Title: Euthanasia
Danielle Brunache
Nick Cashman
Katherine Fotinos
Jackson Kapler-Galan
Lauren Padilla
3Ethical Questions
- 1.How do we determine when it is justified to
take a human life?2.What qualities define
if a person is still fully human? 3.How do
we balance religious influence with
individual rights?
the act or practice of killing or permitting the
death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals
(as persons or domestic animls) in a relatively
painless way for reasons of mercy
5Active Euthanasia
Painless physician assisted death Examples The
administration of lethal medications
6Passive Euthanasia
Allowing a patient to die Example Removing a
life support system
7PROThe Morality of Euthanasia
Decreases suffering
Keep separate church and State
Supports doctors Hippocratic Oath
Supports individual rights
Die with dignity
CONThe Wrongfulness of Euthanasia
Wrongful diagnosis of terminal illness
Possibility of new medicine and recovery
Against doctors Hippocratic Oath
Wrongful motivation
Slippery Slope Where do we draw the line?
9Catholic perspective
-There is still debate between passive/ active
euthanasia -Euthanasia contradicts Gods gift of
life -Life is from conception to natural
end -Ordinary means to save a life must be used,
extraordinary means are optional.
10American Laws
Assisted Suicide Funding Restriction Act of
1997 Federal funds may not be used for items and
services that assist with euthanasia
11and Court Debates
Oregon the only state to permit active
euthanasia the act permits physicians to write
prescriptions for a lethal dosage of medication
to people with a terminal illness. A citizens'
initiative passed twice by Oregon voters (general
election in 1994, repeal in 1997). In its first
four years, a total of 91 people used this law to
bring their terminal illness to an end.
Death with Dignity Act
12Media and Societys Influence
Million Dollar Baby Active EuthanasiaTerri
SchivoPassive Euthanasia
131.How do we determine when it is justified to
take a human life?2.What qualities define if a
person is still fully human? 3.How do we
balance religious influence with individual
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