Title: Fluids
1 2Question
What is a fluid? 1. A liquid 2. A gas 3.
Anything that flows 4. Anything that can be made
to change shape.
3States of matter Phase Transitions
Add heat
Add heat
These are three states of matter (plasma is
another one)
4States of Matter
5States of Matter
- Has definite volume
- Has definite shape
- Molecules are held in specific location by
electrical forces and vibrate about equilibrium
positions - Can be modeled as springs connecting molecules
6States of Matter
- Crystalline solid
- Atoms have an ordered structure
- Example is salt (red spheres are Na ions, blue
spheres represent Cl- ions) - Amorphous Solid
- Atoms are arranged randomly
- Examples include glass
7States of Matter
- Has a definite volume
- No definite shape
- Exist at a higher temperature than solids
- The molecules wander through the liquid in a
random fashion - The intermolecular forces are not strong enough
to keep the molecules in a fixed position
8States of Matter
- Has no definite volume
- Has no definite shape
- Molecules are in constant random motion
- The molecules exert only weak forces on each
other - Average distance between molecules is large
compared to the size of the molecules
9States of Matter
- Matter heated to a very high temperature
- Many of the electrons are freed from the nucleus
- Result is a collection of free, electrically
charged ions - Plasmas exist inside stars or experimental
reactors or fluorescent light bulbs!
For more information http//fusedweb.pppl.gov/CPE
10Is there a concept that helps to distinguish
between those states of matter?
- The density of a substance of uniform composition
is defined as its mass per unit volume - some examples
- The densities of most liquids and solids vary
slightly with changes in temperature and pressure - Densities of gases vary greatly with changes in
temperature and pressure (and generally 1000
12Sometimes Specific Gravity
- The specific gravity of a substance is the ratio
of its density to the density of water at 4 C - The density of water at 4 C is 1000 kg/m3
- Specific gravity is a unitless ratio
- Pressure of fluid is the ratio of the force
exerted by a fluid on a submerged object to area
Example 100 N over 1 m2 is P(100 N)/(1 m2)100
N/m2100 Pa.
14Pressure and Depth
- If a fluid is at rest in a container, all
portions of the fluid must be in static
equilibrium - All points at the same depth must be at the same
pressure (otherwise, the fluid would not be in
equilibrium) - Three external forces act on the region of a
cross-sectional area A
External forces atmospheric, weight, normal
15ConcepTest 1
You are measuring the pressure at the depth of 10
cm in three different containers. Rank the values
of pressure from the greatest to the
smallest 1. 1-2-3 2. 2-1-3 3. 3-2-1 4.
Its the same in all three
10 cm
Please fill your answer as question 1 of
General Purpose Answer Sheet
1 2 3
16Pressure and Depth equation
- Po is normal atmospheric pressure
- 1.013 x 105 Pa 14.7 lb/in2
- The pressure does not depend upon the shape of
the container
- Other units of pressure
- 76.0 cm of mercury
- One atmosphere 1 atm 1.013 x 105 Pa
- 14.7 lb/in2
Find pressure at 100 m below ocean surface.
Given masses h100 m Find P ?
18Pascals Principle
- A change in pressure applied to an enclosed fluid
is transmitted undiminished to every point of the
fluid and to the walls of the container. - The hydraulic press is an important application
of Pascals Principle - Also used in hydraulic brakes, forklifts, car
lifts, etc.
Since A2gtA1, then F2gtF1 !!!
19Measuring Pressure
- One end of the U-shaped tube is open to the
atmosphere - The other end is connected to the pressure to be
measured - Pressure at B is Po?gh
- A long closed tube is filled with mercury and
inverted in a dish of mercury - Measures atmospheric pressure as ?gh
- The spring is calibrated by a known force
- The force the fluid exerts on the piston is then
20How would you measure blood pressure?
Has to be (a) accurate (b) non-invasive (c)
Suppose that you placed an extended object in the
water. How does the pressure at the top of this
object relate to the pressure at the bottom? 1.
Its the same. 2. The pressure is greater at the
top. 3. The pressure is greater at the bottom. 4.
22Buoyant Force
- This force is called the buoyant force.
- What is the magnitude of that force?
23Buoyant Force
- The magnitude of the buoyant force always equals
the weight of the displaced fluid - The buoyant force is the same for a totally
submerged object of any size, shape, or density - The buoyant force is exerted by the fluid
- Whether an object sinks or floats depends on the
relationship between the buoyant force and the
24Archimedes' Principle
- Any object completely or partially submerged in a
fluid is buoyed up by a force whose magnitude is
equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the
This force is buoyant force. Physical cause
pressure difference between the top and the
bottom of the object
25Archimedes PrincipleTotally Submerged Object
- The upward buoyant force is B?fluidgVobj
- The downward gravitational force is
wmg?objgVobj - The net force is B-w(?fluid-?obj)gVobj
Depending on the direction of the net force, the
object will either float up or sink!
26The net force is B-w(?fluid-?obj)gVobj
- The object is more dense than the fluid
?fluidgt?obj - The net force is downward, so the object
accelerates downward
- The object is less dense than the fluid
?fluidlt?obj - The object experiences a net upward force
27Archimedes PrincipleFloating Object
- The object is in static equilibrium
- The upward buoyant force is balanced by the
downward force of gravity - Volume of the fluid displaced corresponds to the
volume of the object beneath the fluid level
28Question 1
Suppose that you have a steel bar. Will it float
on water? Why?
29Question 2
Suppose that you have a steel bar. Will it float
on water? Why? How come that ships (which are
made of steel) can float?
30Question 3
Suppose that your friend gave you a necklace
(crown, piece of yellow metal, ). He claims that
this object is made of pure gold. How can you
check his statement (without going through his
credit history)?
31Question 3
Suppose that your friend gave you a necklace
(crown, piece of yellow metal, ). He claims that
this object is made of pure gold. How can you
check his statement (without going through his
credit history)?
Idea determine density! Lets weight the object
in and outside the water container
Out In
If r is not the same as rgold, your friend is
32ConcepTest 2
Two identical glasses are filled to the same
level with water. One of the two glasses has ice
cubes floating in it.Which weighs more? 1. The
glass without ice cubes. 2. The glass with ice
cubes. 3. The two weigh the same.
Please fill your answer as question 3 of
General Purpose Answer Sheet
33ConcepTest 3
Two identical glasses are filled to the same
level with water. One of the two glasses has ice
cubes floating in it.When the ice cubes melt, in
which glass is the level of the
water higher? 1. The glass without ice
cubes. 2. The glass with ice cubes. 3. It is the
same in both.
Please fill your answer as question 5 of
General Purpose Answer Sheet
34Fluids in MotionStreamline Flow
- Streamline flow
- every particle that passes a particular point
moves exactly along the smooth path followed by
particles that passed the point earlier - also called laminar flow
- Streamline is the path
- different streamlines cannot cross each other
- the streamline at any point coincides with the
direction of fluid velocity at that point
35Fluids in MotionTurbulent Flow
- The flow becomes irregular
- exceeds a certain velocity
- any condition that causes abrupt changes in
velocity - Eddy currents are a characteristic of turbulent
36Fluid Flow Viscosity
- Viscosity is the degree of internal friction in
the fluid - The internal friction is associated with the
resistance between two adjacent layers of the
fluid moving relative to each other
37Characteristics of an Ideal Fluid
- The fluid is nonviscous
- There is no internal friction between adjacent
layers - The fluid is incompressible
- Its density is constant
- The fluid is steady
- Its velocity, density and pressure do not change
in time - The fluid moves without turbulence
- No eddy currents are present
38Equation of Continuity
- A1v1 A2v2
- The product of the cross-sectional area of a pipe
and the fluid speed is a constant - Speed is high where the pipe is narrow and speed
is low where the pipe has a large diameter - Av is called the flow rate
39Bernoullis Equation
- Relates pressure to fluid speed and elevation
- Bernoullis equation is a consequence of
Conservation of Energy applied to an ideal fluid - Assumes the fluid is incompressible and
nonviscous, and flows in a nonturbulent,
steady-state manner - States that the sum of the pressure, kinetic
energy per unit volume, and the potential energy
per unit volume has the same value at all points
along a streamline
40How to measure the speed of the fluid flow
Venturi Meter
- Shows fluid flowing through a horizontal
constricted pipe - Speed changes as diameter changes
- Swiftly moving fluids exert less pressure than do
slowly moving fluids
41Archimedes' Principle
- Any object completely or partially submerged in a
fluid is buoyed up by a force whose magnitude is
equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the
This force is buoyant force. Physical cause
pressure difference between the top and the
bottom of the object
42Question 3 (from last lecture)
Suppose that your friend gave you a necklace
(crown, piece of yellow metal, ). He claims that
this object is made of pure gold. How can you
check this statement (without going through your
friends credit history)?
43Question 3
Suppose that your friend gave you a necklace
(crown, piece of yellow metal, ). He claims that
this object is made of pure gold. How can you
check his statement (without going through his
credit history)?
Idea determine density! Lets weight the object
in and outside the water container
Out In
If r is not the same as rgold, your friend is
44ConcepTest 2
Two identical glasses are filled to the same
level with water. One of the two glasses has ice
cubes floating in it.Which weighs more? 1. The
glass without ice cubes. 2. The glass with ice
cubes. 3. The two weigh the same.
Please fill your answer as question 39 of
General Purpose Answer Sheet
45ConcepTest 2
Two identical glasses are filled to the same
level with water. One of the two glasses has ice
cubes floating in it.Which weighs more? 1. The
glass without ice cubes. 2. The glass with ice
cubes. 3. The two weight the same.
Convince your neighbor!
Please fill your answer as question 40 of
General Purpose Answer Sheet
46ConcepTest 2
Two identical glasses are filled to the same
level with water. One of the two glasses has ice
cubes floating in it.Which weighs more? 1. The
glass without ice cubes. 2. The glass with ice
cubes. 3. The two weigh the same.
Ice cubes displace exactly their own weight in
47ConcepTest 3
Two identical glasses are filled to the same
level with water. One of the two glasses has ice
cubes floating in it.When the ice cubes melt, in
which glass is the level of the
water higher? 1. The glass without ice
cubes. 2. The glass with ice cubes. 3. It is the
same in both.
Please fill your answer as question 41 of
General Purpose Answer Sheet
48ConcepTest 3
Two identical glasses are filled to the same
level with water. One of the two glasses has ice
cubes floating in it.When the ice cubes melt, in
which glass is the level of the
water higher? 1. The glass without ice
cubes. 2. The glass with ice cubes. 3. It is the
same in both.
Convince your neighbor!
Please fill your answer as question 42 of
General Purpose Answer Sheet
49ConcepTest 3
Two identical glasses are filled to the same
level with water. One of the two glasses has ice
cubes floating in it.When the ice cubes melt, in
which glass is the level of the
water higher? 1. The glass without ice
cubes. 2. The glass with ice cubes. 3. It is the
same in both.
Previous problem weight was the same. Since
density is also the same, the volumes are going
to be the same as well.
50Fluids in MotionStreamline/Turbulent Flow
- Streamline flow
- every particle that passes a particular point
moves exactly along the smooth path followed by
particles that passed the point earlier - also called laminar flow
- Streamline is the path
- different streamlines cannot cross each other
- the streamline at any point coincides with the
direction of fluid velocity at that point - The flow becomes irregular
- exceeds a certain velocity
- any condition that causes abrupt changes in
velocity - The flow becomes turbulent
51Fluid Flow Viscosity
- Viscosity is the degree of internal friction in
the fluid - The internal friction is associated with the
resistance between two adjacent layers of the
fluid moving relative to each other
52Characteristics of an Ideal Fluid
- The fluid is nonviscous
- There is no internal friction between adjacent
layers - The fluid is incompressible
- Its density is constant
- The fluid is steady
- Its velocity, density and pressure do not change
in time - The fluid moves without turbulence
- No eddy currents are present
53Equation of Continuity
- A1v1 A2v2
- The product of the cross-sectional area of a pipe
and the fluid speed is a constant - Speed is high where the pipe is narrow and speed
is low where the pipe has a large diameter - Av is called the flow rate
54Bernoullis Equation
- Relates pressure to fluid speed and elevation
- Bernoullis equation is a consequence of
Conservation of Energy applied to an ideal fluid - Assumes the fluid is incompressible and
nonviscous, and flows in a nonturbulent,
steady-state manner - States that the sum of the pressure, kinetic
energy per unit volume, and the potential energy
per unit volume has the same value at all points
along a streamline
55How to measure the speed of the fluid flow
Venturi Meter
- Shows fluid flowing through a horizontal
constricted pipe - Speed changes as diameter changes
- Swiftly moving fluids exert less pressure than do
slowly moving fluids
56Example breathing
When a person inhales, air moves down the
bronchus (windpipe) at 15 cm/s. The average flow
speed of the air doubles through a constriction
in the bronchus. Assuming incompressible flow,
determine the pressure drop in the constriction.