Title: Introduction to using a Windows Mobile Phone: Getting Started
1Introduction to using a Windows Mobile Phone
Getting Started
Western Connecticut State Universitypresents
2We will be looking at
- Setting up Email on your Windows mobile device
- Composing and sending new messages
- Reading messages
- -Replying
- -Deleting messages
- -Forwarding
- Using the Calendar
- Creating Folders
- Out of Office replies
3Setting up your mobile device
4Configuring your Windows Mobile device
Select Programs
Select the Windows Start icon.
5Configuring your Windows Mobile device
Click on the link set up your device to sync
with it.
Select ActiveSync. You may need to use the
scroll bar to locate this program.
6Configuring your Windows Mobile device
Enter mail.wcsu.edu into the Server Address
box. Verify that the check box is checked.
Once complete, click Next.
7Configuring your Windows Mobile device
Enter your Windows password.
Enter your Windows username.
8Configuring your Windows Mobile device
Select Next.
Enter the domain W-WCSU-LOCAL in the domain
box. It must be capitalized.
9Configuring your Windows Mobile device
Click on the keyboard icon to hide the on-screen
Select Email. Make sure it is checked.
10Configuring your Windows Mobile device
Make sure 2 weeks is selected from the Download
the past drop-down menu.
Make sure the Download size limit is set to 5 KB.
11Configuring your Windows Mobile device
Select OK.
Select Finish.
12Configuring your Windows Mobile device
A Waiting for network message will appear at
the bottom of the screen.
Select Sync.
13Configuring your Windows Mobile device
You are required to enter a security password
(The phone will automatically lock after a period
of inactivity).
When prompted with the message displayed above,
you must select OK.
14Configuring your Windows Mobile device
Confirm your Password.
Enter a Password. Password must be numerical, and
exactly 6 digits in length.
15Getting StartedUsing your Mobile device
16Getting Started Opening Email
Click on the Mail icon to open your Email.
You would see your Email messages in the screen
17Getting Started Opening your Calendar
Select Calendar from the bottom left-hand corner
of the screen.
You can use the arrows to toggle between days.
18Getting Started Using your Calendar
You can also change the calendar view by
selecting the Day button.
You can also change the calendar view through the
Menu as well.
19Getting Started Viewing Contacts
To view/manage your contacts, simply select the
Contacts button.
Select New to create a new contact.
20Getting Started Viewing Contacts
You can also search for existing contacts by
clicking in the Enter a name box above.
21Getting Started Mobile Homepage
Select the Phone icon on your mobile homepage to
change your phone's sound options.
Your mobile homepage offers quick access to other
items such as your To-do list
22Getting Started Mobile Homepage
Select the Phone icon on your mobile homepage to
change your phone's sound options.
Select the quick access button for more tools
23Getting Started Making Phone Calls
Select Phone.
To place a phone call, select the Start menu, or
press the call button on the front of the phone.
24Getting Started Making Phone Calls
When you are finished typing in the number, Touch
users will have to hit the call button located on
the front face of their phone. You can also
search for a phone number by selecting the
Contacts button. When the call is complete, press
the End key on the front of the phone.
25Getting Started Installed programs
There are many programs included on your phone.
To access them, select the Start menu.
Select Programs.
26Getting Started Microsoft Office on your phone
When you are finished working on a document, you
can save by selecting Menu.
There are also Microsoft Office programs included.
27Getting Started Microsoft Office on your phone
Select Save As.
Select File.
28Getting Started Microsoft Office on your phone
Select Save As.
Select File.
29Getting Started Microsoft Office on your phone
Select Save.
Select the location where you would like to save
the document.
30Getting Started Microsoft Office on your phone
Select File Explorer.
Select the location where you would like To open
previously saved documents, open the Start menu.
31Getting Started Microsoft Office on your phone
Select the location where your files are saved.
32Getting Started Internet Explorer on your phone
Select Internet Explorer.
To use Internet Explorer, select the Start menu.
33Composing Mail
34Getting Started Composing Mail
Select Menu.
Select the Mail button.
35Getting Started Composing Mail
To add recipients, select To
Select New.
36Getting Started Composing Mail
Search matches will appear.
Search for a recipient.
37Getting Started Composing Mail
Enter a subject.
Select a recipient.
38Getting Started Composing Mail
When finished, select Send.
Enter the message body text.
39Replying to Email Messages
40Getting Started Replying to Email messages
Select Menu.
Select a message to reply to.
41Getting Started Replying to Email messages
Select Reply.
Select Reply.
42Getting Started Replying to Email messages
When you are finished, select Send.
43Forwarding Email messages
44Getting Started Replying to Email messages
Select the message that you wish to forward.
Select Menu.
45Getting Started Replying to Email messages
Select Reply.
Select Forward.
46Getting Started Replying to Email messages
Select To
Your can search for a user here.
47Getting Started Replying to Email messages
Or you can select from your list of recent
recipients as shown here.
When finished, select Send.
48Using the Calendar
49Getting Started Using the Calendar
Select Calendar.
Your current appointments will be listed here.
Click to edit/view the appointment.
50Getting Started Using the Calendar
To see the attendees, select the Attendees link.
To change the calendar view, click on the bottom
left-hand corner of the screen.
51Getting Started Using the Calendar
You can also change the calendar view here as
well. Select Menu.
Select View.
52Getting Started Creating Appointments
To create a new appointment, select Menu.
Select New Appointment.
53Getting Started Creating Appointments
To invite users, select the Attendees field
Select Add Required Attendee.
54Getting Started Creating Appointments
Search for a user.
Select the user.
55Getting Started Creating Appointments
Select Done.
56Viewing Contacts
57Getting Started Viewing Contacts
Select Contacts.
You can search for a name here.
58Getting Started Viewing Contacts
Click on the user to view contact details.
You can change the options here.
59Getting Started Viewing Contacts
To add a contact, select New.
When finished, select OK.
60Adding Signatures
61Getting Started Adding Signatures
Select Menu.
Select Tools.
62Getting Started Adding Signatures
Select Options.
There are multiple options to modify.
63Getting Started Adding Signatures
To create a Signature, select Signatures.
Check the box noted above.
64Getting Started Adding Signatures
Check this box if you want signatures added to
replies and forwarded messages.
When finished, select OK.
65Creating Out of Office Replies
66Creating Out of Office replies
Check this box if you want signatures added to
replies and forwarded messages.
Select Tools.
67Creating Out of Office replies
Select Out of Office.
Select OK.
68Creating Out of Office replies
Change your status.
Select Out of Office.
69Creating Out of Office replies
When your are finished, select Done.
70If you have any questions about using your
Windows Mobile device, please contact the
University Computing Help Desk at (203) 837-8467
or email request_university_computing_at_wcsu.eduTh
ank you!