Title: Recycling and Waste Management Strategies for Sustainability
1Recycling and Waste Management Strategies for
- Jill Holbert
- Solid Waste Bureau
- New Mexico Environment Department
- 827-0129
- jill.holbert_at_state.nm.us
- www.nmenv.state.nm.us/swb
2Solid Waste - National Challenge
- throw away society
- US 7 of world pop.
- US consumes 50 of worlds resources
- US generates 37 of worlds trash
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42005 US MSW Composition(before recycling)
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6- Throwing Resources in the Trash
- US disposed of 246 million tons in 05
- New Mexico contribution 2 million tons
7US vs. NM
Recycled / Diverted 10
According to the EPA total materials recovery was
32 nationwide
New Mexico
MSW Landfilled 90
8Challenges in NM Rocky Mtns.
- Low population density / lots of land
- Distance to end markets
- Low landfill tipping fees
- Undercounting of diversion
- activities
- Limited recycling processing
- capacity
9Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM)
- Uses a variety of waste management practices to
safely effectively handle municipal solid waste
with the least adverse impact on human health
the environment - including
10ISWM (cont.)
- Source reduction (including reuse)
- Recycling
- Environmentally safe transformation (incineration
with energy recovered) - Environmentally safe landfilling
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12Sustainable Communities
- Minimize waste maximize use of resources
- Recognize economic environmental benefits from
waste - diversion
- View waste as a resource
- Provide high quality services
- Live within the carrying capacity of communitys
natural resourcesland, water air
13 Waste Diversion
Source Reduction Recycling
14Benefits of Waste Diversion
- Saves energy
- Reduces GHG emissions
- Saves resources
- Reduces costs
- Provides jobs
15Waste Diversion Saves Energy
- source reduction is most effective at saving
energy - less energy is needed to extract, transport,
process, (re)manufacture products - NM recycling reduced energy consumption by 4
million BTUs in 06 - equal to one years energy
- consumption of homes in
- Chaves County
- or 34 million gallons of gasoline
- Â
16Energy Savings by Material
17Waste Diversion Reduces Emissions
- Decreased energy demand fewer fossil fuels
burned less CO2 emitted to the atmosphere - Trees absorb CO2 from the atmosphere store it
in wood - Recycling reduces methane emissions from landfills
18Reduces Emissions (cont.)
- US recycling GHG equivalent to removing over
39.6 million cars from the road per year - New Mexico recycling GHG equivalent to removing
101,657 cars from the road per year - By recycling half of a households annual waste,
a family prevents 2,400 pounds of CO2 emissions - By recycling all of a households mixed plastic
waste, 340 pounds of CO2 emissions could be
reduced each year
19Waste Diversion Saves Resources
- According to Weyerhaeuser's Environmental
Savings, recycling one ton of paper saves - 17 trees
- 6,953 gallons of water
- 462.57 gallons of oil
- 586.5 pounds of air pollution
- 3.06 cubic yards of landfill space
- 4,077.45 KWhr of energy
20Recycling as a Resource--Steel
- Future Recycling Could Replace Mining for US
Iron Supply - 1900-2004, 3.2 billion metric tons in use
- Metal in use metal still in ground
- Demolition of buildings infrastructure, cars
- US iron ore declining in quality
- Recycling eliminates 75
- of energy reqd
21Waste Diversion Reduces Costs
- reduces transportation costs
- avoids disposal costs
- saves landfill space
- the more a community reduces
- waste, the less they will pay to manage
- end-of-life materials through traditional waste
management systems - savings can be applied to other priorities, such
as housing or policing
22Waste Diversion Provides Jobs
- Job Creation Reuse Recycling vs. Disposal
- Type of Operation Jobs per 10,000 TPY
- Computer Reuse 296
- Textile Reclamation 85
- Misc. Durables Reuse 62
- Wooden Pallet Repair 28
- Paper Mills 18
- Glass Product Manufacturers 26
- Plastic Product Manufacturers 93
- Conventional Materials Recovery Facilities 10
- Composting 4
- Landfill 1
23How Do Communities Increase Recycling Rates?
- Make recycling convenient easy for residents
- Offer financial incentives for recycling (such as
Pay As You Throw models where fees for recycling
are less than garbage collection) - Conduct Public Education Outreach
- I would also add
- Public-private partnerships
- Regionalization
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25New garbage collection system will begin July 16
First Residential PAYT Program in New Mexico!
26Pay as You Throw - Silver City
- Residential solid waste service containers
- 35-gallon (12.79/hh/mo)
- 65-gallon (14.94/hh/mo)
- 95-gallon (17.04/hh/mo)
- Two containers twice the price
- Transition period (two months), extra garbage
picked up - End of the transition, only collect what is
inside the container - Recycling is collected at no cost to the resident
27Estimated Impacts of Program Design Options on
Recycling Diversion
- To improve recycling, behavior modification must
happen--accomplished via on-going education
presence - Recycling is often cited as an entry-level action
for individuals/businesses to become more
environmentally responsible - Message recycling saves energy, conserves the
planets natural resources reduces greenhouse
29Master Composter Program
- Modeled after Master Gardener approach
- Uses trained volunteers to teach residents about
backyard composting - Successful programs across the US
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31Public-Private Partnerships
- Collection services (recycling, organics,
garbage) - Processing services (build operate a MRF or
composting facility) - Transportation to a recycler
- or landfill
- Operation of a landfill
32Public-Private Partnership Trade-offs
- With limited resources, communities can find it
difficult to provide all the services for which
they are responsible. - Neighboring cities, towns, counties pool
resources to address local challenges. - Allows communities to accomplish together what is
difficult to do individually. - Hub spoke model reduces duplication of efforts.
3412 regional solid waste authorities
35Advantages of Regionalization
- greater economies of scale
- cooperative purchasing agreements
- increased flexibility
- environmental improvement
36Case Studies
- Top 5 NM Recyclers 06
- (by County)
37Lincoln County
- 59 recycling rate
- 31,642 tons MSW 18,671 tons recycled
- achieved due to 2 large scale private composting
operations in the County - 17,967 tons of green waste other waste were
composted--saving landfill space, transportation
cost tipping fees - 710 tons of other recyclables were collected
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41Los Alamos County
- 23 recycling rate
- 21,593 tons of MSW 4,952 tons recycled
- County provides weekly curbside recycling
- quarterly pick-up of large items brush
- require all self haulers segregate their
recyclables - County provides comprehensive recycling info on
their web page promotes recycling by providing
presentations at the local schools, community
groups clubs during Novembers Recycling
Awareness Month
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46Torrance County
- 18 recycling rate
- 16,169 tons of MSW 2,858 tons recycled
- Estancia Valley Solid Waste Authority mulches
green waste - removes tires from the waste stream to be made
into crumb rubber - sends scrap metal to be recycled
- all convenience stations segregate metals before
transfer to TCBC Landfill
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48Chaves County
- 17 recycling rate
- 69,487 tons MSW 12,097 tons recycled
- the Roswell Municipal Landfill dedicates separate
roll-offs for the collection of cardboard, tires
metal - City of Roswell operates a recycling center has
9 recycling roll-off containers located
throughout the city - advertises on television radio to encourage
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51Bernalillo County
- 16 recycling rate
- 600,452 tons MSW 93,619 tons recycled
- There are a number of high volume private
recycling facilities that accept source separated
materials - At least 2 large scale composting facilities in
the county - City of Albuquerque operates an Intermediate
Processing Facility where recyclables are sorted,
baled sent to recycling facilities - City provides weekly curbside recycling
- 12 recycling drop off locations throughout the
city - County contracts for curbside recycling
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56Additional Resources
- New Mexico Recycling Illegal Dumping (RAID)
Grant -
- Applications Due October 1, 2007
57Suggested Reading
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