Title: AllerAir
- The safest most effective
- air cleaning technology
- available today
2We invite you to become an indoor air quality
- Outline the importance of indoor air quality
- Describe the growing market for air cleaners
- Lay out the advantages of AllerAir high
efficiency filtration technology
- Introduce you to our extensive line of air
- Present examples of your sales documents
- Summarize the main selling points
3The Importance of Indoor Air Quality Today
- Since the energy crisis of the 1970s homes and
- buildings have become more and more
- While these measures have succeeded in reducing
energy consumption they have resulted in staler
indoor air
- The EPA has noted that indoor air is 2 to 5
- times more polluted than outdoor air
- The EPA classifies indoor air quality as the
number one air pollution problem today
At AllerAir we are dedicated to bringing you
healthy indoor air
4As a result of this increase in indoor air
- Asthma has increased threefold in the last twenty
years and is now the leading cause of death in
young children
- Allergies afflict one out of every three people
- Mold is an increasingly important health hazard
- The Mayo clinic reports that almost
- all sinus problems are caused by
- airborne mold toxins
- Chemicals in common household
- products are triggering cases of
- Multiple Chemical Syndrome
5The growing market for air cleaners
- Awareness of the hazards of contaminated indoor
air is increasing.
- News reports about asthma, allergies, sinus
problems, mold, sick building syndrome appear
- A huge market is in its infancy. You have an
excellent opportunity to be in at the beginning
- The market can be divided into two parts
1. Consumers who know they need an air cleaner
and are comparison shopping
2. Consumers who do not yet know that they
need an air cleaner to relieve respiratory
problems and improve their long term health
6Consumers who are looking for an air cleaner
- Off the shelf air cleaners will not do the job.
They are cheaper but are encased in plastic and
dont have a serious gas filtration
- Ozone cleaners are a serious health hazard. The
EPA has warned that ozone damages the lining of
the lungs and is carcinogenic
- Electrostatic cleaners need constant expensive
maintenance to stay effective
- Compared to other Carbon and HEPA air cleaners
AllerAir offers more features, more options at
less cost
AllerAirs combination of Carbon and HEPA
filtration is the safest, most effective air
cleaning system available today
7Clients who dont know they need an air cleaner
- Contaminated indoor air is the most serious
pollution problem today
- Indoor air is the source of those headaches,
stuffy noses, dry throats, itchy eyes and general
- A major cause of Allergies and Asthma and other
respiratory ailments today is poor indoor air
- Airborne mold spores and mycotoxins are the
source of most sinus problems and mycotoxins are
- Dangerous airborne chemicals such as formaldehyde
are given off by new construction, new furniture
and paint
Invest in pure air and better health for you and
your family with an AllerAir High Efficiency air