Title: Luigi Piro IASF-INAF Rome
1Luigi PiroIASF-INAFRome
Lighthouses throughout the Universe Cosmology
with GRB
2The brightest AND most distant sources
E(iso) up to 1053-1054 erg in few seconds
3X-ray cosmology with GRB
- Tomography of the Universe
- Study the evolution of metals star formation
with z - The X-ray forest WHIM
- Dark energy and extension of SN results at zgt1
- Identify high-z GRB and their obscured host
galaxies (X-rays and gamma-rays pierce through)
at z7-20 when the first stars galaxies formed
4X-ray Tomography with GRB
5X-ray absorption in the GRB local environment
- X-ray absorption column densities in the
afterglow NH1021-22 cm-2 (Stratta et al 2000,
Campana et al 2006) - Consistent with NH in Giant Molecular clouds
6Tomography of the Universe I
- Map the metal evolution vs z
Simulations of X-ray edges produced by metals
(Si, S, Ar, Fe) by a medium with column density
NH5 1022 cm-2 and solar-like abundances in the
host galaxy of a bright GRB at z5., as observed
ESTREMO-WFXRT with an observation starting 60 s
after the main pulse and lasting 60 ksec
7Tomography of the Universe II WHIM and the X-ray
- From models most of the baryons in the locat
(zlt1-2) Universe in hot or warm filamentary
structures heated by the gravitational pull of DM
- Observational evidence X-ray absorption line in
the spectrum of bright nearby quasars (e.g.
Nicastro et al 2005)
8 Dark matter WHIM X-ray forest
Structure simulation from Cen Ostriker (1999)
Simulations of WHIM absorption features from OVII
as expected from filaments (at different z, with
EW0.2-0.5 eV from Hellsten et al 98) in the
l.o.s. toward a GRB with Fluence4 10-6 as
observed with ESTREMO-WFXRT (in 100 ksec). About
10 of GRB (10 events per year per 3sr). See
poster by Corsi et al
9GRB as standard candles new rulers to measure
the Universe
- Ghirlanda et al 2004, Amati et al 2002
10Dark GRB and the dark Universe
- About 20 of GRB are Dark (no optical afterglow)
- Very high extinction in dusty environment
- High z events (Ly alpha forest absorption at zgt5)
11GRB050908 z6.3
- Mission profile
- Wide field monitor in the X/hard-X range to
localize transients - Fast (lt1 min) autonomous follow-up
observations with X-ray telescope (2000 cm2) with - High resolution X-ray spectroscopy (0.1-10
keV range, 2eV resolution below 2 keV with TES
microcalorimeters) - wider field (30-60) for imaging with
5-10 resolution (CCD) for extended faint
structures and cluster survey - Low background 600 km equatorial orbit
(as BeppoSAX) - Trade-off study driven by scientific requirements
is being carried out
13Scientific drivers of ESTREMO/WFXRT
- X-ray cosmology
- GRB as cosmological beacons
- Study of Cosmological structures in X-Rays WHIM
and Clusters (high resolution spectroscopy and
wide imaging in emission) - Extreme physics of transient phenomena in the
Universe (Black Holes, GRB engines and