Title: VGRRC, Women Unions, DED
1VGRRC, Women Unions, DED SNV
- Methane (Biogas) from Anaerobic Digesters
2Who we are
- Goat and Rabbit Research Centre in Vietnam
(VGRRC) - located in Ha Tay Province
- founded in 1978
- 70 scientific and extension staff
- 64,9 ha
- 50 ha for trials fodder production, trial fields
intercropping, forest and fish ponds - VGRRC demonstrates the advantages of integrated
farming on site
3Ha Tay Province
- in northern Vietnam
- 2.193 kmĀ²
- 14 Districts
- Ba Vi National park 7000 ha
- Population 2.386.770
- Kinh
- Muong Dao (ethnic Minorities)
- Main sources of income
- Agriculture, Small Business, Tourism
- Average per capita income per annum
- 70 bis 120 US
Ha Tay Province
4Ha Tay ProvinceSon Tay and Ba Vi district
Son Tay Ba Vi
5What we do Research Extension
- Integrated Farming Systems
- Sustainable Development
- Goat, sheep and rabbit husbandry
- Renewable Energies
6Results achieved so far
- are based on simple low-cost technologies and on
training. The main beneficiaries are small-scale
women farmers who not only carry out much of the
work at farm level but who were and continue to
be the processors and marketers of their high
quality products. - Biogas technology is a complete system in itself
with its set objectives (cost effective
production of energy and soil nutrients). The
residue is known as effluent. - It is an almost pathogen-free stabilized manure
that can be used to maintain soil fertility,
fertilize fishponds end enhance crop production. - This approach enabled the provision of a higher
rates of return to farmers and has contributed to
a successful and sustainable operation of the
farms. - This approach also attracted significant
attention from other donors.
7Methane (Biogas) from Anaerobic Digesters
- Mrs. Hue and her family had a biogas system
installed in Spring 2002 - Mrs. Hue has a small restaurant in Ba Vi village
- Her husband is fattening pigs in the backyard
Mrs.Hue, her husband Mr. Lin, Mai 2002
8Batch-type digesters
- The anaerobic digester is made out of concrete
- and placed underground
- The design consists of
- an inlet
- connecting the stable to the biogas digester
- manure is washed into the digester when the
stable floor is flushed with water - this reduces the work load of the farmer
Outlets from empty stables can be temporarily
blocked with rocks
- The design includes
- an outlet
- to distribute the effluent
- directly to the field
- or into a fish pond
11Processing of wastes for energy recovery
nutrient recycling
- The solid material drawn from the digester is
called sludge, or effluent. - It is rich in nutrients
- ammonia, phosphorus, potassium
- and more than a dozen trace elements
- It is an almost pathogen-free stabilized manure
that can be used to maintain soil fertility,
fertilize fishponds end enhance crop production.
- here, the effluent is used to fertilize a
12Cooking with Biogas
- Biogas is odourless
- The flame is bright, and burns steadily
- All types of gas cookers available in Son Tay can
use biogas
13Cooking with Biogas
- Mrs. Hue uses biogas
- in her restaurant
- and for
- preparing meals for her family
14Improved living conditions
- A new toilet was built, improving the familys
sanitary conditions - the toilet is also connected to the biogas
digester, thus processing human wastes
15Direct impact
- Reduced fuel demands eases the workload of the
women who collect it - Reduced needs of fuel wood results in
considerable savings for the household - Women are less exhausted and spend more quality
time with their families - The reduction in pollutants improves the health
status of the women who work in the kitchen
Women in Kim Son, Son Tay transport the fuel wood
needed on their way back home from work in the
16Converting Manure
- Biogas offers an environmental-friendly way of
converting manure into methane and almost
pathogen-free stabilized fertilizer - its primary benefits are
- waste treatment
- converting manure into energy and almost
pathogen-free stabilized manure fertilizer - odour control
- nutrient recycling on-farm
- Regular extension visits are made
- VGRRC provides assistance and advise
- VGRRC co-operates with local women unions the
German Development Service (DED) and the
Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) in
setting up biogas units in Ba Vi and Son Tay
Mr. Son in front of a biogas cooker in an ethnic
minority cooking-house
18Training courses for subsistence farmers in their
- VGRRC offers training courses for subsistence
farmers - at VGRRC
- at their villages
- Participants of a training course in Van Hoa,
November 2002
19You can find us in the WWW
- For example at
- http//www.fao.org/ag/aga/agap/lps/dairy/fdp/vietn
am.htm - http//www.kehlbach.de/
- or contact by e-mail binhbavi_at_netnam.vn
- by Telephone 0084 (0) 34 838 341
- via Fax 0084 (0) 34 838 889