Title: Monrovia USD
1Monrovia USD Monrovia Canyon Park
2Strategic 5-Year Goals 2004 2009 1. All
eligible schools gain State recognition as
California Distinguished Schools by 2009. 2.
All schools meet or exceed their annual API
state growth targets (for the school and for
subgroups), aiming toward the State target
API school score of 800 or higher by
2009. 3. Monrovia graduates leave high school
prepared to enter college, advance
training, and/or the workplace.
Monrovia Unified School District Board of
Education Vision for Monrovia Schools
Guiding Goals 1. Learning for all Students. 2.
Safe, Orderly, Positive Learning
Environments. 3. Quality Staff Providing Quality
Service. 4. School/Home/ Community Partnerships
Communication. 5. Acquisition Allocation
of Resources to Support Goals 1 - 4.
Student Success
Vision Distinguished Schools
Achieving Students Graduates Prepared for Life
Guiding Goals
Mission Statement
The Monrovia
Unified School District
is committed to devoting its energy,
resources, and
support to provide, through quality staff
quality service
?Academically rigorous educational
programs which foster
the maximum development of each
students desire, skill,
confidence to learn academic potential
success vocational,
vocational, technological interests, talents,
and skills social,
civic, and cultural understanding
participation and sense
of accomplishment, self-responsibility,
self-worth, within ?A challenging,
supportive, safe, orderly, positive learning
environment, by working actively
cooperatively as students, staff, parents,
Values and Beliefs
- Joint Education Program
- MUSD City of Monrovia
- 2008 CSBA Golden Bell Award Winner
- Every 3rd, 4th, 5th Grader Annually
- 9 Years of Operation
- 1500 students per year
4 Monrovia Canyon Park Mission Statement
To preserve Monrovia Canyon Park in its natural
state in order that the public will have an
opportunity to experience the beauty and solitude
of nature. To foster an appreciation,
understanding and respect for nature through
education. To provide a safe, attractive
and peaceful recreation environment compatible
with the natural area.
Joann Spring
Susan Immer
Dan Iwata
Thank You!
5Nature Center
6Animals at Canyon Park
3rd GRADE Animals and Canyon History
8Ben Overturff TrailDeer Park
93 Graves Historical Site
4th GRADEPlants, Environment, Adaptations
Food Web
115th GRADEWater and Conservation
Content Standards
13Monrovia USD
Real Science in our own bardyard
Monrovia Canyon Park