Title: Connection Details Manual ABC Project that Save Money
1Connection Details ManualABC Project that Save
Iowa DOT Accelerated Bridge Construction
Workshop August 11, 2008
Michael P. Culmo, P.E. CME Associates, East
Hartford, CT
2Roadblocks to Accelerated Construction
- The primary concerns that owner agencies have
with respect to adopting accelerated construction
techniques are - Need for Quality Details
- Durability
- Design Methodologies and Training
- Construction Methodologies
3Connections for Prefabricated Bridge Elements
and Systems
- FHWA has initiated a project to develop this
manual - This publication is intended to provide
information that will go a long way to answering
all four of the previous concerns. - Focus on details that have been used in the past.
4Project Goals
Connection Details for Prefabricated Bridge
Elements and Systems
- Gather details of Connections that have been used
on accelerated bridge construction projects - Investigate transfer of technology from other
markets into the bridge market - Parking Garages
- Stadiums
- Buildings
5- All details needs to pass a critical test
before being published in the document - Does the connection result in a rapid
construction process? - Does the connection transmit the forces between
elements effectively? - Is the connection durable?
- Has it performed well under traffic and in an
exposed environment? - Is it cost effective and easy to construct?
- If a process or connection is proprietary, can it
be incorporated into numerous projects without
producing contracting issues?
6Source of Data
- State DOTs
- Questionnaires sent via e-mail
- Federal Agencies
- International Organizations
- Researchers (previous and current)
- Producers
- Questionnaires sent via e-mail
7Manual Organization
8Connection Data Sheets
9Some Information that is available today
- PCI Northeast Bridge Technical Committee
- Guidelines for Accelerated Bridge Construction
- Available at www.pcine.org
- Framework for Prefabricated Bridge Elements and
Systems (PBES) Decision-Making - Manual on Use of Self-Propelled Modular
Transporters to Move Bridges
10Precast Abutments
11Precast Abutments
12Precast Piers
13Precast Piers
14Precast Decks on PS Beams
15Precast Decks on Steel Framing
16Precast Decks
17FRP Decks
18Grid Decks
19Partial Depth Deck Forms
20Total Bridge Prefabrication
21Total Bridge Prefabrication
22Examples Epping NH
construction of 1-07.avi
23Project Schedule
- Gather information
- Fall 2006 through Spring 2007
- Visit states that are leaders in accelerated
bridge construction - Winter 2007
- Develop manual
- Summer/Fall 2007
- Complete Manual
- Fall 2008
24Project Delivery
- The document will be available for all owners and
designers for use in future accelerated bridge
projects - Website will be established on the FHWA Highways
for Life Website - www.fhwa.dot.gov/hfl/
25Schematic Design of an Accelerated Bridge
26Case Scenario
- 4 lane bridge over an expressway
- Existing bridge has deteriorated beyond repair
- Heavy traffic on both roadways
- There is a short but undesirable detour
27Public Involvement
- Public hearing held
- Businesses do not want a long construction
process with stage construction - Businesses are not keen about a detour
- They will accept a short term closure with the
detour - As opposed to a long term staged project
28Design Options
- Build a temporary bridge to speed up construction
of the new bridge -
- Not that fast
- Build bridge along side and slide into place with
SPMTs - Definitely possible
- Does not easily solve problem with foundations
- Establish the detour and accelerate the bridge
construction to less than 30 days
29Existing Bridge
30Existing Bridge
Deck Joints
Low Clearance
31Issues with the Existing Bridge
- Minimal Underclearance
- 14-5
- Piers and abutments are close to roadway
- Spray from vehicles damaged the piers
- Leakage through deck joints
- Led to severe beam end deterioration
32Proposed Bridge
- After a formal type study, the owner opted with
the following structure criteria - Continuous steel girders (weathering steel)
- Reduce to a two span bridge
- Increase clearance by raising approach grades
(3) - Use integral abutments (no deck joints)
- Composite concrete deck
- Membrane waterproofing and Bituminous wearing
surface - Open steel railings (galvanized)
33Existing Bridge
34Proposed Bridge
35Proposed Bridge
36Features of New Bridge
- Move pier far from roadway
- Possible future widening options
- Push abutments back to top of slope
- Minimize wingwall requirements
- Use integral abutments with flying wings
- Both abutments and the pier are in a different
footprint than the existing - facilitates construction
- Eliminate spray attack on piers and abutments
- No deck joints
37How to select details
- FHWA manual Connection details for prefabricated
bridge elements and systems - Review Chapter 1
- Investigate connection types, materials,
tolerances - 2. Search applicable sections of other chapters
for details
38Section 1.4 Typical Connection Types
- After reviewing chapter 1, the owner chose the
following connection types - Grouted reinforcing splice couplers
- Quick, proven system
- Can develop full bar strength
- Simplifies the design process (similar to CIP)
- Grouted Voids
- Easy for simple connections
- Concrete Closure pours between precast elements
- Use for a limited number of connections (slower)
39Grouted Reinforcing Splice Connectors
- Emulates a reinforcing steel lap splice
- Multiple companies non-proprietary
- Used in precast parking garages and stadiums and
40Schematic Pier Design
- Footing to subgrade connection
- Section 4.1.1 Precast footing to subgrade
connection - Detail developed by New Hampshire DOT
41Data Sheet
42Footing Details
43Schematic Pier Design
- Footing to column connection
- Section Precast column to Precast Footing
connection - Detail developed by the Northeast PCI Bridge
Technical Committee based on work done in Florida - Used extensively in vertical construction
- Parking garages, stadiums and hotels
44Data Sheet
45Footing/Column Details
46Schematic Pier Design
- Column to Cap Beam connection
- Section Precast cap beam to precast
column connection - Detail used by the Florida DOT
- Edison Bridge
47Data Sheet
48Column/Cap Beam Details
49Completed Pier
Column to cap connection
Column to footing connection
Footing to subgrade connection
50Schematic Abutment Design
- Integral Abutment to precast piles
- Section Precast Integral Abutment to
Piles - Detail developed by Maine DOT
- Used on three different bridges
51Data Sheet
52Schematic Abutment Design
- Integral Abutment wall splices and wingwall
connection - Section and Precast Integral
Abutment Connections - Detail developed by the Maine DOT
- Used on three different bridges
53Data Sheet
54Abutment Cap Splices
55Schematic Abutment Design
- Approach Slab to Abutment wall connection
- Section Precast Approach Slab to Abutment
Connections - Detail developed by the New Hampshire DOT
- Based on a design used by the Maine DOT
56Data Sheet
57Completed Abutment
Approach slab connection
Flying Wingwall connection
Abutment cap connection
Pile to cap connection
58Schematic Deck Design
- Precast Full Depth deck on steel stringers
- Section Precast full depth deck to steel
stringer - Detail used by many states
- CT, NY, NH, ID, etc.
- Details proven by research and real world projects
59Data Sheet
60PC Deck to Stringer Details
61Schematic Deck Design
- Precast Full Depth deck transverse connection
- Section Connection between slab elements
- Detail also used by many states
- Post tensioned according to AASHTO
- 250 psi net (concentric)
62Data Sheets
63Data Sheets
64PC Deck Connection Details
65Schematic Deck Design
- Precast Full Depth deck longitudinal connection
- Section Connection between slab elements
- Detail also used by several states
- CT, NH
- Simple closure pour
- Accommodates crown in deck
66Data Sheet
67PC Deck connection Details
68Schematic Deck Design
- Precast Full Depth deck to curb connection
- There is a lack of crash tested precast parapets
or curbs - Use a simple cast-in-place curb
- High Early Concrete
- Can be done at the same time as the crown joint
- Continuous pour with crack control joints
69Schematic Design
- Connection of superstructure to integral abutment
- There is a need for significant tolerances at
this connection - It also has very complex geometry
- Use a simple cast-in-place pour
- High early concrete
- Forming can be done while deck is being installed
- Could use a precast backwall as a partial form
70Completed Superstructure
Longitudinal crown connection
Connection to beam
CIP Curb
Transverse slab connection
Integral Abutment Connection
Longitudinal PT
71Complete Bridge
Membrane waterproofing with bit. Wearing surface
Precast full depth composite deck
Precast Pier
Precast Integral Abutment
72Estimated Construction Schedule
- Typical New Bridge (Cost175/sf) 2,200,000
- Premium for ABC (assume 20) 440,000
- Temporary Bridge (Cost50/sf) (620,000)
- Net Savings 180,000
- Note These prices will vary greatly by region
- Florida has had very good success with precast
piers in very harsh environments - CT has had Precast full depth decks in place for
over 17 years - Crack Free Deck
- Excellent condition
- Integral abutments eliminate deck joints
75Old Adage
You can only have any two
By elimination of temporary bridges or costly
stage construction schemes, you CAN have all
76Other Cost Savings
- Reduced Bid Prices
- Standardization
- Programmatic (not one of a kind)
- Reduced project site costs (trailers, etc.)
- Reduced Maintenance Of Traffic Costs
- Inflation
- Non- Bid Savings
- Fewer Police Details
- Reduced Inspection time
- User Costs
- Plus Can be significant
- Minus Not in the budget
77FDOT Graves Avenue over I-4 Bridge Replacement -
Each new span installed in few hours overnight
I-4 closed two partial nights for installations
78FDOT Graves Avenue over I-4 Bridge Replacement -
- Costs
- Supplemental Agreement for Change Order to
existing contract 570,000 - Benefits
- Graves Avenue detour from 12 to 8 months, in time
for start of school - I-4 lane closures from 32 nights to 4 nights
- Delay-related user cost savings of 2.2M
79UDOT 4500 South over I-215E Bridge Replacement -
4-lane, 173-ft long, 1,750 ton span installed
over weekend
with no Impact to rush-hour traffic
80UDOT 4500 South over I-215E Bridge Replacement -
- Costs
- Additional 800,000 for use of SPMTs
- Benefits
- I-215E closed 53 hours over a weekend (versus
6-month conventional construction) - 4500 South Bridge closed 10 days
- Delay-related user cost savings of 4M
81NJDOT Rt. 1 over Olden/Mulberry Span Replacements
New Jerseys 1st Hyperbuild Project
Elevation of new Route 1 Bridges over Mulberry
Replaced 3 spans in 3 weekends
82NJDOT Rt. 1 over Olden/Mulberry Span Replacements
- Costs
- 3.5M low bid compared to engineers estimate of
3.8M (8 savings) - Benefits
- Each bridge opened in less than 57 hours
- 3 spans over 3 weekends (6 days vs. 22 mo.)
- No impact to peak-hour traffic
- Anticipated 75-100 year life (vs. 50 years)
- 2M design/construction savings incl. user cost
- It is possible to build a complete bridge in 30
days (or less) - The FHWA manual provides a starting point for a
complete bridge prefabrication project - You do not need to sacrifice quality to get rapid
construction - By eliminating a temporary bridge or staging, you
could save money on an accelerated bridge project - ABC can lead to a significant reduction in user