Title: Braiding Initiatives
1Breakout Session 29
Braiding Initiatives for School Improvement
2Mandates Initiatives
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports -
PBIS - No Child Left Behind - NCLB
- School Improvement Planning SIP
- Standards Aligned Classrooms
- Response to Intervention - RTI
- SEL Programming
3Dozen Common Core Concepts
- Leadership
- Family Engagement
- Data based Decision Making
- Universal Screening
- Progress Monitoring
- Standards Aligned Curriculum
- Evidenced Based Practice
- 3-Tiered Model of Interventions
- Differentiation for Academics and Behavior
- Team Based Implementation
- Student Involvement
- Sustainability
4School Improvement
- What does your system for school improvement in
your district look like? - Who do you have coordinating the process?
- How do you involve district stakeholders?
- What baseline and ongoing data do you use?
- How do you support academic and behavioral
problem solving systems? - What does your universal look like?
- How do you make decisions about students needing
additional support? - How do you address these core elements?
5School-Wide Systems for Student SuccessA
Response to Intervention (RtI) Model
Academic Systems
Behavioral Systems
- Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions 1-5
- Individual students
- Assessment-based
- High intensity
- 1-5 Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions
- Individual students
- Assessment-based
- Intense, durable procedures
- Tier 2/Secondary Interventions 5-15
- Some students (at-risk)
- High efficiency
- Rapid response
- Small group interventions
- Some individualizing
- 5-15 Tier 2/Secondary Interventions
- Some students (at-risk)
- High efficiency
- Rapid response
- Small group interventions
- Some individualizing
- Tier 1/Universal Interventions 80-90
- All students
- Preventive, proactive
- 80-90 Tier 1/Universal Interventions
- All settings, all students
- Preventive, proactive
Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, 2008.
Adapted from What is school-wide PBS? OSEP
Technical Assistance Center on Positive
Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed
at http//pbis.org/school-wide.htm
6Start with Strong Universal Support Systems---
Some Considerations
- Standards Aligned Curriculum with clear academic
and behavioral targets for students - Professional development for staff in systems,
data and practices of your school improvement
process - Process for collaborative discussions around
student achievement - Problem solving model for planning and supporting
students - Data Collection System with easy access to staff
- Evaluation Tools to advise learning process,
identify students needing additional support and
document success - School-wide implementation across all schools in
Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, 2008
7Continuum of Support for Tier 2/Secondary-Tier
3/Tertiary Level Systems
- Group interventions CICO, social or academic
skills groups, tutor/homework clubs, etc. - Group intervention with a unique feature for an
individual student, (e.g. CICO individualized
into a Check Connect mentoring/tutoring, etc.) - Simple individualized function-based behavior
support plan for a student focused on one
specific behavior (e.g. simple FBA/BIP-one
behavior curriculum adjustment schedule or
other environmental adjustments, etc) - Complex function-based behavior support plan
across settings (e.g. FBA/BIP home and school
and/or community) - Wraparound More complex and comprehensive plan
that addresses multiple life domain issues across
home, school and community (e.g. basic needs, MH
treatment, behavior/academic interventions) as
well as multiple behaviors
Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, 2008
8 Social Competence Academic Achievement
Positive Behavior Support
Positive Academic Support
Supporting Decision Making
Supporting Staff Behavior
Adapted from What is a systems Approach in
school-wide PBS? OSEP Technical Assistance
on Positive Behavioral Interventions
and Supports. Accessed at http//www. Pbis.org/sch
Supporting Student Behavior
9Systems Change Examples
- Teacher Teaming
- Student intervention IN ADDITION to full regular
education curriculum - Adjustments in school calendar, length of
student/staff day - Maximum use of Professional Development days
- Job Description adjustments
10Going to Scale with Effective Systems/Practices
If you invest, do it so it will last 10 years!
- Implement with high fidelity
- Must be durable
- Must be sustained (in place 5 years)
- Delivered by typical agents
- Outcome data used to adapt
- Modify to local setting
- Establish system
Political Support
Leadership Team
Active Coordination
Local School Teams/Demonstrations
12One Districts Journey
- Peoria 150
- School District
- Peoria, Illinois