Title: Fundamental Concepts
1Fundamental Concepts Terms
- IENG 331
- Safety Engineering
2Why Safety?
- Read Chapter 3!
- Humanitarian Reasons
- Regulatory Reasons
- Economic Reasons
3What is an Accident?
- An event that is not expected or intended
- Could cause
- injury
- loss
- Implies chance
4Fundamental Accident Causes
- Unsafe Acts
- Unsafe Conditions
- Both
- Not necessarily a chance event
5Types of Losses
- Injury
- illness
- disease
- death
- damage to property, equipment, materials
- cost of replacement
- legal medical services
- Loss of time, production, sales
- time to complete forms
- recordkeeping
- investigations
- cleanup
- hospitalization, rehab
- public image damage
6Losses Direct vs Indirect Costs
- Direct (Obvious)
- medical expenses, WC, repair or replace damages
- Indirect (Not Obvious)
- 41 Ratio
- Iceberg Theory
- See Table 3-1
7Unsafe Acts vs Unsafe Conditions
- Heinrich analyzed 75,000 accidents
- 88 10 2 ratio
- 88 unsafe acts
- 10 unsafe conditions
- 2 unpreventable causes
- Engineers can attack unsafe conditions
- Must understand human behavior and management
principles to attack unsafe acts
8Accident - Injury Relationship
- Heinrichs 300 29 1 ratio
- For 330 accidents
- 300 result in no injury
- 29 produce minor injuries
- 1 produces major, lost-time injury
- Opportunities to improve are great
- Many accidents are rehearsed many times
9Accident - Costs Relationship
- Pareto Relationship
- 80 - 20 rule
- 80 of the costs are related to 20 of the
injuries - for example, low back lifting injuries represent
20 of all accidents, but represent 80 of the
costs - if you can manage and control that 20 of
accidents, you can control 80 of the costs - Figure 3-1 shows 50 of the costs are related to
2 of the injuries - the powerful few
- Safety being relatively free from harm, danger,
damage, injury - Risk measure of both frequency and severity of
hazards - Hazard unsafe condition, the potential for an
activity or condition to produce harm - Safety Engineering application of engineering
principles to the recognition and control of
11Accident Theories
- Domino Theory
- Energy Theory
- Single Factor Theories
- Multiple Factor Theories
12Domino Theory (Heinrich)
- Injury is caused by
- Accidents which are caused by
- Unsafe acts or conditions which are caused by
- Undesirable traits (e.g., recklessness,
nervousness, temper, lack of knowledge, unsafe
practices) which are caused by - Social environment
13Domino Theory Cont.
- Stop the sequence by removing or controlling
contributing factors - Strong emphasis is placed on the middle domino
unsafe acts or conditions
14Energy Theory (Haddon)
- Accidents Injuries involve the transfer of
energy, e.g., fires, vehicle accidents,
projectiles, etc. - Transfer of energy from a potential to
kinetic - Attack problems in parallel rather than serial
(as is presumed in Domino Theory)
15Energy Theory Cont.10 Strategies to Prevent or
- 1. Prevent the marshalling of energy.
- - dont produce the energy
- - dont let kids climb above floor level
- - dont produce gun powder
- 2. Reduce the amount of energy marshalled.
- - keep vehicle speeds down
- - reduce chemical concentrations
- - dont let kids climb above 3
163. Prevent the release of energy - elevator
brakes 4. Modify the rate at which energy is
released from its source or modify the spatial
distribution of the released energy. - reduce
the slope on roadways 5. Separate in space or
time the energy being released from the structure
that can be damaged or the human who can be
injured. - separate pedestrians from vehicles
176. Separate the energy being released from a
structure or person that can suffer loss by
interposing a barrier. - safety glasses, highway
median barriers 7. Modify the surfaces of
structures that come into contact with people or
other structure. - rounded corners, larger
surface areas for tool handles 8. Strengthen the
structure or person susceptible to damage. -fire
or earthquake resistant structures, training,
189. Detect damage quickly and counter its
continuation or extension. - sprinklers that
detect heat - tire tread wear bands 10. During
the period following damage and return to normal
conditions, take measures to restore a stable
condition. - rehab an injured worker - repair a
damaged vehicle
19Single Factor Theories
- Assumes that when one finds a cause, there is
nothing more to find out. - Weak theory, there can be so much more to learn!
20Multiple Factor Theories
- Accidents are caused by many factors working
together - The theory and the analysis is more complex, but
more realistic than Single Factor Theory - Consider the Four Ms
- management, man, media, machine
- And their interactions
21Preventative Strategies
- Proactive vs. Reactive
- Frequency strategies
- Severity strategies
- Cost strategies
- Combinations
- Three Es of Safety engineering, education,
22How Safe is Safe Enough?
- Can absolute safety be achieved?
- Remember the concept of risk.
- What is acceptably safe?
23HW3 Chapter Three
- Review Questions (p. 24-25)
- 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20
- 15 points
- Due 9/15 (beginning of class)