Title: No school standards without Every Child Matters
1No school standards without Every Child Matters
and no ECM without school standards Tom
Jeffery Ralph Tabberer
2Every Child Matters promised
- Systemic change to
- Create opportunity and build services around the
child, young person family - Support parents carers
- Promote prevention early intervention
- Integration of
- Universal targeted services
- across the age range 0- 19
- Better outcomes for all children and young people
- Choice and confidence for parents
- Achievement and opportunity for children
- Narrowing gaps
3The integration continuum a developmental model
- Collaboration
- Cooperation
- Integration
- Definition the making up or composition of a
whole by adding or combining separate parts
4Our developmental journey
- The Integrated Services Programme Joint Access
Teams - The Full Service Hub
- The Integrated Services Delivery Programme
5ISDP Structure
Principal Manager, IS
Safeguarding and Performance Monitoring Consultant
Integrated Services Delivery Managers
Assessment and Intervention Teams Social
care Educational Psychology Education
Welfare Inclusion Support Primary Mental
Health Family community health services
Family Support Services
Integrated Childrens Centres Family work Early
Years Foundation Stage Jobcentre Plus Portage
Extended schools support Family community
health professionals
Family Resource Team Connexions Intensive
Support Family support services
6- Team Around the Child
- Team Around the School
- Team Around the Community
On-going cycle of assessment, planning, delivery,
Targeted service Stage 3
Data sharing processes enable area planning,
commissioning delivery
Graduated response (multi-disciplinary or single
service) Stage 2
Contact centre\Accesspoint
Enhanced Universal Stage 1
7The new integrated manager and worker
- Skills
- Knowledge
- Values
- Personal qualities
- Resilient
- Confident in own professionalism
- Open minded
- Flexible
- Willing to share let go
- Solution focused
- Relentlessly optimistic!
8Key issues for education and training
- Take a more holistic approach the ECM premium is
everyones business - Recognise commonalities
- Respect differences
- Focus on relationships
- Build a new culture based on shared values
9Getting results
- It creates a context for so many opportunities,
for learning, for joint working, for finding new
ways of working. And not just related to
individual children but like theme and subject
relatedthat stuff is really happening naturally
here. I love it! It gets me out of bed in the
morning because you see the opportunity to do new
things. Its great! Hub member - They seemed really friendly and I felt really
involved Young person