Title: Chapter Two Algorithm Analysis
1Chapter TwoAlgorithm Analysis
- Empirical vs. theoretical
- Space vs. time
- Worst case vs. Average case
- Upper, lower, or tight bound
- Determining the runtime of programs
- What about recursive programs?
2Whats the runtime?
- int n
- cin gtgt n
- for (int i0 iltn i)
- for (int j0 jltn j)
- for (int k0 kltn k)
- cout ltlt Hello world!\n
O(n3) runtime
What if the last line is replaced by string
snew string(Hello world!\n)
O(n3) time and space
3Resource Analysis
- Runtime wed like to count the steps but that
would be machine dependent -
- Space we may also be interested in space usage
- ? ignore constant factors, use O() notation
- ? count steps equivalent to machine language
instructions - ? count the bytes used
4Asymptotic notation
- g(n) is said to be O(f(n)) if there exist
constants c and n0 such that g(n) lt c f(n) for
all n gt n0 - g(n) is said to be W(f(n)) if there exist
positive constants c and n0 such that 0 lt c f(n)
lt g(n) for all n gt n0 - g(n) is said to be Q(f(n)) if g(n) O(f(n)) and
g(n) W(f(n)) - O like lt for functions (asymptotically
speaking) - W like gt
- Q like
- ? for all n gt n0
- ? ignore constant factors, lower order terms
5Asymptotic notation examples
- Asymptotic runtime, in terms of O, W, Q?
- Suppose the runtime for a function is
- n2 2n log n 40
- 0.0000001 n2 1000000n1.999
- n3 n2 log n
- n2.0001 n2 log n
- 2n 100 n2
- 1.00001n 100 n97
6Asymptotic comparisons
- 0.0000001 n2 O(1000000n1.999 )?
- n1.000001 O(n log n)?
- 1.0001n O(n943)?
- lg n Q(ln n)?
- (Compare the limit of the quotient of the
No a polynomial with a higher power dominates
one with a lower power
No all polynomials (n.000001) dominate any
polylog (log n)
No all exponentials dominate any polynomial
Yes different bases are just a constant factor
7Whats the runtime?
- int n
- cin gtgt n
- for (int i0 iltn i)
- for (int j0 jltn j)
- for (int k0 kltn k)
- cout ltlt Hello world!\n
- for (int i0 iltn i)
- for (int j0 jltn j)
- for (int k0 kltn k)
- cout ltlt Hello world!\n
Q(n3) Q(n3) Q(n3) Statements or blocks in
sequence add
8Whats the runtime?
- int n
- cin gtgt n
- for (int i0 iltn i)
- for (int jn jgt1 j/2)
- cout ltlt Hello world!\n
Loops add up cost of each iteration (multiply
loop cost by number of iterations if they all
take the same time) log n iterations of n steps
? Q(n log n)
9Whats the runtime?
- int n
- cin gtgt n
- for (int i0 iltn i)
- for (int j0 jlti j)
- cout ltlt Hello world!\n
Loops add up cost of each iteration 1 2 3
n n(n1)/2 O(n2)
10Whats the runtime?
- template ltclass Itemgt
- void insert(Item a, int l, int r)
- int i
- for (ir igtl i--) compexch(ai-1,ai)
- for (il2 iltr i)
- int ji Item vai
- while (vltaj-1)
- aj aj-1 j--
- aj v
11Whats the runtime?
- void myst(int n)
- if (nlt100)
- for (int i0 iltn i)
- for (int j0 jltn j)
- for (int k0 kltn k)
- cout ltlt Hello world!\n
- else
- for (int i0 iltn i)
- for (int j0 jltn j
- cout ltlt Hello world!\n
12Estimate the runtime
- Suppose an algorithm has runtime Q(n3)
- suppose solving a problem of size 1000 takes 10
seconds. How long to solve a problem of size
10000? - Suppose an algorithm has runtime Q(n log n)
- suppose solving a problem of size 1000 takes 10
seconds. How long to solve a problem of size
runtime 10-8 n3 if n10000, runtime 10000s
runtime 10-3 n lg n if n10000, runtime 133 secs
13Worst vs. average case
- You might be interested in worst, best, or
average case analysis of an algorithm - You can have upper, lower, or tight bounds on
each of those functions. - Eg. For each n, some problem instances of size n
have runtime n and some have runtime n2. - Worst case
- Best case
- Average case
Q(n2), W(n), W(log n), O(n2), O(n3)
W(n), W(log n), O(n2), Q(n)
W(n), W(log n), O(n2), O(n3)
Average case need to know distribution of inputs
14The Taxpayer Problem
- Tax time is coming up. The IRS needs to process
tax forms. How to access and update each
taxpayers info? - ADT?
- ADT Dictionary find(x), insert(x), delete(x)
- Implementation?
15Array Implementation
- Insert(x)
- Find(k)
- Delete(I)
Time for n Operations?
RecordsnumRecs x Runtime
For (I0 IltnumRecs I) if (recordsI.key
k) return I Runtime
recordsIrecords--numRecs Runtime
16Sorted Array Implementation
- int bot1, topnumRecs-1, mid
- while (bot lt top)
- mid (bot top)/2
- if (datamidx) return mid
- if (datamidltx) topmid-1 else botmid1
- return 1
17Analysis of Binary Search
- How many steps to search among n items?
- Number of items eliminated at each step?
- Definition of lg(x)?
- Runtime?
O(log n)
18Sorted Array, cont.
- Insert(x)?
- Delete(x)?
- Time for n insert, delete, and find ops?
19Which implementation is better?
- find(x) insert(x) delete(x)
- Array
- S. Array
- Worst case for n operations?
- Array
- Sorted Array
O(n) O(1) O(1)
O(log n) O(n) O(n)
What if some operations are more frequent than
20Molecule viewer example
- Java demos molecule viewer
- Example1
- Example2
- Example3
21Molecule Viewer Source Snippet
- /
- I use a bubble sort since from one iteration
to the next, the sort - order is pretty stable, so I just use what I
had last time as a - "guess" of the sorted order. With luck, this
reduces O(N log N) - to O(N)
- /
- for (int i nvert - 1 --i gt 0)
- boolean flipped false
- for (int j 0 j lt i j)
- int a zsj
- int b zsj 1
- if (va 2 gt vb 2)
- zsj 1 a
- zsj b
- flipped true
- if (!flipped) break
22Merge sort runtime?
- void mergesort(first, last)
- if (last-first gt 1)
- mid(last-first)/2 first
- mergesort(first, mid)
- mergesort(mid1,last)
- merge(first, mid, last)
T(n) 2T(n/2) c n T(1) b
Called a recurrence relation
23Recurrence relations
- In Discrete Math youll learn how to solve
these. - In this class well say Look it up.
- But you will be responsible for knowing how to
write down a recurrence relation for the runtime
of a program.
Divide-and-conquer algorithms like merge sort
that divide problem size by 2 and use O(n) time
to conquer T(n) 2T(n/2) c n have runtime
O(n log n)
24Hanoi runtime?
- void hanoi(n, from, to, spare
- if (n gt 0)
- hanoi(n-1,from,spare,to)
- cout ltlt from ltlt ltlt to ltlt endl
- hanoi(n-1,spare,to,from)
T(n) 2T(n-1) c T(0) b
Look it up T(n) O(2n)
25Hanoi recurrence solution
- T(n)2T(n-1)c
- T(n-1) 2T(n-2) c
- T(n-2) 2T(n-3) c
- _______
- T(n) 2T(n-1) c
- 2 2T(n-2) c c
- 22 T(n-2) 2 c c
- 23 T(n-3) 22 c 21 c 20 c
- 2k T(n-k) 2k-1 c 2k-2 c 21 c 20
c - 2k T(n-k) c(2k 1)
- Done when n-k0 since we know T(0).
- T(n) 2n b c 2n - c
- Q(2n)
26Binary Search recurrence?
- Recurrence relation?
- T(n)T(n/2)c T(1) b
- Look it up Q(log n)