Title: AusAID
1Holistic Housing Solutions for Orphans and
Vulnerable Children in Sub-Saharan Africa
- March 2008
- Resiliency in Africa
- 2008 ACFID Humanitarian Forum
2- Who we Are-Habitat for Humanity International
(HFHI) is an International NGO which promotes
Social Transformation through housing
micro-finance and housing delivery -HFHIs
programs in Africa began DRC in 1976
-Currently, HFHI operate in 17 countries in
Africa-To date, HFHI has worked in partnership
to built over 225,000 houses in 91 countries
3HIV AIDS and Orphans Vulnerable Children
(OVC) - Shelter Implications
- The impacts include
- Greater income vulnerability
- Inability to access a loan or inability to make
payments - Over crowding
- Being cared for by non-parent directly affects
schooling, abuse, privacy, health - Lack of healthy, active adults
- Dislocation
4 HFHs traditional approach to
improving living conditions and health
wellbeing of families includes
- A hand up rather than a hand out
- Loans provided to Home partners
- Formation of savings/community groups
- Sweat equity
- Use of revolving fund
5When one is dealing with destitute families,
when one encounters a terminally ill adult who
does not have sufficient funds to provide her
children with the most basic of necessities, or
when one is dealing with child-headed households
how can we require such people to pay back a
6The traditional approach taken by HFH does not
typically work in this context More appropriate
approaches were needed
7Approach Lessons Learned
Eight Alternative Approaches designed to build
resiliency in African communities include
8Approach Lessons Learned
- Adjustment to provision of sweat equity
- Changing the structure of loan products
9Approach Lessons Learned
- Collaboration with other partners
- Placing an orphan in better shelter without
making provision for nutritional, health and
educational needs was clearly not an option - Income security
10Approach Lessons Learned
- Focus on property security
- Advocating with and on behalf of the communities
11Approach Lessons Learned
- Community Based Approach
- Reducing House Costs
12Building resilience by..
- Affordable housing solutions
- Secure ownership and greater family stability
- Reduced psycho-social stress on OVC
- Improved asset and financial circumstances
- Continued/ greater community acceptance and
protection - Healthier living conditions
- Holistic care for OVC
13Building resilience by..
- Increased possibility of long term socio-
economic sustainability of family unit - not
simply building houses for OVC but reducing
vulnerability through increased security and
access to basic needs and services.