Title: CS 112 Introduction to Programming
1CS 112 Introduction to Programming
- Lecture 19
- Arrays Examples and Parameter Passing
- Http//zoo.cs.yale.edu/classes/cs112/
- Examples
- Command line array
- Strings as arrays
- Using array elements as counters
- Parameter passing of arrays
3Review Arrays
- An array stores multiple elements of the same
type - Refer to particular element in the array by
position number - In C, an array behaves very much like an object
- declaration and instantiation are like objects
- declare an array variable
- create an array using new
- make a variable a reference of an array
- parameter passing is similar to objects
- an array has the Length property
4Example 1 Command-Line Arguments
- The signature of the Main method indicates that
it takes an array of string as parameter - These values come from command-line arguments
that are provided when the program is invoked - For example, the following invocation of the
interpreter passes an array of three string
objects into Main - C\gt Calculator 2 3
- These strings are stored at positions 0-2 of the
parameter - See Calculator.cs
- To set command line if use command window, see
above if use VS, Project-gtCalculator
Properties-gtConfiguration Properties-gtDebugging-gtC
ommand Line Arguements
5Example 2 strings as Arrays
- You can use a string as an array
- You can access the length of a string using the
Length property - You can access each character of a string using
, e.g.,string resp Console.ReadLine().ToUpper
()for (int i 0 i lt resp.Length i)
Console.Write( respi )
6Examples Using the Elements of an Array as
- Use array elements to keep track of number of
occurrences of different values - Create an array with size of the number of
possibilities - Each element of the array keeps track of the
number of occurrences of one possibility - When a possibility occurs, increase the array
element by one
- For example, read a sequence of numbers between 1
to 10 until user inputs 0 keeps track of number
of occurrences of 1 to 10int
counters10int numwhile ( (numInt32.Parse(
Console.ReadLine() )) ! 0) countersnum
- 1 // Fig. 7.7 StudentPoll.cs
- 2 // A student poll program.
- 3
- 4 using System
- 5 using System.Windows.Forms
- 6
- 7 class StudentPoll
- 8
- 9 // main entry point for application
- 10 static void Main( string args )
- 11
- 12 int responses 1, 2, 6, 4, 8, 5,
9, 7, 8, 10, 1, - 13 6, 3, 8, 6, 10, 3, 8, 2, 7, 6, 5,
7, 6, 8, 6, 7, - 14 5, 6, 6, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 4, 8, 6, 8,
10 - 15
- 16 int frequency new int 11
- 17 string output ""
- 18
- 19 // increment the frequency for each
Declare and initialize integer array responses
Declare and allocate integer array frequency
For every element in responses, increment the
frequency element that corresponds to the answer
Output the number of times each response appeared
8Example Die Rolling Program
- Example Use the value of rolling the dice as the
subscript for the array - Increment the corresponding array element when a
die value is rolled
- 1 // Fig. 7.6 RollDie.cs
- 2 // Rolling 12 dice.
- 3
- 4 using System
- 5 using System.Drawing
- 6 using System.Collections
- 7 using System.ComponentModel
- 8 using System.Windows.Forms
- 9 using System.Data
- 10 using System.IO
- 11
- 12 public class RollDie System.Windows.Forms.F
orm - 13
- 14 private System.Windows.Forms.Button
rollButton - 15
- 16 private System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox
displayTextBox - 17
- 18 private System.Windows.Forms.Label
dieLabel1 - 19 private System.Windows.Forms.Label
Create a Random object
Declare an integer array frequency and allocate
it enough memory to hold 7 integers
- 36 public RollDie()
- 37
- 38 InitializeComponent()
- 39
- 40
- 41 // Visual Studio .NET generated code
- 42
- 43 STAThread
- 44 static void Main()
- 45
- 46 Application.Run( new RollDie() )
- 47
- 48
- 49 private void rollButton_Click(
- 50 object sender, System.EventArgs e )
- 51
- 52 // pass the labels to a method that
will - 53 // randomly assign a face to each die
- 54 DisplayDie( dieLabel1 )
- 71
- 72 displayTextBox.Text
"Face\tFrequency\tPercent\n" - 73
- 74 // output frequency values
- 75 for ( int x 1 x lt frequency.Length
x ) - 76
- 77 displayTextBox.Text x "\t"
- 78 frequency x "\t\t"
String.Format( "0N", - 79 frequency x / total 100 )
"\n" - 80
- 81
- 82 // end Main
- 83
- 84 // simulates roll, display proper
- 85 // image and increment frequency
- 86 public void DisplayDie( Label dieLabel )
- 87
- 88 int face randomNumber.Next( 1, 7 )
- 89
Get a random number from 1 to 6
Display die image corresponding to the number
- Admin. and review
- Examples
- Command line array
- strings as arrays
- Using array elements as counters
- Parameter passing of arrays
13Recall Two Types of Variables
- A variable represents a cell in memory
- Value type
- int, char, byte, float, double, string, e.g.,int
x 45double y 45.12 - A value type variable stores a value of the type
of the variable in the memory - Reference type
- A variable that stores object or array actually
stores a reference to an object or array,
e.g.,Time3 t1t1 new Time3(11, 45, 59) - A reference is a location in computers memory
where the object or array itself is stored
14Implications of the Two Types of Variables
- An assignment of one value variable toanother
value variable copies the value, e.g.,int x
45double y 45.12int zz x - An assignment of one reference variable
toanother reference variable copies the
reference, e.g.,Time3 t1t1 new Time3(11, 45,
59)Time3 t2t2 t1
15Implications of the Two Types of Variables
- Change the value of one value variablewill
change the otherint x 45double y
45.12int zz xx 23 - Change the content (state) by one reference may
affect another reference variableTime3 t1t1
new Time3(1, 2, 3)Time3 t2t2
t1t2.SetTime(22, 22, 22)
16Calling a Method Value Type
- Each time a method is called, the value of the
actual arguments in the invocation are copied
into the formal arguments - Modifications to formal arguments will not affect
actual arguments
int num SquareSum (2, 3)
17Calling a Method Value Type
int n1 2
int n2 3
int num SquareSum (n1, n2)
18Calling a Method Value Type
- Even if formal arguments and actual arguments
have the same name, modifications to formal
arguments in a method will not affect actual
int num1 2
int num2 3
int num SquareSum (num1, num2)
19Calling a Method Value Type to Ref
- If a formal argument is ref (or out), then the
formal argument and the actual argument are
aliases of each other
int n1 2
int n2 3
int num SquareSum (ref n1, ref n2)
20Passing Arrays by Value and by Reference
- Passing value types to methods
- A copy of the variable is made
- Any changes to variable in method do not affect
the original variable - Passing reference types to methods
- A copy of the reference to the object/array is
made - Any changes to the reference in the method do not
affect the original variable - Any changes to the contents of the object/array
in the method, do affect the object/array outside
the method
21Arrays as Parameters
- Like any other object, the reference to the array
is passed, making the formal and actual
parameters aliases of each other - Changing an array element in the method changes
the original - An array element can be passed to a method as
well, and follow the parameter passing rules of
that element's type
- 1 // Fig. 7.8 PassArray.cs
- 2 // Passing arrays and individual elements to
methods. - 3 using System
- 4 using System.Drawing
- 5 using System.Collections
- 6 using System.ComponentModel
- 7 using System.Windows.Forms
- 8 using System.Data
- 9
- 10 public class PassArray System.Windows.Forms
.Form - 11
- 12 private System.Windows.Forms.Button
showOutputButton - 13 private System.Windows.Forms.Label
outputLabel - 14
- 15 // Visual Studio .NET generated code
- 16
- 17 STAThread
- 18 static void Main()
- 19
- 36
- 37 outputLabel.Text
- 38 "\n\nThe values of the modified
array are\n\t" - 39
- 40 // display elements of array a
- 41 for ( int i 0 i lt a.Length i )
- 42 outputLabel.Text " " a i
- 43
- 44 outputLabel.Text "\n\nEffects of
passing array " - 45 "element call-by-value\n\na 3
before " - 46 "ModifyElement " a 3
- 47
- 48 // array element passed call-by-value
- 49 ModifyElement( a 3 )
- 50
- 51 outputLabel.Text
- 52 "\na 3 after ModifyElement "
a 3 - 53
- 54
24PassArray.csProgram Output
- 70 e 2
- 71
- 72 outputLabel.Text
- 73 "\nvalue calculated in
ModifyElement " e - 74
- 75
- 1 // Fig. 7.9 ArrayReferenceTest.cs
- 2 // Testing the effects of passing array
references - 3 // by value and by reference.
- 4 using System
- 5 using System.Drawing
- 6 using System.Collections
- 7 using System.ComponentModel
- 8 using System.Windows.Forms
- 9 using System.Data
- 10
- 11 public class ArrayReferenceTest
System.Windows.Forms.Form - 12
- 13 private System.Windows.Forms.Label
outputLabel - 14 private System.Windows.Forms.Button
showOutputButton - 15
- 16 STAThread
- 17 static void Main()
- 18
- 19 Application.Run( new
ArrayReferenceTest() )
- 36
- 37 // print contents of firstArray
- 38 for ( int i 0 i lt
firstArray.Length i ) - 39 outputLabel.Text firstArray i
" " - 40
- 41 // pass reference firstArray by value
to FirstDouble - 42 FirstDouble( firstArray )
- 43
- 44 outputLabel.Text "\n\nContents of
firstArray after " - 45 "calling FirstDouble\n\t"
- 46
- 47 // print contents of firstArray
- 48 for ( int i 0 i lt
firstArray.Length i ) - 49 outputLabel.Text firstArray i
" " - 50
- 51 // test whether reference was changed
by FirstDouble - 52 if ( firstArray firstArrayCopy )
- 53 outputLabel.Text
- 54 "\n\nThe references refer to the
same array\n"
- 71 // print contents of secondArray
before method call - 72 for ( int i 0 i lt
secondArray.Length i ) - 73 outputLabel.Text secondArray i
" " - 74
- 75 SecondDouble( ref secondArray )
- 76
- 77 outputLabel.Text "\n\nContents of
secondArray " - 78 "after calling SecondDouble\n\t"
- 79
- 80 // print contents of secondArray after
method call - 81 for ( int i 0 i lt
secondArray.Length i ) - 82 outputLabel.Text secondArray i
" " - 83
- 84 // test whether reference was changed
by SecondDouble - 85 if ( secondArray secondArrayCopy )
- 86 outputLabel.Text
- 87 "\n\nThe references refer to the
same array\n" - 88 else
- 89 outputLabel.Text
28ArrayReferenceTest.cs Program Output
- 106 // modify elements of array and change
reference array - 107 // to refer to a new array
- 108 void SecondDouble( ref int array )
- 109
- 110 // double each element's value
- 111 for ( int i 0 i lt array.Length i
) - 112 array i 2
- 113
- 114 // create new reference and assign it
to array - 115 array new int 11, 12, 13
- 116
- 117
29Backup Slides
30Two-Dimensional Arrays
- A one-dimensional array stores a simple list of
values - A two-dimensional array can be thought of as a
table of values, with rows and columns - A two-dimensional array element is referenced
using two index values - To be precise, a two-dimensional array in C is
an array of arrays - See TwoDArray
31Multidimensional Arrays
- An array can have as many dimensions as needed,
creating a multidimensional array - Each dimension subdivides the previous one into
the specified number of elements - Each array dimension has its own length constant
- Because each dimension is an array of array
references, the arrays within one dimension could
be of different lengths
32Multiple-Subscripted Arrays
- Require two or more subscripts to identify a
particular element - Arrays that req2uire two subscripts to identify
an element are called double-subscripted arrays - Rectangular arrays
- Often represent tables in which each row is the
same size and each column is the same size - By convention, first subscript identifies the
elements row and the second subscript the
elements column - Jagged Arrays
- Arrays of arrays
- Arrays that compose jagged arrays can be of
different lengths
33Multiple-Subscripted Arrays
Fig. 7.13 Double-subscripted array with three
rows and four columns.
34Multidimensional Arrays
- An initializer list can be used to create and set
up a multidimensional array - Each element in the list is itself an initializer
list - Note that each array dimension has its own Length
property - See SodaSurvey
- 1 // Fig. 7.14 TwoDimensionalArrays.cs
- 2 // Initializing two-dimensional arrays.
- 3 using System
- 4 using System.Drawing
- 5 using System.Collections
- 6 using System.ComponentModel
- 7 using System.Windows.Forms
- 8 using System.Data
- 9
- 10 public class TwoDimensionalArrays
System.Windows.Forms.Form - 11
- 12 private System.Windows.Forms.Button
showOutputButton - 13 private System.Windows.Forms.Label
outputLabel - 14
- 15 // Visual Studio .NET generated code
- 16
- 17 STAThread
- 18 static void Main()
- 19
36TwoDimensionalArrays.cs Program
- 36
- 37 // output values in array1
- 38 for ( int i 0 i lt array1.GetLength(
0 ) i ) - 39
- 40 for ( int j 0 j lt
array1.GetLength( 1 ) j ) - 41 outputLabel.Text array1 i, j
" " - 42
- 43 outputLabel.Text "\n"
- 44
- 45
- 46 outputLabel.Text "\nValues in
array2 by row are\n" - 47
- 48 // output values in array2
- 49 for ( int i 0 i lt array2.Length
i ) - 50
- 51 for ( int j 0 j lt array2 i
.Length j ) - 52 outputLabel.Text array2 i
j " " - 53
- 54 outputLabel.Text "\n"
- 1 // Fig. 7.15 DoubleArray.cs
- 2 // Manipulating a double-subscripted array.
- 3 using System
- 4 using System.Drawing
- 5 using System.Collections
- 6 using System.ComponentModel
- 7 using System.Windows.Forms
- 8 using System.Data
- 9
- 10 public class DoubleArray
System.Windows.Forms.Form - 11
- 12 private System.Windows.Forms.Button
showOutputButton - 13 private System.Windows.Forms.Label
outputLabel - 14
- 15 int grades
- 16 int students, exams
- 17
- 18 // Visual Studio .NET generated code
- 19
- 35 students grades.Length //
number of students - 36 exams grades 0 .Length //
number of exams - 37
- 38 // line up column headings
- 39 outputLabel.Text "
" - 40
- 41 // output the column headings
- 42 for ( int i 0 i lt exams i )
- 43 outputLabel.Text "" i "
" - 44
- 45 // output the rows
- 46 for ( int i 0 i lt students i )
- 47
- 48 outputLabel.Text "\ngrades" i
" " - 49
- 50 for ( int j 0 j lt exams j )
- 51 outputLabel.Text grades i
j " " - 52
- 53
- 63 // find minimum grade in grades array
- 64 public int Minimum()
- 65
- 66 int lowGrade 100
- 67
- 68 for ( int i 0 i lt students i )
- 69
- 70 for ( int j 0 j lt exams j )
- 71
- 72 if ( grades i j lt lowGrade
) - 73 lowGrade grades i j
- 74
- 75 return lowGrade
- 76
- 77
- 78 // find maximum grade in grades array
- 79 public int Maximum()
- 80
- 81 int highGrade 0
40DoubleArray.cs Program Output
- 93 // determine average grade for a
particular student - 94 public double Average( int setOfGrades
) - 95
- 96 int total 0
- 97
- 98 for ( int i 0 i lt
setOfGrades.Length i ) - 99 total setOfGrades i
- 100
- 101 return ( double ) total /
setOfGrades.Length - 102
- 103
- 104 // end class DoubleArray
41Backup Slides
42strings as Arrays
- You can use a string as an array
- You can access the length of a string using the
Length property - You can access each character of a string using
- 1 // Fig. 15.1 StringConstructor.cs
- 2 // Demonstrating String class constructors.
- 3
- 4 using System
- 5 using System.Windows.Forms
- 6
- 7 // test several String class constructors
- 8 class StringConstructor
- 9
- 10 // The main entry point for the
application. - 11 STAThread
- 12 static void Main( string args )
- 13
- 14 string output
- 15 string originalString, string1,
string2, - 16 string3, string4
- 17
- 18 char characterArray
- 19 'b', 'i', 'r', 't', 'h', ' ',
'd', 'a', 'y'
String declarations
Allocate char array characterArray to contain
nine characters
Set string1 to reference the same string literal
String constructor takes a character array as
String constructor takes a char array and the
starting point of the array and the length
Using string constructed with a character and an
int specifying number of times to repeat
character in the string
44StringConstructor.csProgram Output
- 33 MessageBox.Show( output, "String Class
Constructors", - 34 MessageBoxButtons.OK,
MessageBoxIcon.Information ) - 35
- 36 // end method Main
- 37
- 38 // end class StringConstructor
- 1 // Fig. 15.2 StringMethods.cs
- 2 // Using the indexer, property Length and
method CopyTo - 3 // of class String.
- 4
- 5 using System
- 6 using System.Windows.Forms
- 7
- 8 // creates string objects and displays
results of using - 9 // indexer and methods Length and CopyTo
- 10 class StringMethods
- 11
- 12 // The main entry point for the
application. - 13 STAThread
- 14 static void Main( string args )
- 15
- 16 string string1, output
- 17 char characterArray
- 18
- 19 string1 "hello there"
- Arrays
- Declaration and initialization of arrays
- Arrays as objects the Length property
- Examples
- string
- Command line array
- Using arrays as counters
- Parameter passing of arrays
- Sorting and search
- Multi-dimensional arrays and dynamic arrays
- Sorting is the process of arranging a list of
items into an ascending order - Question Why is sorting useful?
48Sorting Two Components
- Defining order
- Question how do you define order in Java?
- An algorithm to change the order of elements in
the array - Question how do you sort an array of elements?
3 9 6 1 2
49Sorting Arrays
- Sorting data is important in many applications
- Bubble Sort array of size n
- Make n passes through the array
- For each pass, compare every pair of successful
elements - If the first is larger then the second, swap the
elements - Easy to program
- Runs slowly
- .NET Framework includes high-speed sorting
- 1 // Fig. 7.10 BubbleSorter.cs
- 2 // Sorting an array's values into ascending
order. - 3 using System
- 4 using System.Drawing
- 5 using System.Collections
- 6 using System.ComponentModel
- 7 using System.Windows.Forms
- 8 using System.Data
- 9
- 10 public class BubbleSorter
System.Windows.Forms.Form - 11
- 12 private System.Windows.Forms.Button
sortButton - 13 private System.Windows.Forms.Label
outputLabel - 14
- 15 // Visual Studio .NET generated code
- 16
- 17 STAThread
- 18 static void Main()
- 19
51BubbleSorter.cs Program Output
- 36 outputLabel.Text "\n\nData items in
ascending order\n" - 37
- 38 for ( int i 0 i lt a.Length i )
- 39 outputLabel.Text " " a i
- 40
- 41 // end method sortButton_Click
- 42
- 43 // sort the elements of an array with
bubble sort - 44 public void BubbleSort( int b )
- 45
- 46 for ( int pass 1 pass lt b.Length
pass ) // passes - 47
- 48 for ( int i 0 i lt b.Length - 1
i ) // one pass - 49
- 50 if ( b i gt b i 1 )
// one comparison - 51 Swap( b, i )
// one swap - 52
- 53
- 54 // swap two elements of an array
52Insertion Sort
- The approach of Insertion Sort
- Pick any item and insert it into its proper place
in a sorted sublist - repeat until all items have been inserted
- In more detail
- consider the first item to be a sorted sublist
(of one item) - insert the second item into the sorted sublist,
shifting items as necessary to make room to
insert the new addition - insert the third item into the sorted sublist (of
two items), shifting as necessary - repeat until all values are inserted into their
proper position
53Insertion Sort
- An example
- original 3 9 6 1 2
- insert 9 3 9 6 1 2
- insert 6 3 6 9 1 2
- insert 1 1 3 6 9 2
- insert 2 1 2 3 6 9
- See SortGrades.java
- See Sorts.java -- the insertionSort method
54Selection Sort
- The approach of Selection Sort
- select one value and put it in its final place in
the sort list - repeat for all other values
- In more detail
- find the smallest value in the list
- switch it with the value in the first position
- find the next smallest value in the list
- switch it with the value in the second position
- repeat until all values are placed
55Selection Sort
- An example
- original 3 9 6 1 2
- smallest is 1 1 9 6 3 2
- smallest is 2 1 2 6 3 9
- smallest is 3 1 2 3 6 9
- smallest is 6 1 2 3 6 9
- See SortGrades.java
- See Sorts.java -- the selectionSort method
56Sorting Objects
- Integers have an inherent order, but the order of
a set of objects must be defined by the person
defining the class - Recall that a Java interface can be used as a
type name and guarantees that a particular class
has implemented particular methods - We can use the Comparable interface to develop a
generic sort for a set of objects - See SortPhoneList
- See Contact
- See Sorts
57Comparing Sorts
- Both Selection and Insertion sorts are similar in
efficiency - The both have outer loops that scan all elements,
and inner loops that compare the value of the
outer loop with almost all values in the list - Therefore approximately on the order of n2
comparisons are made to sort a list of size n - We therefore say that these sorts are of order n2
- Other sorts are more efficient order n log2 n
- e.g., merge sort, or quick sort in average case
- An interesting question how do you argue that
order n log2 n is the best you can do?
58Searching a Sorted Array with Binary Search
- Array must be sorted
- Eliminate half the search elements at each step
- Algorithm
- Locate middle element
- Compare to search key
- If they are equal the element has been found,
return subscript of middle element - If the search key is less then the middle
element, search the first half of the array - If the search key is greater then the middle
element, search the second half of the array - Repeat above until search key is equal to the
middle element, or the subarray to be searched is
on element (in which case the search key is not
in the array)
- 1 // Fig. 7.12 BinarySearchTest.cs
- 2 // Demonstrating a binary search of an
array. - 3
- 4 using System
- 5 using System.Drawing
- 6 using System.Collections
- 7 using System.ComponentModel
- 8 using System.Windows.Forms
- 9 using System.Data
- 10
- 11 public class BinarySearchTest
System.Windows.Forms.Form - 12
- 13 private System.Windows.Forms.Label
promptLabel - 14
- 15 private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
inputTextBox - 16
- 17 private System.Windows.Forms.Label
resultLabel - 18 private System.Windows.Forms.Label
displayLabel - 19 private System.Windows.Forms.Label
- 36
- 37 // searches for an element by calling
- 38 // BinarySearch and displaying results
- 39 private void findButton_Click( object
sender, - 40 System.EventArgs e )
- 41
- 42 int searchKey Int32.Parse(
inputTextBox.Text ) - 43
- 44 // initialize display string for the
new search - 45 outputLabel.Text "Portions of array
searched\n" - 46
- 47 // perform the binary search
- 48 int element BinarySearch( a,
searchKey ) - 49
- 50 if ( element ! -1 )
- 51 displayLabel.Text "Found value in
element " - 52 element
- 53 else
- 54 displayLabel.Text "Value not
- 69 // the following line displays the
portion - 70 // of the array currently being
manipulated during - 71 // each iteration of the binary
search loop - 72 BuildOutput( a, low, middle, high
) - 73
- 74 if ( key array middle ) //
match - 75 return middle
- 76 else if ( key lt array middle )
- 77 high middle - 1 // search
low end of array - 78 else
- 79 low middle 1
- 80
- 81 // end BinarySearch
- 82
- 83 return -1 // search key not found
- 84
- 85 // end method BinarySearch
- 86
- 87 public void BuildOutput(
62BinarySearchTest.cs Program Output
- 99 else
- 100 outputLabel.Text
- 101 array i .ToString( "00" )
" " - 102
- 103
- 104 outputLabel.Text "\n"
- 105
- 106 // end BuildOutput
- 107
- 108 // end class BinarySearchTest
63BinarySearchTest.cs Program Output
64ArrayList and Vector
- An object of class ArrayList or Vector is similar
to an array in that it stores multiple values - However, an array list or vector object
- only stores objects
- does not have the indexing syntax that arrays
have - The methods of the ArrayList or Vector class are
used to interact with the elements - They are part of the java.util package
65ArrayList and Vector
- An important difference between an array and an
array list is that the later can be thought of as
a dynamic, able to change its size as needed - Each array list initially has a certain amount of
memory space reserved for storing elements - If an element is added that doesn't fit in the
existing space, more room is automatically
66Question How to Deal with Dynamic Arrays
- Another design of the previous problem, using the
ArrayList class - See CDCollectionList
- See TunesList