Title: Chapter 7 Estimation
1Chapter 7 Estimation
- Instructor Xijin Ge
- SDSU Dept. of Math/Stat
2Sampling situation how many hours do SDSU
students spend in social networking sites?
Population11,400 students in SDSU
Random Sample 1
100 students
3Evaluating estimators by repeated sampling and
Population11,400 students in SDSU
Random Sample 1
Sample mean
Random Sample 2
Random Sample 3
4An Experiment
- Suppose r.v. X is a number we got from rolling an
honest die - p.d.f.
- This is the exact value of the mean that we
derived theoretically.
5Estimation of the mean
- Pretend that we dont know the exact value of the
mean and want to evaluate it through experiments. - Rolling die 30 times and calculate average
- 56 students did the experiments
6Histogram of all point estimates
x scan(data.txt) hist(x,xlimc(2.5,4.5))
Unbiased centered at the right spot.
7Defining Unbiased estimator
- An estimator is an unbiased estimator for a
parameter if and only if
To test if the statistic is an unbiased estimator
we need to repeat the sampling and estimation
many, many times. If the average of the
estimated values approaches the true/theoretical
value, then it is unbiased.
8Theorem 7.1.1
9- Are unbiased estimations accurate?
- We sampled 100 students and
- Can we guarantee that the true mean is close to
10Desirable properties of point estimator
- Unbiased, and
- Small variance for large sample sizes.
11- 10 minutes group quiz
- (total 5 points)
- Give answer (1 point)
- Prove it (2 points)
- Discuss it (2 points)
12(No Transcript)
13For larger sample size, the difference between
repeated estimation is smaller.
Population11,400 students in SDSU
Random Sample 1
Sample mean
Random Sample 2
Random Sample 3
14Discussions on Theorem 7.1.2
- Sample means based on small sample may differ
significantly from actual population mean. - Sample mean based on a large sample can be
expected to lie reasonable close to actual
population mean. - Standard deviation of
This is called standard error of the mean.
15Th. 7.1.3. Estimation of variance
Proof in Appendix C. Note S is not an unbiased
estimator of s.
16Distribution of X
Properties of Moment Generating Functions
17X is normally distributed !
18Expected value of your learning outcome
- What is an unbiased estimator?
- Sample mean is an unbiased estimator of
population mean. - Variance of sample mean decrease linearly with
the increase of sample size. - Unbiased estimation of variance is S2
- X is normally distributed!