Title: Development of a Risk Assessment Model
1Development of a Risk Assessment Model for
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
Heecheon You , Andris Freivalds. Ph.D. ,
Zachary Simmons, M.D. , Milind J. Kothari, D.O.
, and Sanjiv H. Naidu, D.O. Department of
Industrial Manufacturing Engineering Wichita
State University Department of Industrial
Manufacturing Engineering Division of
Neurology Orthopedics Rehabilitation The
Milton S. Hershey Medical Center The Pennsylvania
State University
This study developed - a risk assessment
instrument and - a risk assessment
model directed toward CTS including occupational
and non-occupational risk factors. The proposed
risk assessment system may contribute to reducing
the incidence of CTS at work by providing
acceptable exposure information.
- Introduction
- - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- - Problem Statement
- - Objectives
- Study Design Materials
- - Case-Control Design
- - Risk Assessment Instrument
- Model Development
- Conclusions
- Discussion
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Peripheral neuropathy due to localized
compression to the median nerve within the carpal
tunnel at the wrist.
Limitations of Previous CTS Research
- Incomprehensiveness Study a partial set of CTS
risk factors. - ? Not sufficient to understand relative
contributions of risk factors to the development
of CTS. - Difference in research methodology
- Qualitative findings
6Problem Statement
Limitations of Previous CTS Research (contd)
- Differences in research protocol
- Study population
- Case definition criteria
- Exposure measurement methods
- ? Make the study results difficult to be compared
and integrated.
(e.g.) females and/or heavy individuals are more
susceptible to CTS Awkward postures, excessive
grip forces, and/or repetitive hand/wrist motions
increase the risk of CTS. ? Need research for
quantitative models explaining relationship
between exposure and CTS development.
7Problem Statement
CTS Risk Assessment Models
- Few CTS risk assessment models
- Strain Index model for distal upper extremity
disorders (Moore and Garg, 1995) - ? Theory-based, incomprehensive model, NOT
validated. - Fuzzy linguistic model for CTS (McCauley-Bell and
Crumpton, 1997) - ? Expert-judgement-based, comprehensive model,
NOT validated. - Discriminant model for CTS among female VDT
operators (Matias et al., 1998) - ? Empirical data-based, gender- and task-specific
model, cross-validated
- Develop a risk assessment instrument Survey
reliable risk exposure information in an
individual within a reasonable time (1 to 1.5
hrs/subject) in a retrospective manner. - Examine relative contributions of occupational
and non-occupational risk factors to the
development of CTS Contrast risk exposures of
case group with those of control group. - Develop a risk assessment model for CTS Estimate
the likelihood of developing CTS for an
individual exposed to certain occupational risks.
9Study Design
Study Design
- Case-Control Design
- 2 case groups
- - 22 work-related CTS patients (W-CTS),
- - 25 non-work related CTS patients (NW-CTS).
- - Classification type of insurance covering
their - medical costs (workers compensation
insurance for - W-CTS other healthy insurance for
NW-CTS). - 1 control group 50 healthy workers.
- Selection Criteria
- Symptomatic patients diagnosed with CTS.
- No CTS symptom history for healthy workers.
- Working at the current job for at least one year.
10Study Design
- Assume additivity of the effects of risk
exposures to the development of CTS. - Depending on the type of CTS (W-CTS, NW-CTS),
relative contributions of occupational and
non-occupational factors to the CTS risk are
11Study Design
Hypothetical Features of Study Groups
- NW-CTS high
- W-CTS moderate
- Healthy low
- W-CTS high ? moderate
- Healthy NW-CTS moderate ? low
- Contrast the distinctive features of the case and
control groups to identify relative contributions
of occupational and non-occupational factors to
12Problem Statement
Ideal Features of Risk Assessment System
- Practicality Practical to use.
- Specificity Specific to injury and/or task.
- Comprehensiveness important risk factors
Included. - Use of data Based on observed or measured data.
- Exposure measurement Reliable and accurate
measurements. - Quantitativeness Quantitative model for
exposure-event or exposure-severity relationship. - Validation Agreed with previous findings and
13Relationship between CTS Scales
Patient Recruitment
- Patients diagnosed with unilateral or bilateral
CTS at EMG lab, Hershey Medical Center
participated in the study immediately after their
nerve conduction studies. - Selection Criteria
- Clinical symptoms in one or both upper
extremities, - No surgery for CTS on the involved limb(s),
- Age ? 18 years,
- Currently employed,
- Working at the current job for at least one year.
14Relationship between CTS Scales
Participant Composition
- 64 hands with CTS from 45 patients
- Gender 11 males, 34 females.
- Age average 46.7 years (s.d. 10.2, R 24 to
65). - Body mass index (BMI) average 30.1 (s.d.
6.4, R 19.0 to 46.9) obese level BMI gt 30.0
(Werner et al., 1994).
15Relationship between CTS Scales
Participant Composition (contd)
- Comparison of individual characteristics of the
participants to those of 149 patients with CTS
for the year 1997 diagnosed at the EMG lab. - Gender ?2(1) 0.56, p 0.46.
- Age t (73) -0.32, p 0.75.
- Body mass index (BMI) t (69) -0.36, p 0.72.
- No significant difference at ? 0.05.
16Risk Assessment Questionnaire
Risk Assessment Questionnaire Development
- Survey risk factors (45) associated with CTS and
corresponding metrics. - Contents of the survey instrument for CTS
- Survey of personal attributes,
- Assessment of psychosocial work stress,
- Assessment of physical job exposures.
17Risk Assessment Questionnaire
Risk Scale Definition
- From the 45 risk factors, 106 risk exposure
scales were defined - Personal risk scales (factors) 63 (29)
- (e.g.) smoking (1) smoking status
(never/exsmoker/current smoker), - (2) smoking experience (no/yes),
- (3) smoking history during last 5 years
(no/yes), - (4) current status of smoking (no/yes),
- (5) years of smoking (never
smoked/1-10/11-20/...), - (6) years of smoking (years),
- (7) smoking level (never smoked/1-10/..
cigarettes/day), - Psychosocial risk scales (factors) 7 (7)
- Physical risk scales (factors) 36 (9)
- (Note) Physical risk exposures of each of the
left and right hands/ wrists were reshuffled for
the dominant and non-dominant hands/wrists.
18Risk Assessment Model
Model Development Algorithm
19Risk Assessment Model
Pseudo-Univariate Logistic Regression
- Screen candidate variables for CTS model
- Conducted multiple logistic regression for each
of the 98 reliable risk scales including age,
gender, and age?gender to eliminate possible
confounding effects of the two stratification
variables. - Screening criteria (1) p lt .25 (Afifi and Clark,
1990), and (2) estimated OR agree with previous
findings. - Screened 27 scales for W-CTS/Healthy
- 21 scales for
NW-CTS/Healthy - 24 scales for CTS/Healthy.
20Risk Assessment Model
Multiple Logistic Regression
- Multiple logistic regression with the candidate
variables screened for W-CTS/Healthy,
NW-CTS/Healthy, and CTS/Healthy - variable selection forward stepwise algorithm.
- test statistic Wald statistic.
- pE .15, pR .20.
- Model Adequacy Checking
- Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic for the goodness-of-fit
test of each model. - All the logistic regression models are
appropriate at ? .05.
21Risk Assessment Model
Summary of the Models
Note. Bolded are risk scales of which R gt .1
22Risk Assessment Model
Risk Assessment Models
- While W-CTS/Healthy and CTS/Healthy include
occupational and non-occupational factors,
NW-CTS/Healthy does only non-occupational
factors. - Support the research hypothesis
- NW-CTS attribute high personal susceptibility.
- W-CTS attribute high physical exposure or
combined contribution of personal susceptibility
and physical exposure. - Imply the necessity of use of rigorous case
selection criteria in terms of work-relatedness
in CTS research.
23Risk Assessment Model
Classification Protocol
- Risk prediction model
- multiple logistic regression
- likelihood of belonging to case group
- If p ? pC, the individual would be classified
into the case group. - If not, the individual would be classified into
the control group.
, where Xi risk scale i.
24Risk Assessment Model
Determination of pC
- Determine pC based on classification performance.
- sensitivity correct case classification,
p(case/case) - specificity correct control classification,
p(control/control) - Depending on the location of pC, the sensitivity
and the specificity of a model varies each other
in an opposite direction.
25Risk Assessment Model
Determination of pC (contd)
- Select a value for pC that maximizes both
sensitivity and specificity in an equal manner.
26Risk Assessment Model
ROC Curve Analysis
- Construct the ROC curve of each model and compute
its detectability (d). - d 0 poor performance d 2.33 excellent
performance (Proctor and Van Zandt, 1994). - d 2.51 for W-CTS/Healthy, 2.02 for
NW-CTS/Healthy, 2.31 for CTS/Healthy.
27Risk Assessment Model
Model Cross-Validation
- Use the jack-knife method
28Risk Assessment Model
Cross-Validation Results
- Classification performance variation
- sensitivity decreased.
- specificity increased.
- Overall performance about the same.
29Risk Assessment Model
- Identified relatively important risk factors to
be controlled to protect workers from CTS. - W-CTS gender, wrist ratio, history of
musculoskeletal disorders at the hands/wrist
during last 5 years, use of heavy pinch grip
force, and highly repetitive motions of the
dominant hand/wrist. - NW-CTS age, gender, hard driving and competitive
personality, wrist ratio. - Developed a valid risk assessment model for
W-CTS, NW-CTS, and pooled CTS, respectively. - classification accuracy 84 to 89.
- detectability 2.02 to 2.51.
- cross-validation within ?.25 of classification
30Risk Assessment Model
- The risk assessment models provide supporting
evidence of the research hypotheses regarding
different pattern of contribution of occupational
and non-occupational risk factors depending on
work-relatedness of CTS. - Potential use of the risk assessment models
- Individualized exposure limits Determine
acceptable exposure limits as a function of
individual attributes. - Proper worker placement Avoid a placement of CTS
susceptible individuals to hand intensive tasks. - Strategic job improvement plan Prioritize job
improvement actions based on relative
contribution of risk factors.