Title: Chapter 2: Basic Standards for Web Services
1- Chapter 2Basic Standards for Web Services
Service-Oriented Computing Semantics, Processes,
Agents Munindar P. Singh and Michael N. Huhns,
Wiley, 2005
2Highlights of this Chapter
- eXtensible Markup Language (XML)
- Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
- Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
- Directory Services
- Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
3Standards for Web Services
4Markup and Metadata History
- None, e.g., CSV
- Ad hoc tags
- SGML (Standard Generalized Markup L) complex,
few reliable tools - HTML (HyperText ML) simple, unprincipled, mixes
structure and display - XML (eXtensible ML) simple, yet extensible
subset of SGML to capture new vocabularies - Machine processible
- Generally, comprehensible (easier debugging),
though verbose and arcane
5XML Basics and Namespaces
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt lt! not part of the
document per se --gt - ltarbitrarytoptag xmlns"http//one.default.namesp
ace/if-needed" - xmlnsarbitrary"http//wherever.it.might.be/arb
it-ns" - Â Â Â Â Â xmlnsrandom"http//another.one/random-ns"gt
- Â Â Â Â ltarbitraryatag attr1"v1" attr2"v2"gt
- Optional text also known as PCDATA
- ltarbitrarybtag attr1"v1" attr2"v2" /gt
- lt/arbitraryataggt
- ltrandomsimple_tag/gt lt! abbreviate start and end
--gt - ltrandomatag attr3"v3"/gt lt! compare
arbitraryatag --gt - lt/arbitrarytoptaggt
6XML Schema
- Grammar (data definition language) for specifying
valid documents - Uses same syntax as regular XML documents
verbose and difficult to read - Provides local scoping of subelement names
- Incorporates namespaces
- Types
- Primitive (built-in) string, integer, float,
date, - simpleType constructors list, union
- Restrictions intervals, lengths, enumerations,
regex patterns, - Flexible ordering of elements
- Key and referential integrity constraints
7Web Services Basic Architecture
Service Broker
Registry well-known
Find or discover (UDDI)
Publish or announce (WSDL)
Service Provider
Service Requestor
Bind or invoke (SOAP)
Not well-known
8Basic Profile (BP 1.0)
- The Web Services Interoperability Organization
(WS-I) has specified the following Basic Profile
version 1.0 - SOAP 1.1
- HTTP 1.1
- XML 1.0
- XML Schema Parts 1 and 2
- UDDI Version 2
- WSDL 1.1
9Describing a Service
- Namee.g., GetTemperature
- Types of Input Parameterse.g., (String, String)
- Types of Output Parameterse.g., Integer
10SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
- Used to exchange messages via HTTP, SMTP, and SIP
(Session Initiation Protocol for Internet
telephony) - Originally designed for remote-procedure calls
(RPC) - Works through firewalls on port 80
- Character-based, so easy to encrypt/decrypt and
thus easy to secure - Inefficient due to character, not binary, data
and large headers - Does not describe bidirectional or n-party
11Ex. SOAP Request
- POST /temp HTTP/1.1
- Host www.socweather.com
- Content-Type text/xml charset"utf-8"
- Content-Length xxx
- SOAPAction "http//www.socweather.com/temp"
- lt!-- Above HTTP headers and a blank line. --gt
- lt!These comments and below an XML document --gt
- lt?xml version1.0?gt
- ltenvEnvelope
- xmlnsenv"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelo
pe/" - envencodingStyle"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/soa
p/encoding/"/gt - ltenvBodygt
- ltmGetTemp xmlnsm"http//www.socweather.com/te
mp.xsd"gt - ltmCitygtHonolulult/mCitygt
- ltmWhengtnowlt/mWhengt
- lt/mGetTempgt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
12Ex. SOAP Response
- HTTP/1.1 200 OK
- Content-Type text/xml charset"utf-8"
- Content-Length xxx
- SOAPAction "http//www.socweather.com/temp"
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
- ltenvEnvelope xmlnsenv"http//schemas.xmlsoap.or
g/soap/envelope/" - envencodingStyle"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/
soap/encoding/"/gt - ltenvBodygt
- ltmGetTempResponse
xmlnsm"http//www.socweather.com/temp.xsd"gt - ltmDegreesCelsiusgt30lt/mDegreesCelsiusgt
- lt/mGetTempResponsegt
- lt/envBodygt
- lt/envEnvelopegt
13WSDL Web Services Description Language
- Describes a programmatic interface to a Web
service, including - Definitions of data types
- Input and output message formats
- The operations provided by the service
- Network addresses
- Protocol bindings
14WSDL Data Model
15Directory Services
- Support discovery enable applications, agents,
Web service providers, Web service requestors,
people, objects, and procedures to locate each
other - White pages entries found by name
- Yellow pages entries found by characteristics
and capabilities - A basic directory might be a simple database
(passive) or a broker/facilitator (active, that
provides alerts and recruits participants) - UDDI both white pages and yellow pages, but
16UDDI Universal Description, Discovery, and
- UDDI is a Web service that is based on SOAP and
XML - UDDI registers
- tModels technical descriptions of a services
behavior - businessEntities describes the specifications of
multiple tModels
17Yellow, Green, and White Pages in UDDI
18Data Model for UDDI
20Chapter 2 Summary
- The main triad of Web services standards
- Bring together well-known ideas
- SOAP object access and messaging
- WSDL based on CORBA IDL
- UDDI based on directories
- Provide necessary functionality for
interoperation - Are complicated in their details
- Meant for tool vendors rather than programmers
- Increasingly hidden by tools