Title: Sale Preparation
1Sale Preparation
- A Logging Feasibility View
- Questions that indicate inadequate feasibility
3Gate One
- Initial planning of a timber sale project.
- Purpose and need, issues, opportunities, range of
possible volumes, transportation needs, financial
efficiency. - Timber Sale Project Plan This certifies that
the proposed timber sale project is feasible to
prepare and will be consistent with the forest
plan and further investment of resources and
capital in the proposal is warranted.
4Gate Two
- Project Analysis, Design, and Decision Notice
- Project area design
- Develop alternative designs and analyze for
effects. - Analysis of financial and economic efficiency.
- Develop an analysis file.
- Documentation and analysis submitted to line
officer for NEPA decision.
5Gate Two
- After decision, develop a timber sale project
implementation plan with detailed instructions
for field layout. - End of the sale area design phase is selection of
preferred alternative and signature on decision
6Gate Two
- Certification report called Timber Sale Project
Design that says This National Forest timber
sale project has a signed NEPA decision document
by the responsible official, has an analysis file
documenting the analysis and the information used
in the analysis, and a sale implementation plan
(project plan) which provides field instruction
for carrying out the selected alternative.
7Gate Three
- Preparation of a Timber Sale
- Activities leading to implementation of the
timber sale project plan for individual timber
sales. - Data gathering
- Marking
- Prep of contract
- Most cost effective means of implementing the
sale design from Gate 2.
8Gate Three
- Certify on report Timber Sale Project Design
that This National Forest timber sale is
consistent with the Forest Plan and applicable
NEPA decisions and is feasible based on Forest
Plan objectives, financial efficiency, and
salability to potential purchasers.
9Gates Four, Five, and Six
- Gate Four Advertise a Timber Sale
- Gate Five Bid Opening
- Gate Six Award a Timber Sale Contract
10Logging Feasibility Report
- Purpose of Logging Feasibility Report is to
confirm the operability of the timber sale. - Spans Gates 1, 2, and 3.
- Gate 1 assure that Position Statement is
11Logging Feasibility Report
- Gate 2
- Assure that the logging plan (project
implementation plan) is viable. - Assure cost effectiveness of the
logging/transportation system. - Confirm that resource management objectives can
be met. - Provide guidance for sale layout.
12Logging Feasibility Report
- Gate 3
- Assure the sale is completely operable as
designed. - Provide information for the timber sale
appraisal. - Provide special contract wording for contract
preparation. - Provide information for sale administration.
13Logging Feasibility Report
- Gate 1, Position Statement level is largely a
paper plan. Interact with ID team. - Gate 2 level involves field work such as landing
location, profiles, boundary identification,
transportation analysis, and skyline analysis and
costing to check out physical and economic
feasibility. Interact with ID team. - Gate 3 level involves finalizing the analysis and
report. - http//fsweb.r6.fs.fed.us/directives/fsh/2409.18/2
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