Title: Native Workplace 501c3
1Native Workplace 501(c)(3) we make a path
by walking
Green Collar Career Pathways for American Indians
and Veterans
2- NWP educates the community on Green Collar
Careers - Creating a certified workforce for a rapidly
growing - renewable industry
- Liaison for Green energy firms seeking Tribal
3Careers for Veterans in Green Energy
4Tribes are located in Solar and Wind Zones
5A workforce waiting to be created
6Ramona Band of Cahuilla Indians Tribal Energy
Project Off Grid Eco-Tourism Reservation
entirely off grid - powered by Solar and Wind
7Sacred Power Corp Native Owned SP TEL-SOL
Telecom Shelter
- Passively heated and cooled
- telecommunication shelter
- Located in remote areas with
- limited access to utilities.
- Maintenance free, fully automated,
- ready for delivery to remote sites
- www.sacredpowercorp.com
8Green Data Centers can be located on Tribal
- Tax incentives
- Employs Americans
- Opens industry to Tribal partnerships
- Federal Contracting sole source 8(a)
- Low employee turn-over rate
9Tribes with Green Energy Economic Development
Navajo Nation- New Mexico Wind and
Solar Navajo.org - navajonationepa.org Cherokee
Nation Oklahoma Wind Cherokee.org Rosebud
Lakota Sioux South Dakota Wind rosebudsiouxtrib
e-nsn.gov Blackfeet Nation Montana
Wind montanagreenpower.com
10www.NativeWorkplace.com Executive Director
Cristala Mussato-Allen 512.462.9056 Cristala_at_nati
veworkplace.com Green Technology Liaison
Michael Quirl 512.663.3685 mquirl_at_nativeworkplace