Title: Connecting Chemical Dynamics in Gases and Liquids
1Connecting Chemical Dynamics in Gases and Liquids
Mausumi Goswami
2Broad objective
An understanding and comparison of chemical
dynamics in gases and liquids is essential to
understand the reactivity of isolated molecules
in a complex medium
3- To undergo a chemical reaction, the reactants
should have enough energy along the reaction
co-ordinate. - In solution, the relative rate for coupling of
energy into the reaction co-ordinate compared to
that for energy transfer to the solvent and to
other un-reactive modes of the solute may dictate
the rates, pathway and the efficiencies of the
4Representative example
- Bi-molecular reaction in which CN- abstracts a
hydrogen from CHCl3 The reaction rate and
product HCN vibrational state distributions are
very different in solution
- Photodissociation of s-tetrazine into HCN and N2
with visible light has a unit quantum yield for
the isolated molecule and nearly zero-efficiency
in solution
Need for the detailed understanding/comparison of
vibrational relaxation processes in gases and
Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem, 45, 519, 1994
5 How the vibrational energy distribution dynamics
in the gas phase will be modified by the solvent?
6Plan of Talk
- Vibrational energy relaxation in isolated
molecule - Vibrational energy relaxation in the solvent
- Characteristic signature of the dynamics in
frequency-domain and time-domain - Vibrational relaxation dynamics of terminal
acetylene - Conclusion
7Vibrational Energy Redistribution in an isolated
Intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution
(IVR) Timescale 10-12s
Distribution of energy in different vibrational
modes in the molecule governed by the intrinsic
coupling in the molecule
- Total vibrational energy of the molecule is
8Vibrational Energy Relaxation in solution
Relaxation in solution
Two components
Intramolecular process
- Inherent IVR
- Solvent mediated IVR
Vibrational energy relaxation in the presence of
the solvent
9Dependence of interplay between the
intramolecular and the solvation dynamics
- Small molecule and the large molecule limit
number of vibrational modes - Level of excitation
10- Vibrational relaxation in liquid is not
necessarily ultrafast. The range varies from
sub-picosecond to second!! - Weakly interacting system
- HCl in Xe and liquid N2 relax on micosecond
and second timescale. - 800 ps for W(CO)6 in CCl4
- Strongly interacting system
- Ions in polar solvents has relaxation time
less than 10 ps.
Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem, 45, 519, 1994
11Techniques used
Liquid phase
Gas phase
12IVR Three Tier Model
13Manifestation of IVR In spectra
Frequency resolved
J. Phys. Chem. 85, 3592, 1985
14Vibrational Dynamics of Terminal Acetylenes
J. Phys. Chem. A, 108, 1348, 2004 J. Phys. Chem
A, 108, 1365, 2004
Propargyl Fluoride
Propargyl Chloride
16Features of terminal acetylene
- Solvent-induced relaxation pathway is dominated
by the energy transfer to modes which are in
close proximity of the solvent
- Normal-mode frequencies that are proximate to
acetylenic C-H stretch are almost constant for
all systems under study.
- The acetylenic chromophore serves to keep the
moving atom 3.7Å from the rest of the molecule.
- Energy relaxation by the solvent is expected to
be same for all the molecules in this study-
trends can be established in this series
17- Solvent systems chosen
- CCl4, CHCl3,CDCl3, CH2Cl2 and CCl3CN
18Method Picosecond Transient Absorption
- To monitor the lifetime of the C-H stretch
excited state
V 2
?C-H 3330 cm-1(Gas phase)
?C-H 3310 cm-1(solution)
V 1
V 0
A decay of the absorption profile will be obtained
19Experimental Set-up
20Decay profile
0 300
21Result for the lifetime measurement in the gas
22Propyne, Propargyl chloride, Propargyl fluoride
calculated density of states at 3330 cm-1 is less
than the IVR threshold
- IVR or collisional relaxation?!
- Assumed to be IVR
- ?1 is related to IVR
- ?2 is related to collisional relaxation ( Mean
collision time 200 ps)
Absorption change (OD)
Time (ps)
t 1/e time of the IVR decay
longer time
Inhomogeneity in the spectra
Rotationally mediated interaction
Homogeneous decay
Anharmonic interaction causes the decay
- The Q branch intensity is dominated by the JK
line in the spectra - The P/R branch intensity is dominated by the k0
line in the spectra
Except Propyne all the molecules show homogeneous
decay profile
24Lifetimes (ps) of the Relaxation Processes in
Dilute Solutions at Room Temperarture
25All the molecules in the solution shows single
exponential decay of IVR rate whereas in the gas
phase five molecules show bi-exponential decay
except TMSA and the molecules which has state
density less than the IVR threshold
26Interplay of IVR and VER dynamics comparison of
the solution rates(CCl4) and the initial
relaxation rates in gases
Slope 1.02(0.04) Intercept (67(22) ps)-1
- IVR contribution to the total relaxation is same
as gas phase - Solvent rate contribution to the total relaxation
rate is very less
27Rate Model for Population Relaxation in Solution
No solvent-mediated IVR
28- A single VER rate describes the solvent
contribution to the total relaxation rate for all
the terminal acetylene
29Vibrational State density dependence of the Rate
30Rate model is found to hold good in all solvents
CCl4 data
- VER rate is found to be solvent dependent
31What can be the possible origin of bi-exponential
decay in gas phase?
- Different set of population is undergoing IVR in
different time-scale - All thermally populated levels are undergoing
hierarchical IVR which are happening at two
different time scale
32FTIR spectra for Propyne and Propargyl Fluoride
in acetylenic CC stretch region
7.7 cm-1
4.3 cm-1
Sequence band collapse is not observed in the
33Consideration of the play of hierarchical IVR
process in terminal acetylene to explain the
bi-exponential decay in gas phase
- Hierarchy of anharmonic interaction with the
vibrational bath
IVR on distinct timescale has been observed where
C-H stretch is near resonant with the overtone of
the C-H bend eg Benzene
34Tier model mechanism for terminal acetylene
Random matrix calculation
Total energy range in the calculation is 25
cm-1 Number of first-tier state 19 (0.76
states/cm-1) Number of second-tier states 2000
(80 states/cm-1)
35Calculations have been done in two steps
Step 1 Calculation without the second tier of
Initial decay rate to the 1st tier as a
single-exponential decay
- Decay rate for the initial relaxation process
- W root-mean-squared interaction matrix element
- ? Density of the first-tier states
36Step 2 Calculation including the second tier of
Overall decay profile reflects bi-exponential
37Experimental Verification of the Tier-model
- Probing at -40 cm-1 below the fundamental
frequency of C-H stretch frequency
-40 cm-1 from the fundamental C-H stretch
Population Relaxation
V 1
V 0
Bending overtone state
38- Bleach Recovery Experiment Probing at the v 0-1
Information about the total relaxation of the
full population
39Tier Model
40Dynamics of the population decay calculated using
the Random Matrix Model
Intermediate bending C-H overtone states
41Gas phase and Solution phase (CCl4) spectra for
TBA (tert-butylacetylene)
?1 5.9ps ?2 39ps
?1 7.8ps ?2 30ps
Absorption change (OD)
Absorption change (OD)
No fall!
? 6.1ps
Time (ps)
42- The amplitude of the bleach recovery signal
will be having two components
- Bi-exponential SEP (Stimulated Emission Pumping)
- Single exponential recovery signal
- Slow component of the bleach recovery signal is
giving the information about the final state
43Nature of the absorption spectrum in the gas
phase (TBA)
-40 cm-1 from the fundamental frquency
Absorption change (OD)
- Constant absorption cross-section observed at -40
cm-1 from fundamental frequency
Explains the reason for not seeing the fall in
the absorption spectrum
44Is the rate model valid for the slower step IVR
Slope0.87(0.15) Intercept (81(29)ps)-1
- The purely intramolecular timescale is unaffected
in the solvent - Constant VER rate is contributing to the total
fall rate in the solution
45Does solvent influence the dynamics?
- In gas-phase the initial redistribution process
removes only 30-50 of the total population
- Observation of the single-exponential in solution
indicates a complete population relaxation
46- The relatively low amplitude of the initial decay
in the gas phase is caused by the coherent energy
flow back to the C-H stretch excited state. - Solvent can cause the damping of the coherent
intramolecular oscillation and hence increasing
the extent of the population relaxation.
47Comparison of the bleach-recovery signal in the
gas phase and the solution phase
- Return to baseline in the solution phase signal
Gas phase
Solution phase
Energy in the low frequency wag modes (150-350
cm-1) is rapidly cooled by the solvent
48Comparison of VER and IVR for both the steps of
relaxation for five molecules showing
bi-exponential decay in the gas phase
IVR contribution is dominating in the solution
- The intramolecular relaxation rate in the gas
phase and solution phase is the same for the
series of molecules in the study. - The extent of the population relaxation has been
modified as observed in the single-exponential
decay profile in the solution. - Decomposition of the total relaxation rate in the
solution is likely to be due to weak
solute-solvent interaction that do not
significantly perturb the state structure of a
50Thanks for your attention
51Scatter Plots
Measurement uncertainty is 1x 1010 s-1
Calculated VER rate(1010 s-1)
52Comparison of the 1st and 2nd VER rates for
different solvents
- IVR timescale is significantly faster than VER
timescale - The direct correlation of the total relaxation
rate in dilute solution with the isolated
molecule rate for both stages of the IVR process
shows that the solvent effect makes a simple
additive contribution to the relaxation process. - Pico-second transition absorption spectroscopy
applied to gas phase and solution phase terminal
acetylene provides an example of the direct
comparison of the IVR rate in gases and solution
54Spectrum for methylbutenyne
A coherent oscillation having a time-constant of
2.8 ps has been observed
55Consideration of the 1st possibility
- Frequencies of the in-plane and out-of-plane
R-CC bending (wag) is 200-300 cm-1. - At room-temperature, the relative population of
the vibrational states with v1 and v0 in these
modes is calculated to be 12 -
The bi-exponential decay in the gas phase could
be originating from the population in the states
having v0 and v1 in the wag mode.
56- In this model, the single exponential rate in the
solution would arise from the very fast
solvent-induced energy exchange between the
states with v0 and v1 of the wag
- Several solution rate measurement shows a decay
time of less than 10 ps the
exchange mechanism timescale should be 1-5 ps
Collapse in any sequence band structure generated
by the wag
??? 1
57FTIR spectra for Propyne and Propargyl Fluoride
in acetylenic CC stretch region
7.7 cm-1
4.3 cm-1
Sequence band collapse is not observed in the
58Similar behaviour has been observed for all the
other solvents
59Correlation among the relaxation rate for all the
terminal acetylene in CCl4
C-H stretch rate (1011 s-1)
Bleach recovery slow rate(1011 s-1)