Title: Biological Communications Biology 3920
1Biological Communications(Biology
2 Course Description 1, Biological
Communications is a technology-based
undergraduate course designed to provide the
student with basic knowledge in formulating and
completing scientific research, and in writing
scientific papers and giving formal oral
presentations in the biological sciences.2.
Participants will exercise skills in both
scientific writing and oral presentation using
information gained in independent research. 3.
Technology-based platform presentation will be
encouraged and written manuscripts will be posted
on student webpages for peer reviews.
- 1. Are to provide the student the tools and
resources needed to communicate effectively in
the biological sciences and - 2. To instill the knowledge needed to
effectively design and complete scientific
research, to write a scientific paper, and to
give presentations.
- Each student is required to design and carry out
an independent research project following the
Scientific Method that will generate adequate
data in support of the presentation of results.
5Student activities include
- 1. class and computer laboratory participation
- 2. writing a Research Proposal
- 3. design and completion of independent research
based upon the Scientific Method and Hypotheses
Tests - 4. scientific Ethics statement
- 5. data processing and interpretations
- 6. Tables, Figures, Graphicspics, and slide
preparations - 7. developing a professional Resume
6Student activities include (Contd)
- 8. writing a RFP/RFA
- 9. writing a Progress Report of research
completed to date - 10. presenting research results in a formal
written Scientific Manuscript - 11. presenting results in a Poster and Platform
presentation using PC-Proxima projections before
peers - 12. use of individually designed Webpage in
posting course assignments and research
manuscripts for critical reviews by peers and - 13. organize copies of assignments in a Portfolio
and on electronic back-up CD, ZIP for
submission to instructor.