Title: Arrays, Pointers and Strings
1Arrays, Pointers and Strings
2One Dimensional Arrays
- define N 100
- int aN
- for ( i 0 ilt N i )
- sum ai
space for a0, ..., a99 is allocated
process element a i
3One Dimensional Arrays
- float f5 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0
- int a100 0
- int a 2, 3, 5, -7
- char s abc
- char s a, b, c, \0
- The nightmare of C students
equivalent to p 0
- int a 1, b 2, p
- p a
- b p is equivalent to b a
- int a 1, b 2, p
- p a
- b p is equivalent to b a
- This is also correct
- int a 1, b 2, p a
- include ltstdio.hgt
- int main(void)
- int i 7, p
- p i
- printf( sd\nsu\n, Value of i , p,
Location of i , p ) - return 0
- Value of i 7
- Location of i 251657504
The result of the printing
9Pointers - Illustration
int num
int p
p num
p 5
int arr5
(arr 3) 9
int pp
pp p
10Declarations and Initializations
- int i 3, j 5, p i, q j, r
- double x
11Declarations and Initializations
- Declaration
- int p
- float q
- void v
- More illegal
- 3,
- (k 99),
- v
12Call by Refernce
- include ltstdio.hgt
- void swap(int p, int q)
- int tmp
- tmp p
- p q
- q tmp
- int main(void)
- int i 3, j 5
- swap(i, j)
- printf( d d\n, i, j )
- return 0
5 3 is printed
13Arrays and Pointers
Declaration int p int aN
- ai is equivalent to (a i)
- pi is equivalent to (p i)
- p a is equivalent to p a0
- p a 1 ? is equivalent to p a1
An array name is an address!
Pointer arithmetic array indexing
14Arrays and Pointers
- for ( p a p lt a N p )
- sum p
- is equivalent to
- for ( i 0 i lt N i )
- sum ( a i )
- is equivalent to
- p a
- for ( i 0 ilt N i )
- sum p i
Declaration int p int aN
Illegal expressions
a p a a 2 a
15Pointer Arithmetic and Element Size
- double a2, p NULL, q NULL
- p a
- q p 1
- printf(d\n, q - p)
- printf(d\n, (int)q - (int)p)
points to the base the array
equivalent to q a 1
1 is printed
8 is printed
16Arrays as Function Arguments
- double sum(double a, int n)
- int i 0
- double sum 0.0
- for ( i 0 i lt n i )
- sum ai
- return sum
n is the size of a
17An Example Bubble Sort
- void bubble( int a, int n )
- int i 0, j 0
- void swap( int , int )
- for ( i 0 i lt n - 1 i )
- for ( j n - 1 j gt i --j )
- if ( a j-1 gt a j )
- swap( a j-1, a j )
n is the size of a
18Memory Allocation
19Memory Allocation
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- void malloc(size_t size)
- malloc() allocates size bytes of memory.
- Upon successful completion with size not equal
to 0, malloc() shall return a pointer to the
allocated space. If size is 0, either a null
pointer or a unique pointer that can be
successfully passed to free() shall be returned.
Otherwise, it shall return a null pointer.
20Memory Allocation
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- void calloc(size_t nelem, size_t elsize)
- calloc() allocates nelem elements of elsize
bytes each. - Upon successful completion with both nelem and
elsize non-zero, calloc() returns a pointer to
the allocated space. If either nelem or elsize is
0, then either a null pointer or a unique pointer
value that can be successfully passed to free()
shall be returned. Otherwise, it shall return a
null pointer.
21Memory Allocation
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- void realloc(void ptr, size_t size)
- The realloc() function changes the size of the
memory pointed to by ptr to the size specified by
size. The contents remain unchanged up to the
lesser of the new and old sizes. If the new size
of the memory object requires movement of the
object, the space for the previous instantiation
of the object is freed. - Upon successful completion with a size not equal
to 0, realloc() shall return a pointer to the
(possibly moved) allocated space. If size is 0,
either a null pointer or a unique pointer that
can be successfully passed to free() shall be
returned. If there is not enough available
memory, realloc() shall return a null pointer
22Memory Allocation
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- void free(void ptr)
- The free() function causes the space pointed to
by ptr to be deallocated. - If the argument does not match a pointer earlier
returned by the calloc, malloc or realloac, or if
the space has been deallocated by a call to
free() the behavior is undefined. - Any use of a pointer that refers to freed space
results in undefined behavior.
23Merge Sort Example
24Merge (and sort)
- void merge(int a, int b, int c, int m, int
n) -
- int i 0, j 0, k 0
- while ( i lt m j lt n )
- if ( ai lt bj )
- ck ai
- else
- ck bj
- while ( i lt m )
- ck ai
- while (j lt n)
- ck bj
Merge a of size m and b of size n into
c. ASSUMPTION c is big enough to store both a
and b.
pickup any remainder
- include ltstdio.hgt
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- void merge(int , int , int , int, int)
- void mergesort(int key, int n)
- int j 0, k 0, m 0, w NULL
- for ( m 1 m lt n m 2 )
- if ( m ! n )
- printf( ERROR Size of the array is
not a power of 2 - bye!\n ) - exit( 1 )
Use merge() to sort an array of size n
no additional statements for this loop
allocate workspace
- w (int)calloc( n, sizeof( int ) )
- for ( k 1 k lt n k 2 )
- for ( j 0 j lt n - k j 2 k )
- merge( key j, key j k, w j, k, k )
- for (j 0 j lt n j)
- keyj wj
- free(w)
- w NULL
merge into w
write w back into key
free the workspace
Key j, Key j k
W j (copy 2 k values)
- include ltstdio.hgt
- define KEYSIZE 16
- void mergesort(int , int)
- int main(void)
- int i, key 4, 3, 1, 67, 55, 8, 0, 4, -5,
37, 7, 4, 2, 9, 1, -1 - mergesort(key, KEYSIZE)
- printf( After mergesort\n )
- for ( i 0 i lt KEYSIZE i )
- printf( 4d, keyi )
- putchar( \n )
- return 0
- char p abcde
- printf( s s\n, p, p 1 )
- char s abcde
- is equivalent to
- char s a, b, c, d, e, \0
abcde bcde is printed
- char p abcde vs. char s abcde
- abc1 and (abc 2) make sense
- char s NULL
- int nfrogs 0
- . . . .
- s (nfrogs 1)? s
- printf( we found d frogs in the pond!\n,
nfrogs, s )
NULL Strings
33Count the number ofwords in a string
- include ltctype.hgt
- int word_cnt(char s)
- int cnt 0
- while (s ! '\0')
- while (isspace(s))
- s
- if (s ! '\0')
- cnt
- while (!isspace(s) s ! '\0')
- s
- return cnt
skip white spaces
found a word
skip the word
34String Handling Functions in the Standard Library
- char strcat(char s1, const char s2)
- int strcmp(const char s1, const char s2)
- char strcpy(char s1, const char s2)
- unsigned strlen(const char s)
35String Handling Functions in the Standard Library
- unsigned strlen( const char s )
- register int n 0
- for ( n 0 s ! '\0' s )
- n
- return n
36String Handling Functions in the Standard Library
- char strcat( char s1, const char s2 )
- register char p s1
- while ( p )
- p
- while ( p s2 )
- return s1
no more statements in this loop
37Multidimensional Arrays
- int sum( int a5 )
- int i 0, j 0, sum 0
- for ( i 0 i lt 3 i )
- for ( j 0 j lt 5 j )
- sum aij
- return sum
38Multidimensional Arrays
- int sum( int a92 )
- int i 0, j 0, k 0, sum 0
- for ( i 0 i lt 7 i )
- for ( j 0 j lt 9 j )
- for ( k 0 k lt 2 k )
- sum aijk
- return sum
39Sort Words Lexicographically
- include ltstdio.hgt
- include ltstdlib.hgt
- include ltstring.hgt
- define MAXWORD 50 / max word size
/ - define N 1000 / array size /
- void sort_words(char , int)
- void swap(char , char )
40Sort Words Lexicographically
- int main(void)
- char wN
- char wordMAXWORD
- int n 0, i 0
- for ( i 0 scanf("s", word) 1 i )
- if ( i gt N )
- printf( Sorry, at most d words can be
sorted., N ) - exit(1)
- wi (char)calloc(strlen(word) 1,
sizeof(char)) - strcpy(wi, word)
an array of pointers
work space
number of words to be stored
41Sort Words Lexicographically
- n i
- sort_words( w, n )
- for ( i 0 i lt n i )
- printf( s\n, wi )
- return 0
print the sorted words
42Sort Words Lexicographically
- void sort_words( char w, int n )
- int i 0, j 0
- for ( i 0 i lt n i )
- for ( j i 1 j lt n j )
- if ( strcmp(wi, wj) gt 0 )
- swap( wi, wj )
- void swap( char p, char q )
- char temp NULL
- temp p
- p q
- q temp
n elements to be sorted
43Arguments to main()
- include ltstdio.hgt
- void main(int argc, char argv)
- int i 0
- printf( argc d\n, argc )
- for ( i 0 i lt argc i )
- printf( argvd s\n, i, argvi )
44Functions as Arguments
- double sum_square( double f(double), int m, int n
) -
- int k 0
- double sum 0.0
- for ( k m k lt n k )
- sum f(k) f(k)
- return sum
- double sum_square( double (f)(double), int m,
int n ) -
- .....
This slide is for general knowledge only!