Title: CS276 Advanced Oracle Using Java
1CS276 Advanced Oracle Using Java
- Chapter 4
- Advanced Result Sets
2Scrollable Result Sets
- In JDBC 1.0,you could only move forward one row
at a time in a result set, when you read rows
stored in a database. - With JDBC 2.0, a new class of result sets known
as scrollable result. Scrollable result sets
allow you to move backwards as well as forwards
through rows in a result set, and also allow to
jump to any row directly, using either the actual
row number stored in the result set, or a row
3Scrollable Result Sets
- Scrollable result sets may be
- updatable
- Sensitive
- The following example creates a Statement object,
which specifies that any resultSet objects
created from it are to be scrollable and
4Scrollable Result Sets
- Statement myStatement myConnection.createStateme
nt( - ResultSet.TYPE_Scroll_INSENSITIVE,
5Scrollable Result Sets
- The Result Set TYPE may be specified using one of
the following int constants - ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY
- Specifies that ResultSet objects are not
scrollable. This is default
6Scrollable Result Sets
- Specifies that ResultSet objects are scrollable
but not sensitive to changes in the database - ResultSet.TYPE_Scroll_SENSITIVE
- Specifies that ResultSet objects are scrollable
and sensitive to changes in the database
7Scrollable Result Sets
- The Result Set CONCURRENCY determines whether or
not your resultset objects can modify the rows
and may be specified using one of the following
int constants - ResultSet.CONCURE_READ_ONLY (ResultSet can not
make changes to the database), - ResultSet.CONCURE_UPDATABLE (ResultSet can
make changes to the database)
8Scrollable Result Sets
- The following example creates a ResultSet object
that uses the result set type and concurrency
previously set for myStatement - ResultSet customerResulrSet myStatement.executeQ
uery( - "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, dob,
phone " - "FROM customers "
- "ORDER BY id",
- )
9Scrollable Result Sets
- The following examples create a
PreparedStatement object from which an
insensitive scrollable ResultSet object will be
created - PreparedStatement myPrepStatement
myConnection.prepareStatement( - "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, dob,
phone " - "FROM customers "
- "WHERE id lt ?"
- "ORDER BY id",
- )
- // bind the int value 5 to the
PreparedStatement object - myPrepStatement.setInt(1, 5)
- // create a ResultSet object and execute the
query - ResultSet customerResultSet
10Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- With a scrollable result set, you can use many
more methods to navigate the rows in a more
flexible manner( than only next()) - next()
- Navigates to the next row stored in a result set.
If there is no row to move forward to in the
result set, this method returns false otherwise,
it returns true
11Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- previous()
- Navigates to the previous row stored in a result
set. If there is no row to move back to in the
result set, this method returns false otherwise,
it returns true - first()
- Navigates to the first row stored in a result
set. If there is no rows in the result set, this
method returns false otherwise, it returns true - last()
- Navigates to the last row stored in a result set.
If there is no rows in the result set, this
method returns false otherwise, it returns true
12Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- beforeFirst()
- Navigates to a position before the first row. If
there is no rows in the result set, calling this
method has no effect - afterLast()
- Navigates to a position after the last row. If
there is no rows in the result set, calling this
method has no effect
13Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- absolute(int rowNumber)
- Navigates to a row specified by rowNumber.
- If the row number is positive, the cursor moves
to the given row number with respect to the
beginning of the result set. The first row is row
1, the second is row 2, and so on.
14Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- absolute(int rowNumber)
- If the given row number is negative, the cursor
moves to an absolute row position with respect to
the end of the result set. For example - calling the method absolute(-1) positions the
cursor on the last row - calling the method absolute(-2) moves the cursor
to the next-to-last row, and so on.
15Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- absolute(int rowNumber)
- An attempt to position the cursor beyond the
first/last row in the result set leaves the
cursor before the first row or after the last
row. - Note
- Calling absolute(1) is the same as calling
first(). - Calling absolute(-1) is the same as calling
last(). - If there is no rows in the result set, this
method returns false - otherwise, it returns true
16Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- relative(int relativeRowNumber)
- Navigates to a row relative to the current row.
- Moves the cursor a relative number of rows,
either positive or negative. - Attempting to move beyond the first/last row in
the result set positions the cursor before/after
the first/last row.
17Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- relative(int relativeRowNumber)
- Calling relative(0) is valid, but does not change
the cursor position. Note - Calling the method relative(1) is identical to
calling the method next() - Calling the method relative(-1) is identical to
calling the method previous().
18Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- relative(int relativeRowNumber)
- If there is no rows in the result set, this
method returns false - otherwise, it returns true
- The following example uses a while loop to
navigate and display the five rows stored in
customerResultSet in reverse order.
19Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- // display the rows in the ResultSet in reverse
order -
- System.out.println("Customers in reverse
order") -
- customerResultSet.afterLast()
- while (customerResultSet.previous())
- System.out.println("id "
- customerResultSet.getInt("id"))
- System.out.println("first_name "
- customerResultSet.getString("first_name"
)) -
20Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- // display the rows in the ResultSet in reverse
order - System.out.println("last_name "
- customerResultSet.getString("last_name"))
- System.out.println("dob "
- customerResultSet.getString("dob"))
- System.out.println("phone "
- customerResultSet.getString("phone"))
- // end of while loop
21Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- The next example navigates to row 3
- customerResultSet.absolute(3)
- If you pass a negative number, it will navigate
to a row counting the back from the last row. For
example, the following navigates to row 4 - customerResultSet.absolute(-2)
22Navigating a Scrollable Result Set
- Note absolute( -1) is equivalent to last()
- The Next example navigates to row 2 by
navigating back two rows relative to current
row(4) - customerResultSet.relative(-2)
- Note You can not use relative positioning from
before the first row or after the last row. You
will cause a SQL exception
23Determining the Position in a Scrollable Result
- When you use the scrollable result set methods to
navigate rows, you might lose track of where you
are. You can check current position using the
following methods - getRow()
- Retrieves the current row number. The first row
is number 1, the second number 2, and so on. - Returns
- the current row number 0 if there is no current
row - isFirst()
- Returns true if the current row is the first
row, false otherwise
24Determining the Position in a Scrollable Result
- isLast()
- Retrieves whether the cursor is on the last row
of this ResultSet object. - Note Calling the method isLast may be expensive
because the JDBC driver might need to fetch ahead
one row in order to determine whether the current
row is the last row in the result set. - Returns
- true if the cursor is on the last row false
25Determining the Position in a Scrollable Result
- isBeforeFirst()
- Retrieves whether the cursor is before the first
row in this ResultSet object. - Returns
- true if the cursor is before the first row false
if the cursor is at any other position or the
result set contains no rows - isAfterLast()
- Retrieves whether the cursor is after the last
row in this ResultSet object. - Returns
- true if the cursor is after the last row false
if the cursor is at any other position or the
result set contains no rows
26Determining the Position in a Scrollable Result
- In the following example,
- the beforeFirst() navigates before first row
- the isBeforeFirst() is used to check the
condition - the getRow() is called to display the returned
value( 0 because there is no valid current row) -
- customerResultSet.beforeFirst()
- if (customerResultSet.isBeforeFirst())
- System.out.println("Before first row")
- System.out.println("Current row "
- customerResultSet.getRow())
27Determining the Position in a Scrollable Result
- In the following example,
- the first() navigates to the first row
- the getRow() is called to display the returned
value( 1 for first row -
- System.out.println("Going to first row")
- customerResultSet.first()
- System.out.println("Current row "
- customerResultSet.getRow())
28Determining the Position in a Scrollable Result
- Example Program AdvResultSetExample1.java
- The example shows how to use an insensitive
scrollable result set And Performs the following
- register the Oracle JDBC drivers
- create a Connection object, and connect to the
database as store_user using the Oracle JDBC Thin
- create a PreparedStatement object from which an
insensitive scrollable ResultSet object will be
created - bind the int value 5 to the PreparedStatement
object - create a ResultSet object
- display the rows in the ResultSet in reverse
order using methods - customerResultSet.afterLast()
- customerResultSet.previous()
- navigate to row 3
- using method
- customerResultSet.absolute(3)
- navigate back two rows to row 1 using method
- customerResultSet.relative(-2)
- System.out.println("Going back two rows")
- navigate before first row
- customerResultSet.beforeFirst()
- if (customerResultSet.isBeforeFirst())
- System.out.println("Before first row")
- System.out.println("Current row "
- navigate to the first row using method
- System.out.println("Going to first row")
- customerResultSet.first()
35Updatable Result Set
- Example Program AdvResultSetExample2.java
36Updatable Result Set
- Updatable Result Sets allow you to make changes
to rows in the database. - The following int constants are used to indicate
the result set concurrency - ResultSet.CONCURE_READ_ONLY
37Updatable Result Set
- (ResultSet can not make changes to the
database), - ResultSet.CONCURE_UPDATABLE
- (ResultSet can make changes to the database)
38Updatable Result Set
- Example create a Statement object from which an
updatable - // ResultSet object will be created
- Statement myStatement myConnection.createSta
- )
39Updatable Result Set
- Example
- // create a ResultSet object
- ResultSet customerResultSet
myStatement.executeQuery( - "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, dob,
phone " - "FROM customers"
- )
40Updatable Result Set
- The limitations for the query used with an
updatable result set. - You can only use a single table
- You must select the tables primary key column
and all the other NOT NULL columns - You cannot use an ORDER BY
41Updatable Result Set
- You must only select column values
- You cannot use SELECT .
- For example SELECT customers. its ok
42Updatable Result Set
- Updating a Row
- You may use updateString() to update a CHAR or
43Updatable Result Set
- updateDate() to update a DATE column
- updateInt(), updateDouble
- The update methods accept two parameters
- The column to be updated
- The new value
44Updatable Result Set Updating a Row
- Example we want to update the customer in row 2
and set the f name to Greg - Navigate to row 2
- customersResultSet.absolute(2)
45Updatable Result Set Updating a Row
- Update firstname and dob
- customersResultSet.updateString(first_name,
Greg) - Java.sql.Date dob new java.sqlDate(69,1,1)
- customersResultSet.updateDate(dob, dob)
46Updatable Result Set Updating a Row
- You can undo you changes use cancelRowUpdates()
- Send changes to the database
- customersResultSet.updateRow()
- 4. Commit myConnection.commit()
- Now you cannot use cancelRowUpdates(),
- You can use only rollback()
47Updatable Result Set Deleting a Row
- Example we want to update the customer in row 2
and set the f name to Greg - customersResultSet.absolute(5)
- customersResultSet.deleteRow
48Updatable Result Set
- Conflicts When Updating and Deleting a Row.
- Solution use FOR UPDATE clause to lock the rows
create a ResultSet object - ResultSet customerResultSet
myStatement.executeQuery( - "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, dob,
phone " - "FROM customers
- )
49Updatable Result Set Inserting a Row
- Create a blank row in the result set
- System.out.println("Inserting new row")
- customerResultSet.moveToInsertRow()
- Update data
- customerResultSet.updateInt("id", 6)
50Updatable Result Set Inserting a Row
- customerResultSet.updateString("last_name",
"Price") - customerResultSet.updateDate("dob", dob)
- Insert row
- customerResultSet.insertRow()
- customerResultSet.moveToCurrentRow()
51What Database Changes does a Result Set See ?
- What Database Changes does a Result Set Sees
when changes are made to the column values for
rows that were initially read from the database. - What does see mean? By this, we mean what value
a get method returns if the column value
originally read from the database by that result
set is changed. - Changes to column values can be made by two
52What Database Changes does a Result Set See ?
- Changes to column values can be made by two
sources - Updatable result set changes
- we refer to these changes as internal
- because they are changes that are made using the
update methods by that result set - Other database transactions that may be
performing inserts, updates, or deletes that
change the rows originally read by the result set - we refer to these changes as external
- because they are changes that are made outside
of the result set
53What Database Changes does a Result Set See
- Depending on the type of the result set (forward
only, etc..), that result set may see different
rows than those originally read if there have
been internal and /or external changes. - The following table shows the default visibility
for three types of result sets. But you can
override them by refreshing the current row in
the result set using the refreshRow() Method.
54What Database Changes does a Result Set See
55What Database Changes does a Result Set See
- From this table you can see
- a forward only result set can only see internal
updates - a scrollable insensitive result set can only see
internal updates and deletes - a scrollable sensitive result set can only see
internal updates and deletes and external updates - Note
- only one external change is seen, an external
update - and only by a scrollable sensitive result set.
- Also, internal inserts arent seen by any result
set type
56The refreshRow() Method
- The following Example Program
- AdvResultSetExample3.java
- shows the use of the refreshRow()
- method to refresh an updated row in an
updatable scrollable insensitive result set
- create a Statement object from which a
scrollable insensitive ResultSet object will be
created - Statement myStatement myConnection.createSta
- )
- create a ResultSet object
- ResultSet customerResultSet
myStatement.executeQuery( - "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, dob,
phone " - "FROM customers"
- )
- display customer 2's id and last name
- customerResultSet.absolute(2)
- System.out.println("id "
- customerResultSet.getInt("id"))
- System.out.println("last_name "
- customerResultSet.getString("last_name"))
- update customer 2's last name to "Jones"
using a separate Statement object - this is an
external update - System.out.println("Updating customer 2's
last name to 'Jones'") - Statement updateStatement
- updateStatement.execute(
- "UPDATE customers "
- "SET last_name 'Jones' "
- "WHERE id 2"
- )
- myConnection.commit()
- refresh the current row, in this case row
2 - System.out.println("Refeshing row 2")
- customerResultSet.refreshRow()
- re-display row 2's id and last name
- System.out.println("id "
- customerResultSet.getInt("id"))
- System.out.println("last_name "
- customerResultSet.getString("last_name"))
64Scrollable Sensitive Result Sets
- The following Example Program
AdvResultSetExample4.java - shows the visibility of changes to an updatable
scrollable sensitive result set
- disable auto-commit mode
- myConnection.setAutoCommit(false)
- create a Statement object from which a
scrollable sensitive ResultSet object will be
created - Statement myStatement myConnection.createSta
tement( - ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,
- )
- set the fetch size to 1
- myStatement.setFetchSize(1)
- create a ResultSet object
- ResultSet customerResultSet
myStatement.executeQuery( - "SELECT id, first_name, last_name, dob,
phone " - "FROM customers"
- )
- System.out.println("Retrieved rows from
customers table") - display row 2's id and last name
- customerResultSet.absolute(2)
- System.out.println("id "
- customerResultSet.getInt("id"))
- System.out.println("last_name "
- customerResultSet.getString("last_name"))
- update customer 2's last name to "Jones" using
a separate Statement object - this is an
external update - System.out.println("Updating customer 2's
last name to 'Jones'") - Statement updateStatement
myConnection.createStatement() - updateStatement.execute(
- "UPDATE customers "
- "SET last_name 'Jones' "
- "WHERE id 2"
- )
- myConnection.commit()
72Meta Data
- The following Example Program
MetaDataExample.java - illustrates the use of some methods described in
the previous section to obtain and display result
set and database meta data
73Meta Data
- You can use meta data to get information about
the database and tables that your program
accesses. - There are two types of meta data
74Meta Data
- Result set meta data
- This provides information about the table and
columns accessed by a ResultSet
75Meta Data
- Database meta data
- This provides information about the database to
which a Connection object is linked to - get and display result set meta data
- ResultSetMetaData myRSMetaData
customerResultSet.getMetaData() - get and display database meta data
- DatabaseMetaData myDBMetaData
myConnection.getMetaData() -
76Meta Data
- Once you have interface ResultSetMetaData
object, you can use various methods that read the
meta data for the ResultSet object - public int getColumnCount() throws SQLException
- Returns the number of columns in this ResultSet
77Meta Data
- public String getColumnName(int column)
- throws SQLException
- Get the designated column's name.
- Parameters
- column - the first column is 1, the second is 2,
... - Returns
- column name
78Meta Data
- public int getColumnType(int column) throws
SQLException - Retrieves the designated column's SQL type.
- Parameters
- column - the first column is 1, the second is 2,
... - Returns
- SQL type from java.sql.Types
79Meta Data
- public int getColumnDisplaySize(int column)
- throws SQLException
- Indicates the designated column's normal maximum
width in characters. - Parameters
- column - the first column is 1, the second is 2,
... - Returns
- the normal maximum number of characters allowed
as the width of the designated column
80Meta Data
- public int isNullable(int column) throws
SQLException - Indicates the nullability of values in the
designated column. - Parameters
- column - the first column is 1, the second is 2,
... - Returns
- the nullability status of the given column one
of columnNoNulls, columnNullable or
81Meta Data
- public int getPrecision(int column) throws
SQLException - Get the designated column's number of decimal
digits. - Parameters
- column - the first column is 1, the second is 2,
... - Returns
- precision
82Meta Data
- public int getScale(int column) throws
SQLException - Gets the designated column's number of digits to
right of the decimal point. - Parameters
- column - the first column is 1, the second is 2,
... - Returns
- scale
83Meta Data
- public interface DataBaseMetaData
- This interface is implemented by driver vendors
to let users know the capabilities of a Database
Management System (DBMS) in combination with the
driver based on JDBCTM technology ("JDBC driver")
that is used with it. - Once you have interface DataBaseMetaData object
- you can use different useful methods for reading
database meta data -
84Meta Data
- public String getDatabaseProductName() throws
SQLException - Retrieves the name of this database product.
- Returns
- database product name
85Meta Data
- public String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws
SQLException - Retrieves the version number of this database
product. - Returns
- database version number
86Meta Data
- public String getURL() throws SQLException
- Retrieves the URL for this DBMS.
- Returns
- the URL for this DBMS or null if it cannot be
87Meta Data
- public String getUserName() throws SQLException
- Retrieves the user name as known to this
database. - Returns
- the database user name