Title: District 13 Conference 2003
1District 13 Conference 2003
Integration - Barriers and Possibilities
Minister of Refugee, Immigration and Integration
Affairs Bertel Haarder
Anthropologist, Editor-in-chief at
Weekendavisen Anne Knudsen
Communication adviser Lone Yalcinkaya
Journalist Filomenita Mongaya Høgsholm
Moderator The Chairwomen for the Womens Council
in Denmark Inge Skjoldager
2Pictures from Henrik Hildebrandt For purchase,
send please e-mail to d13governor0204_at_yahoo.dk ind
icating the number of the picture no later than
December the 15th
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12Other pictures Can be required from d13governor020
4_at_yahoo.dk no later than December the 15th
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14Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra right
arrives to the Moltkes Castle. To the left Club
President Copenhagen I Kari Vieth.
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16From right to left Chairman of International
STWS Kirsten Theisen, Club President Copenhagen I
Kari Vieth, Her Royal Highness Princess
Alexandra, Governor MarÃa José Landeira ØstergÃ¥rd
17Business session at the District Conference.
First row from right Chairman of International
STWS Kirsten Theisen, Referent Irene Kofoed
Nielsen, International Director Jacqueline
Gudmundsen, International Director Mari Ramsten
18Thanks to all of you for your participation and
dedication. Thanks for giving thanks for
sharing thanks for caring. From the deepest
of my heart THANK TO ALL OF YOU
MarÃa José Landeira ØstergÃ¥rd Governor 2002-2004
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