Title: User-Centered Design and Development
1User-Centered Design and Development
- CSC/CPE 484 Winter 2005
- Instructor Franz J. Kurfess
- Computer Science Dept.
- Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
2Final Project Theme
- Learning Commons
- remodeling of library space to accommodate
various learning activities - explored during this class through
- storyboards
- elicitation of user input
- usability evaluation of relevant systems and
facilities - prototypes for some systems
- final project
3Cal Poly Library Contacts
- Mary Somerville
- Assistant Dean
- Helen Y. Chu
- Director of Digital Services
4Final Project Presentations
A Gigi Choy, Alex Kleissner, Eric Litak, Frank Vasquez, Brandon Wirick Cal Poly Knowledge Base
B Matt Killam, Ryan LaBarre, Robert Ly, David Tedjasatyawira On-Demand Learning Center
C Hoang Bao, Stephanie Cheng,Rachelle Hom, Ronald Mg Senior Project Center
D - -- not used --
E Albert Chang, Shawn Joseph,Christine Le, Takako Nunomura, David Roth Multimedia Café
F Joe Eder, Michal Fouquette, Chris Johnson, David Kinghorn WikiPoly
G Matt Cechini, Mark Gabel, Scott Morrison, Shane Niebergall, John O'Donnell Brainstorming Software
H Ryan Everhart, Paul Goldberg, Meike Muckenhaupt, Rory Strawther Course Planning Tool
I Ciera Christopher, Edith Koler, Patricia Lin Quiet Area