Title: Knowledge Management Maximizing Value from Electronic Knowledge Sharing Tools
1Knowledge ManagementMaximizing Value from
Electronic Knowledge Sharing Tools
Frances D. Harrison Transportation Research Board
86th Annual Meeting January, 2007
2What do we need to know to function effectively?
Who Roles, Competencies, Contacts
What Budgets, Programs Projects
Where Thematic Maps conditions, events
When Schedules, Timelines
Why Performance Metrics
How Standards, Policies, Lessons, Best
Practices, Models
3Electronic Tools for Knowledge Management
Best Practice Adoption
Intranet Portal Doc Repository Discussion Forum
Questions Responses
Improved Quality
Higher Productivity
Lessons Learned
Expert Contacts
4Electronic KM Tools Value Proposition
- Capture and Archive Core Institutional Knowledge
lessen impacts of employee turnover - Support Consistent Understanding of Policy,
Procedure and Best Practices via Common Body of
Information - Enable Staff to Perform Efficiently and
Effectively by providing fast and easy
information access
5Life Cycle of an Electronic Knowledge Base
hits new entries
- Motivation to Contribute
- Not required
- Too many other things competing for time
- Value not clear
- Critical Mass
- Informal information sharing already occurring
- Not enough new material being generated stale
content - Culture and Habits
- Hierarchical
- Level of comfort with electronic tools
variation by age cohort and role - Tool Quality
- Ease of Use
- Success Rate
- Change
- Turnover of Tool Stewards/Moderators
- New Priorities
- New Activities
- New Technologies
If you build it, they will come
7Four Legged Stool for Success
Integration with Work
Management Support
Focus on Value
Employee Engagement
8Integration with Work Define Objectives,
Process and Roles
- What is the end result we want to achieve?
- Who will contribute the content and when?
- Who will use the tool and when?
- Who will administer the tool (setup, cleanup,
moderation)? - Who will evaluate value added and initiate
9Integration with Work Capturing Knowledge
- Updates to Competencies and Contacts
- New Hires, Transfers, Exit Interviews, Training
Completion, Employee Performance Reviews - Updates to Lessons Learned
- Project Development Milestones
- Quarterly Unit Performance Reviews
- Annual Employee Performance Reviews
- Updates to Contract Resources
- Contract Close-out
- Updates to Policies/Procedures/Best Practices
- As these are issued
- Updates to Budgets, Programs, Projects, Maps
- Quarterly
10Integration with Work Learning from Experience
- What would others need to know about this
ltproject, plan, design, study, activity, process,
eventgt? - Where are the results? Where is the backup
information? - Who was involved (internally and externally)?
- Who are the experts on this?
- What information did I find valuable before or
during? - What worked well?
- What would we do differently? How could we save
time or money next time? - What would we look out for next time?
- How can we make sure others can find this
information? - Key words/controlled vocabularies to aid search
- Properly archived materials
- Email prompting (based on employee profiles)
11Example Fluor Knowledge Packs
- "We had to create a culture that would attract
and retain younger engineers while capturing the
knowledge of retiring ones. - Project Activity Models and Knowledge Packs
- Defined standard activities by discipline for all
life cycle phases of a project - project
initiation, scope and definition, preliminary
engineering, detailed design, construction, etc. - Developed Knowledge Packs all documents that
are required for anyone taking on a new project,
in any role - Knowledge Packs are a key part of Fluors
electronic Knowledge Management Tool - DOT Equivalent - repackaging of content from
- Design Manuals
- Construction Manuals
- Maintenance Manuals
- Policy Directives
- Standard Contracts
- Checklists
Source TIM case study - http//www.tim.co.il/101
/1192.htm, accessed 1.12.07
12Integration With Work Links to Other Electronic
- Intranet/Internet
- Email
- Workflow Tools
- Scheduling Tools
- Document Management Systems
- Data Warehouse/Query Tools
- GIS/Mapping
1310 Strategies for Maximizing Value
- Maintain focus on what will have greatest payoff
and success - Define specific events or milestones that will
trigger updates to the Knowledge Base, and
follow-up to make sure it happens - Require lessons learned after every project or
project phase - Recognize debriefing as a core competency
- Provide support from knowledge workers to
populate the Knowledge Base - Publicize agency or department knowledge
librarian - Embed knowledge workers in work units and
project teams - Internships or rotations
- Train and deploy a search analyst mission is to
improve the ability of users to find information
they need - Provide customized views based on role
community membership - Seek involvement of management key employees
- Understand informal social networks
- Identify the producers and connectors enlist
champions in each unit - Provide incentives for contributions to the
Knowledge Base - Track performance, market successes and improve
upon identified gaps
14Feedback and Improvement
- What to track
- Market penetration by segment
- Amount of use number of searches
- Search success
- User opinions
- Non user opinions
- Possible responses
- Improve the tool
- Refocus the content
- Improve stewardship
- Increase marketing
- Add incentives
- Further integrate into work processes
- Adjust expectations
- The important thing is never to stop
questioning." Albert Einstein - "Judge a person by their questions, rather than
their answers." -- Voltaire - "Question everything. Learn something. Answer
nothing." -- Engineer's Motto - "No question is so difficult to answer as that
which the answer is obvious." -- George Bernard
Shaw - "Quality questions create a quality life.
Successful people ask better questions, and as a
result, they get better answers." -- Anthony
Robbins - "When someone says, That's a good question. You
can be sure it's a lot better than the answer
you're going to get." -- Source Unknown