Title: The Origin of the Constellations
1The Origin of the Constellations
2The Summer Triangle Groups that look like their
3Hercules Normally pictured holding the world
4 Sagittarius An archer? Better pictured as a
5The Perseus Group A story in the stars
6Ursa Major Does this group truly look like a
7A better way? - from Rambling Through the Skies,
George Lovi, Sky Telescope, December 1990.
8Who created the constellations? Why were they
created? When were they created?
9Literature Sources Walter Maunder, The Origin
of the Constellations, The Observatory, 36, 329,
1913. Michael Ovenden, The Origin of the
Constellations, Philosophical Journal of the
University of Edinburgh, 3, 1, 1966. Archie Roy,
The Origin of the Constellations, Vistas in
Astronomy, 27, 171, 1984. Mary Grey, The Origin
of the Constellations, Sky News, Autumn,
1992. Graham Millar, The Sky is Falling, Nova
Notes (Halifax Centre RASC), 24, No. 2, p. 4,
1993. Alex Gurshtein, On the Origin of the
Zodiacal Constellations, Vistas in Astronomy, 36,
171, 1993. George Lovi, That Mysterious Zodiac,
Sky Telescope, 85, 67, 1993.
10Sources of Constellation Lore
- Eudoxus of Cnidus (c. 409-356 BCE) - two
treatises and the first celestial globe (the
Sphere of Eudoxus). - Aratus (c. 315-250 BCE) - his poem Phaenomena
embodied the star lore of Eudoxus. - Eratosthenes (c. 276-196 BCE) - detailed
constellation descriptions that embody ancient
star lore predating his own era. - Hipparchus (c. 190-120 BCE) - catalogued star
positions and discovered precession.
11Only 50 of the 88 modern constellations were
known to Ptolemy. Three (Carina, Puppis, and
Vela) once constituted the larger constellation
of Argo (the Ship).
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14Because of our location on a spinning Earth, some
constellations are never visible because they
always lie below our horizon.
What constellations were not visible to the
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16Best estimate? Latitude 36 N Era 2600 BCE
17When one constellation rises above the horizon,
another will be setting. Such phenomena depend on
ones latitude and the era.
What pairs of constellations were rising and
setting simultaneously?
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19A ring of constellations (Auriga, Perseus,
Hercules, Boötes, etc.) is symmetrical about the
pole for 2500 BCE.
20Best site? Mesopotamia, Egypt? No! Aegean? Yes!
21Astypalia - the site where ancient constellation
lore originated? Immediately to its west lies the
island of Ophidusa (setting of the serpent).
22Why were they created?
Hydra, the Water Snake, faint stars running 105º
end to end.
23Star on the Celestial Equator rise due east and
set due west. In 2600 BCE, Hydra lay along the
celestial equator.
24The Constellation-MakersAccording to Michael
Who? Ancient Minoans Where? Latitude
36.5 N Longitude 26.3 E When?
2800 300 BCE Why? Navigation at
25Quotes from Aratus
Yet as regards that Altar ancient Night, In pity
for mans woes, placed it a mighty sign Of Storm
at sea. For breaking ships she hates And other
signs elsewhere she lets be seen... For often in
the south this Sign both Night Herself provide,
respecting sailors woes. And if the portents
shown by her they mark, And quickly make all
gearing trim and taut, Forthwith their toil is
less. But if without a cloud, The Sun dip in the
western ocean, And as he is sinking, or still
when he is gone, The clouds stand near him
blushing red, Neither on the morrow nor in the
night Needst thou be over-fearful of rain.
26But the story doesnt end there
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28How one establishes the constellation of the
Vernal Equinox
29Cole Harbour Eastern Horizon
30Sunrise April 19, 1990.
31Sunrise May 3, 1990.
32Sunrise May 26, 1990.
33Sunrise June 1, 1990.
34Zodiacal Constellations
35Astrological Eras and Precession
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37The Taurus and Aries Eras
38The Beginning? the Gemini Era
391520 BC the birth of Moses in the reign of
Pharaoh Khaneferre Sobekhotep IV?
407 BC the birth of Jesus?
41The Concept of Astrological Eras
- 6000 4000 BC
- Vernal Equinox Gemini
- Summer Solstice Virgo
- Autumnal Equinox Sagittarius
- Winter Solstice Pisces
- 4000 1500 BC
- Vernal Equinox Taurus
- Summer Solstice Leo
- Autumnal Equinox Scorpio
- Winter Solstice Aquarius
- 1500 50 BC
- Vernal Equinox Aries
- Summer Solstice Cancer
- Autumnal Equinox Libra
42Constellation Symbolism in the Gemini Era Vernal
Equinox in Gemini. Children of the Sun God in
Indo-European cultures Twins in Homers story of
Dioskurs Biblical Adam and Eve Symbol of
Renewed Life - Spring symbolism Summer Solstice
in Virgo. Virginal Woman originates in Greek
culture Previously a Mother Earth symbol -
Babylonian Shala Often pictured holding a sheaf
of wheat Fertility symbol associated with
Summer Autumnal Equinox in Sagittarius. Form of
dualism - half man, half horse Horses believed
to be close to man in intelligence Archer uses
bow to shoot Sun God from the sky -
Autumn Symbol of Ecliptic recrossing Winter
Solstice in Pisces. Land of the Dead lies
beneath the water boundary Fish are a water
symbol Sun lies in the Land of the Dead at its
lowest point Fish are a symbol of the Lower World
43Constellation Symbolism in the Taurus Era Vernal
Equinox in Taurus. Life symbol for Eastern
Mediterranean - Crete Male and Female fertility
symbol for Minoans Symbol of Minotaur and other
legendary Bull creatures Summer Solstice in
Leo. Lion symbol of Supreme Power - height of
Suns passage Important heraldic sign Lion/Bull
conflict in Persian murals Symbol of transition
from Spring to Summer Autumnal Equinox in
Scorpio. Sun wounder - like Sagittarius with his
bow Night stinger symbolizing the approach of
Winter Winter Solstice in Aquarius. Water
symbol of Lower World Comparable to Pisces in
44The height of the Minoan Era corresponded to the
Age of Taurus.
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46The Taurus Era Age of the Minoans
47Constellation Symbolism in the Aries Era Vernal
Equinox in Aries. Dominance of monotheism over
idolatry Death of bull-symbol in
Exodus Important sacrificial animal of the
era Icelandic symbol of goat tied to Sun Gods
chariot Summer Solstice in Cancer. Transition
from northward to southward motion of
Sun Two-clawed creature Autumnal Equinox in
Libra (carved out of Scorpio). Scales of Justice
symbolize equal days and nights Winter Solstice
in Capricorn. Goat with the tail of a
fish Water symbol?
48Areas of Zodiacal Constellations
- Gemini Quartet
- Gemini 514 sq. º
- Virgo 1290 sq. º
- Sagittarius 867 sq. º
- Pisces 889 sq. º
- Average 890 sq. º
- Taurus Quartet
- Taurus 797 sq. º
- Leo 947 sq. º
- Scorpio 497 sq. º
- Aquarius 980 sq. º
- Average 805 sq. º
- Aries Quartet
- Aries 441 sq. º
- Cancer 506 sq. º
- Libra 538 sq. º
- Capricornus 414 sq. º
- Average 475 sq. º
49The oldest constellations of the zodiac are the
largest in area.- Alex Gurshtein (1993)
50The old constellation of Argo, the Ship, was very
large. It was but one of many symbols associated
with the story of Noahs Ark.
51The constellation of Ursa Major, the Great Bear,
is very large, and must be very old.Exactly how
old is Ursa Major?
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60The Dawn of Humans, Rick Gore, National
Geographic, September 1997.
By the time more lush conditions returned
120,000 years ago, modern Homo Sapiens had
61We have been passing along a description of Ursa
Major as a Bear for over a hundred thousand years!
62Dont think of the constellations as
representations lost in the mists of time. Think
of them as part of our ancient oral tradition.