View of Jobs and
Job Seekers
State Employment Services Systems
4The State Government View
Goal A Statewide, Coordinated View for all
Government Services
One Stop
UI Benefits
Child Support
Child Welfare
Government Portal
Child Care
Workers Comp
Food Stamps
5The Answer
Appropriately perform One Stop function and
integrate seamlessly with Federal ES programs,
other state employment service programs, local
workforce development boards, community-based
organizations, and your state government portal
6The Basics
- Whether you have just brought your One Stop into
operation, or are still making the journey, there
are some basics to consider
- Neither force knows the specifics of your
environment (technical or human resource) - Every state has a unique situation there is no
shrink-wrapped solution to fit everyone
8Integration Connectivity Issues
Adding a new outlet for services (Internet) does
not mean you can shut others off. More
channels mean more fixed costs.
IVR Call Center
In Person
Dedicated Networks
9Integration Connectivity Issues
If your Internet-enabled One Stop does not
integrate with your other systems, you have
created just another stovepipe application.
Account by transaction by customer
Multiple agency information repositories
Multiple points of contact
10Integration Connectivity Issues
If your One Stop system technical platform does
not match the current or planned technological
strategic plan for your agency
- More training
- More technology to maintain
11Integration Connectivity Issues
Beyond the technical issues, other issues remain
- Performance measurements and reporting to
multiple programs and funding sources - Confidentiality concerns crossing funding
source lines - The internal workforce transition to new channels
and duties may require retraining and
reclassification of staff - Broader job classifications
- More job descriptions
- These transitions should be actively managed
(change management) for maximum success.
12The Transition
Technology offers great promise for future
productivity. In the meantime, however, we will
struggle with transition
- Large legacy batch systems that are a barrier to
effectively utilizing Internet technology - Challenges to integration and support of multiple
technologies - Shortages of people trained in new technologies
- Shortages of people trained to support legacy
technology - Demand for enterprise-level information from
disparate systems
13Getting There
14One Stop Integration Connectivity
- Rory McLaughlin
- Romclaughlin_at_dc.com